Cheeky Nandos - the most fun you can have with an American

Danny Dowling

New member
May 9, 2014
Beffudled Sheep said:
I love you guys.
Seriously, this thread has made me laugh harder than I have in months!

Be careful though, if we Americans decide that this so called "cheeky nandos" is awesome then we might decide to bring some "FREEDOM" to your countries.
please don't 'liberate' our cheeky Nandos
Aug 31, 2012
Beffudled Sheep said:
I love you guys.
Seriously, this thread has made me laugh harder than I have in months!

Be careful though, if we Americans decide that this so called "cheeky nandos" is awesome then we might decide to bring some "FREEDOM" to your countries.
You do have Nandos. However, I doubt they are very cheeky.

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
NiPah said:
I don't understand, whats a Nando?
Well bruv, you're going to town living life on the lash with the mates. It's a great time with great guys, but it's time to eat. You mate Rob, top bloke, he suggests Maccy D's and everyone's like 'yes mate!". Nothing wrong with quicky quarter pounder. but then Gav, fuckin ledge and archbishop of banterburry that he is steps in and says "lads, cheeky nandos". Absolute top lad, and we smash the nandos.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Why the fuck is everyone talking like an episode of Geordie Shore in here?

Also is "ledge" an insult? Or just a thing you say to everyone regardless what you think of them, kind of like the way you call everyone "****" all the time?


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
Aerosteam said:
Zombie_Fish said:
How to tell that this is a fake cheeky Nandos story: There's not ledge in your crew called Gazza.
There was a real guy in my circle of friends I had in high school we called Gazza (or Gary), I didn't want to cross the streams of reality and avin banter.
Fair enough. Tearing apart the fabric of space and time by crossing the streams of banter and reality, thus collapsing the universe into a single infinitesimal point, is not a banterrific story.

Danny Dowling

New member
May 9, 2014
Fat_Hippo said:
Why the fuck is everyone talking like an episode of Geordie Shore in here?

Also is "ledge" an insult? Or just a thing you say to everyone regardless what you think of them, kind of like the way you call everyone "****" all the time?
a ledge is a legend. you're clearly not a ledge for not knowing that.

i doubt you're a bantersaurous rex either.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
NiPah said:
I don't understand, whats a Nando?
Bruv, it's like when u n the lads have just got off the plane back from Magaluf and you're proper Hank Marvin so you're like "let's pop to Maccy D's for some chips and a McFlurry lads", but then your bezzi mate Ryan, who's an absolute ledge and the Banter of The Opera says "nah brevs let's have us a cheeky Nandos instead", and you go "oh Ry mate, that's fuckin sound you absolute ****" and you have a night of some top quality bantz.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Danny Dowling said:
Fat_Hippo said:
Why the fuck is everyone talking like an episode of Geordie Shore in here?

Also is "ledge" an insult? Or just a thing you say to everyone regardless what you think of them, kind of like the way you call everyone "****" all the time?
a ledge is a legend. you're clearly not a ledge for not knowing that.

i doubt you're a bantersaurous rex either.
You're right, I'm not a ledge, not a bantersaurus rex, not the archbishop of banterbury, and I've never had any nandos, cheeky or otherwise.

It's like, what am I even doing with my life?


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Simskiller said:
Barbas said:
NiPah said:
I don't understand, whats a Nando?
I think it's some kind of chicken joint in the UK - it's the one that isn't KFC.

This is probably why English is the weirdest language I have ever heard.
Wait UK? I read all this as from an aussie.
To be fair, Nando's is also found in Australia.
It's better than KFC, but... Eh. I don't much care for chicken.

Cheeky nando's? XD
Lol. Yeah right...
Way to go internet.
Way to go.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
ThreeName said:
Simskiller said:
Wait UK? I read all this as from an aussie.
Nah champ, this is all Pommy-speak. Here's the true blue version:

Righto mate it?s like this, you?re havin? a sunday sesh gettin fuckin? maggot with the boys, havin? a right piss up and it?s fully sick. Daveo and Steveo are settin up the barbie to cook some snags but ya fuckin? gas bottle?s carked it! Bazza?s like who?s keen for a maccas run but you had maccas for brekky and Tommo had it this arvo. Then Archie, the fuckin? mad **** he is, goes hey boys I?ll be DD, piles us into the commodore (SSV cuz he?s on big mobs of cash doin FIFO) and we all cruise down to Nandos for a feed.
Bahahaha. Oh, that was priceless.
What, with having come back to Australia after 8 years in the UK that is just...
Yeah. That's it alright. Or close enough.

Me? I never got the hang of that kinda stuff. Neither the UK variety, nor the ozzie slang.
Well, aside from a handful of swearwords maybe... XD

AT God

New member
Dec 24, 2008
I watch a few British panel shows (as an American) and I am under the impression that Nandos (probably spelled wrong) is a Curry restaurant, and curry restaurants are a fairly common thing in Britannia. I honestly couldn't tell you what curry is, I thought it was a spice but I see references to it on panel shows as being some dip thingy, with giant cracker thingies with a name I am too embarrassed to even attempt to spell (pop-a-nums?). Cheeky is a term I think I understand in context but feel too ignorant to attempt to define here.

With all that in mind, my assumption is that having a cheeky nandos, in the context of the OP's image thingy is that people were contemplating getting some form of curry food, and then one person suggested, in some sly fashion, to visit Nandos to satisfy their craving.

How horribly incorrect am I? Regardless, having never heard of this cheeky nandos thing before reading the OP, I am instantly fascinated, especially by the sentences presented in the picture (Banterbury is just funny).

Danny Dowling

New member
May 9, 2014
AT God said:
I watch a few British panel shows (as an American) and I am under the impression that Nandos (probably spelled wrong) is a Curry restaurant, and curry restaurants are a fairly common thing in Britannia. I honestly couldn't tell you what curry is, I thought it was a spice but I see references to it on panel shows as being some dip thingy, with giant cracker thingies with a name I am too embarrassed to even attempt to spell (pop-a-nums?). Cheeky is a term I think I understand in context but feel too ignorant to attempt to define here.

With all that in mind, my assumption is that having a cheeky nandos, in the context of the OP's image thingy is that people were contemplating getting some form of curry food, and then one person suggested, in some sly fashion, to visit Nandos to satisfy their craving.

How horribly incorrect am I? Regardless, having never heard of this cheeky nandos thing before reading the OP, I am instantly fascinated, especially by the sentences presented in the picture (Banterbury is just funny).
Nandos is chicken


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
CrystalShadow said:
To be fair, Nando's is also found in Australia.
It's better than KFC, but... Eh. I don't much care for chicken.
I don't buy meat, but Nando's is actually really good for veggie options. Love the place.



don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Silvanus said:
CrystalShadow said:
To be fair, Nando's is also found in Australia.
It's better than KFC, but... Eh. I don't much care for chicken.
I don't buy meat, but Nando's is actually really good for veggie options. Love the place.

Vegies mate? You havin' a laugh or something? ...

Phahaha. No, I can't do it. That slang just makes me feel weird... XD

Still though... Meh. Vegetables... Don't know how people eat that stuff. ;p


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Danny Dowling said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
I love you guys.
Seriously, this thread has made me laugh harder than I have in months!

Be careful though, if we Americans decide that this so called "cheeky nandos" is awesome then we might decide to bring some "FREEDOM" to your countries.
please don't 'liberate' our cheeky Nandos
We don't need no liberatin' yanks down here on our extra cheeky Nados!

'Cause, ya see, it'll be you and the crew of bantable lads gettin' right proper fucked up on some goon in Damo's yard, gettin' real proper maggoted, right? That's right when Darren says to leave Damo and his bangers behind and go into town for a proper night of bants and maccas. The whole crew of the HMS Bant-at-Sea pile into Steveo's commodore with his fully sick speakers blastin' it. You pull a burnout as ya roll up to the maccas in town only to see that some dickhead's gone proper mad ****, now the bluelight brigade are blockin' up the place and your happy meal with extra banter is gone. But then Gav turns and crowns himself top ledge as he says, "How 'bout a cheeky nados then?"

That's why we don't need liberatin'. ya yankee cunts.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
CrystalShadow said:
Vegies mate? You havin' a laugh or something? ...

Phahaha. No, I can't do it. That slang just makes me feel weird... XD

Still though... Meh. Vegetables... Don't know how people eat that stuff. ;p
Bah! That's not all we eat!

You had grilled Halloumi? It's nicer than chicken. Bruv. Put that with some fancy 'shroom like Portobello, piri piri, dayum.


New member
Dec 31, 2011
This thread just... X-D


Now I think about it though I think I've only been to Nando's once in my entire life. I don't know why I've not been back there, it was nice.

Silvanus said:
You had grilled Halloumi? It's nicer than chicken. Bruv. Put that with some fancy 'shroom like Portobello, piri piri, dayum.
I am an incredibly carnivorous person but Halloumi (either grilled or fried) is the food of the gods.