Choo Choo! All Aboard The Hype Train!


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Dragon Age Inquisition ...

Yeah, this is all because I'm a fan of the series. Dragon Age: Origins grabbed me with it's story, characters, and style. The Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening was a great expansion that added big parts to the story, and even small little things to the gameplay. It was somewhat similar to the main story, but you by the end of the main story, you wanted more! With this and other DLC, the Dragon Age series become something very close to me.

Going down the line, there was Dragon Age II. We all know this was a infamous game that people were way hard on. Sure, it was a big disappointment and dumbed many things down, but it was still playable and enjoyable. As I said though, it was still a big drop for DA. Especially since it turned into a thing over here on the Escapist, with Greg Tito's review.

Yet, still I am a fan of the series, and I will always be, hopefully. I have played both games many, many times, and I love the story, lore, and characters.

So Inquisition right?
My hopes are high, and they are ever soaring.
I only hope that Bioware/the Dragon Age team will deliver.
Especially with "The Grand Return of the Dual Wielding Warrior!"


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Well I don't see how you can say over-hyped when you're looking forward to a series that usually does exactly what you want. I mean, I was super hyped for SSB Brawl, because I played Melee to death for about 8 years straight. I knew it would be very similar, but it is exactly what I've been waiting for. Unfortunately, That turned out very sour though.

Unless you mean that it's hyped up like "The Citizen Cane of Gaming" or some absolute shit. Then no.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I got pretty excited about The Division, but then Watch_Dogs happened and I realised that whenever they showed The Division, there was never any playable demos, only ever a stage demo, much like both Watch_Dogs and Aliens: Colonial Marines. I have since stepped off the hype train for pretty much any Ubisoft game that doesn't have a playable demo, so I am pretty safe with the new Rainbow Six.

I was also pretty excited for Destiny too, then they announced that it would not be coming to PC and how similar it looked to Halo in terms of the setting and the enemies. Immediately derailed it for me.

Probably the most extreme case of hype for me was Halo: Reach. I got so excited that I blew £120 on the Legendary edition to then discover that the game was not the Halo sequel that I wanted. It wasn't a bad game per se, but it wasn't worth the £120. Goddamn. I had more money than sense.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Ever since I had the internet I haven't really bought into hype any more. I do my own research. Read about features, watch gameplay, read/listen to at least half a dozen different reviews of places other than major sites, etc. Then finally make a decision on my own. If I still want the game, I still won't buy it at launch. I always wait a bit and see how it goes. Well, apart from some exceptions. For instance, I do trust CD Projekt Red, but only because they haven't done anything to betray that trust yet, and I liked both of their other Witcher games. So I plan to buy W3 at launch.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
delta4062 said:
Catfood220 said:
Sniper Team 4 said:
Hm...I'm not sure. I think the biggest would have been Aliens: Colonial Marines.
I can pick this up for £3 - £5 in many places now, is it worth picking up at that price even if it is to experience the awful?

Well, I recently wrote an essay about how The Last of Us got a lot better after it had disappointed me and had been released from my crushingly high expectations.

I was really hyped about Watch Dogs until a couple of weeks before release and then stuff started leaking out about it which pretty much poured water on my expectations. Decent reviews actually got me to buy the game at launch. I regret that now.
Colonial Marines is an enjoyable game. People were just butthurt over the game not being like the E3 demo. It's be no means a bad game and people really need to stop treating it like the plague.
For that price, I think any game that you are remotely interested in is worth picking up. The only exception would be if the game is actually broken, and Colonial Marines is not broken. It's just...bad (despite what the person beneath you said). Very generic, ugly levels, terrible enemy A.I. (insulting A.I. if you hold the Aliens to their movie standards), a storyline that raises a lot of questions that it doesn't bother answering, and despite the fact that you are part of a three-hundred-plus Marine force, you spend ninety-seven percent of the game alone or with one or two unkillable Marines who suck. You can find dog tags of fallen Marines and read the descriptions, and when you do you will go, "That sounds awesome! How come I don't get to play that?" And the final boss? You kill it by pushing buttons. No shooting.

For the best experience, I would suggest setting the game either on hard or Ultimate Badass, because then there are places where the sheer number of Xenos coming at you raises the tension and does make the game enjoyable. Also, they did nail the sound of the pulse rifle, which makes it really fun to shoot.


New member
May 23, 2012
Star Wars: The Old Republic

"Bioware storytelling in the Old Republic era, led by James Ohlen, the man behind Baldur's Gate? How could this possibly go wrong?"

Then we had the screenshots where things like the lightsaber hilt looked like soda cans superglued to the hand or how the environments were always showing angles that seemed big, but were actually just showing off the 2D skybox to give the illusion of size.

And I mean it just went down from there. I played it religiously when it released and by the second month I was disappointed by how little there was to do at 50. One raid, a smattering of flashpoints, and a second raid that wasn't even finished at launch, with only the first boss ready to be fought.

Pretty sad when I quit it after waiting years for it to come out but it was a sobering experience. I try to see behind the developer, pre-launch talk now when it comes to games.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
I got fallout 3 because people were nuts about it at the time.

It's mostly trudging through a huge wasteland with nothing to do except kill bugs and the inevitable zombies. And the fact that the ending just permanently takes a character unless you buy DLC is bullshit by the way because other sandbox games don't do that.

There were moments, sure, but it was just so boring. The mini nuke launcher is fun, but there is rarely ammo for the thing unless you know some obscure secrets. The rest of the time is just getting injured to parts you just healed and being out of stimpaks all the time. Stimpaks which everyone else insists is easy to find and yet I can barely find any on easy mode. And dying and more dying and dying even more. It just wasn't that great.

Victim of Progress

New member
Jul 11, 2011
Everything that is happening in TF2. Valve does an amazing job of running the hype train at full speed. We just had the "Love and War" update. And I look forward to whatever they are going to come up next. Most likely End of the Line, TF2 VS TFC or the Moonbase Update. And the continuation of the TF2 story-line in general


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I used to follow hype. I kind of miss it, but recent events have killed that. The closest thing I get to hype is when I see a game with awesome artsy (or anime-ish) visuals. Still, that often gets killed when I subsequently look it up online and find out how it actually plays.


New member
May 17, 2010
I would get involved with hype except that I try to avoid all information about a game (other than it's release date) prior to release. All media is a lot more fun for me the less I know about it prior to the experience.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I'm not sure what you mean.

GodEater said:
This is a subject that I might get some flack for, but has anyone ever bought into the hype generated by big-name titles even when they knew it was over-hyped?
Do you mean you know they won't be super-great, but get excited anyway? Because you hope for the best?

I mean, there are games I'll get excited for because the people behind it are good and have made good games in the past.
And there are games I will buy without reading reviews, like Ace Attorney or Pokemon.

Because I know it will at least be good, if not the greatest thing ever.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
After loving the shit out of Dragon Age Origins, I was pumped for DA2. So much that I ignored the fact that the demo was set on Shit Mountain, and that the game looked like a pile of ass. I bought it at full price, and I only played through it once.
You and me both.
That one surely taught me to not get hyped about a game. Man, looking back at it it was incredible how stupid i was just from loving Origins so much.
I saw how shitty the game looked before it was released and not only ignored it, but even defended it valiantly against much smarter people on forums that took a look at it and said: "Dude, that looks shit!". I had loved Origins so much and never had a bioware game that i didn't at least like before, so i couldn't think that they might fail at this.
It's amazing how quickly your view on a company can change though.
I went from "There's no way they won't make an amazing game!" to "Well, i am most certainly excited to see how they fuck it up this time!"


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Definitely Dragon Age: Inquisition. I was more of a Mass Effect kind of guy, as the Dragon Age games have never really done it for me. I like the characters but don't really connect or remember many of the side ones (seriously, I had no idea who Cullen was for the longest time), graphically I liked ME more, and I liked the setting and combat better as well. Not the biggest fantasy fan unless they sort of change up the races or something (which they sort of do, so I'm still interested).

Was never even really a big fan of Origins or its expansion. I mean, I could tell it was a good game, but it didn't grab me. Awakening had a cooler story, but again, I was meh. Dragon Age 2 came along, and while I loved the improve combat and the potential of the story (a personal one involving the main character's time over a course of several years), it clearly needed some more work. I liked it better than Origins, but I recognized that it was a messier/worse game.

But I don't know...something about Inquisition really gets me revved up. Maybe its just that I'm craving for a long Western RPG, but I'm really interested in this game. I have a feeling that it can certainly improve over DA2, and now that Bioware has been talking about some of the party members since E3, I've only gotten more excited. I don't even care if it ends up being horrible somehow, because it looks like they are really trying their best to make it a good game.

Previous Hype Trains that failed me though? The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite. Don't get me wrong, both of them are great and I'm glad I purchased them. Was just looking for that extra umph in them. I guess Mass Effect 3 sort of counts, since we ALL know how that turned out in the end. I'm over it since the Extended Cut though.

I'm sort of hyped for the Witcher 3...but I haven't even played the first one, let alone the second. Second one is on Xbox 360, but the 3 is only on Next Gen systems. Don't have a high working PC either. Makes me hope for some eventual collection like they did with Mass Effect, but its not something I'm banking on. Kinda seems like a major PC game anyway though, so I might just get it later sometime down the line. Sad Panda...
May 26, 2014
I'm a big fan of the Alien film franchise, and yep Colonial Marines had me DLing trailers, chasing info before release and generally pant j*zzing into my personal trouser pouch for some time.

No pre-order from me though, so thankfully I missed biting into the hypermassive urinal cake that the game was ultimately revealed to be.

I really hope Alien Isolation lives up to some of the hype, but, as repetition of scary moments are bound to make each moment exponentially LESS scary, hypewise, my trouser pouch is untroubled.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I think most of the hype these days is going towards the Nintendo games that were announced at E3 this year.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Now that the Dks2 train derailed and the depression vanished...
Did somebody say HYPE TRAIN?!

Fasten your seats passengers, cause we got a few more special guest cars attaching on this HYPE TRAIN... MGSV, Persona 5, Bayonetta 2 and Blooborne!
*hype train launches into space*