Cheek biting while gaming and suggestions on how to stop.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
Accidentally chewing your cheek is both startling and painful... though i never chew on my cheeks just because they are there
How are you alive if you do not have water on your desk?

Appropriate captcha: heartache


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Vicarious Reality said:
How are you alive if you do not have water on your desk?
People don't need THAT much water to survive. Not having a sip of drink at immediate disposal at every time hasn't killed enough people for it to be known as a real hazard to the health.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Vicarious Reality said:
How are you alive if you do not have water on your desk?
It's actually quite a weird thing, as I cannot go long without a drink. Unless I'm gaming, apparently. I can drink a gallon of water/tea/whatever in no time at all, but when I play, I can go hours without really needing anything.

But I'm making a conscious effort to keep a large bottle of water nearby my desk and even in just the past day, keeping the biting in my conscious thoughts has helped tremendously. Though the swelling from recently is still causing a problem. When that goes down it might be easier.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I chew on my inner mouth constantly and have since I was a kid. I honestly I don't really think much of it I guess you just need to practise restraint and not chew areas that are beginning to cut too deep and get injured though I know it can be hard when you have a little flap so tempting to try and pull off.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Drathnoxis said:
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
Drathnoxis said:
Suck on a soother.

Edit: Oh wait, someone already made that suggestion and was serious about it?
Yeah I made that suggestion, and was serious about it, so what of it?
An adult sucking on a soother is going to be universally mocked by everybody that they know. This goes the same for bibs, diapers, baby food, etc. Babies are utterly incompetent and pathetic, so anything associated with babies is associated with the inability to care for one's self. For almost everybody, this is an embarrassing state to have been in and so every effort is made to disassociate from that state, even in childhood. An adult that is seen still relying on such items is going to have their mental capacity seriously questioned.

To cut things short, being caught using a pacifier is a good way to instantly lose a lot of respect from pretty much everybody around you.
Interesting, considering how many people I knew in the rave scene that would voluntarily take pacifiers with them to the shows. The oral stimulation was quite the popular thing.

And I would challenge your statement that "An adult sucking on a soother is going to be universally mocked by everybody that they know." As I wouldn't mock them. I don't know about you, but pretty much all of my friends are weird in some way (so am I), and I certainly don't hold it against them, or expect them to hold mine against me.

And I love how you say adults who use diapers would have their mental capacity questioned. Clearly you don't know much about many various physical ailments that can effect bladder/bowel control, and would require an adult diaper. Why, they're even marketed as such, and have nothing to do with someone's mental capacity.

OT: Maybe get a mouth guard? Though I would think that is a temporary fix at best. Learning to not do that unconcious behavior would be the better course of action.

capcha: you are happy why yes capcha, i am, thank you for noticing