Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Sells Over A Million Copies


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Ftaghn To You Too said:
You shut your mouth! Warband is still the best melee system out there, in depth, realism, and fun, even in multiplayer, and even with all the shirtless Swabians running around spamming two handers, and even with being almost dead and all!
As much as I love M&B Warband, the vanilla multiplayer blows. It wasn't well done. It's really the mods that make the multiplayer any good and even then, most of the mods play that well. (Looking at you cRPG mod...) The Napoleonic Wars DLC is probably one of the best MP DLCs added to a game though. M&B's combat system is excellent for single player, but for multiplayer its not responsive enough


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Matey said:
warband has the best multi.. you just need to play the mod cRPG. granted the average skill level in cRPG is so high now that it is a bit daunting for new players but it is hands down the best melee game out there... even with all them jerks on horses or using ranged weps!
cRPG is kind of overrated. It added the customization that the multiplayer needed but its really giant mob vs. giant mob. I think cRPG could do with smaller match sizes.

Lord Garnaat

New member
Apr 10, 2012
Nice to see some new stuff coming to one of my favorite new games, and some success for the developers. I still hope that they release some new maps and incentives to level-up, though. I can only attack the same three castles so many times!

CrossLOPER said:
I question the wisdom of working on cosmetics when this game has a bit of an issue with its hitboxes.

Hasn't stopped me from playing. I'm playing until it goes f2p and turns into yet another brony hellhole like tf2.
Don't think we won't do it! All your games are ours!


New member
Dec 31, 2010
If only I could actually play this game. I picked up a copy for me and a friend to play together during the Steam sale only to discover that neither of us could actually get the game to start without crashing at the first screen.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
This is nice to hear. It isn't my favourite game in the world (I'm a strategy game guy), but it certainly is a lot of fun.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Man if only the game didn't feel like a beta, this would be great.

I will not be satisfied until I can type in duel mode without whatever I'm typing being erased when I'm being placed into a new duel.

And I wish they'd balance knights to be more useful than not at all.

But hey, pretty colors.

Lord Garnaat

New member
Apr 10, 2012
CrossLOPER said:
Lord Garnaat said:
Don't think we won't do it! All your games are ours!
If your plan is to fill multiplayer gamers with such absolute disgust that they turn away from mp and force developers to focus on a better sp experience, go ahead.
Hooray! Everyone wins!