Check Out Destiny's New Live Action Trailer


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
The trailer isn't bad, but the dialogue feels rushed, as if they stitched the audio way too close together. I can understand as this is probably going to be a TV spot, but I'd like to see another version where the characters talk at a more natural pace.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
This trailer was fun in the way that Call of Duty trailers are fun. It reminds me that Bungie is still working for Activision. However, the Beta was super awesome and not even an influx of idiots who bought the game solely for this trailer is going to change the fact that this game will be really fun.

Plus, all you Halo haters are confusing me. Destiny is WAY more different than Halo in comparison to how different Halo:Reach was to Halo:3. The fact that Bungie ripped themselves away from Microsoft so they could start a new story in a whole new universe shows that while they may be sticking to what they know best, they're not about to rest on their laurels and churn out sequels ad nauseum like a lot of other studios.

This is something I've been confused about for a while. Most of the arguments for why Halo is bad is either not its fault (the people who play it), or hailed as a great thing in other games (unique weapons, varied enemies/encounters, open environments that offer different options for completing the objective, great music). And now people are saying Bungie is unoriginal for NOT making a sequel like everyone else does.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Good trailer IMO.
Decent CGI, awesome props, enthusiastic music and alright banter. I really see nothing wrong here.

Looking forward traveling beyond old Russia.

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
So I ignored this trailer when it came out because I expected it was just a fun little cheesy live-action bit. Naw. They got Zeppelin. That alone makes this trailer worth your two and a half minutes. Then there was the fun little cheesy live-action bit that was enjoyable to watch. And kinda helped me get excited for the game again.