Choosing a Class (World of Warcraft enthusiasts only, please.)


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Definitely recommend you play a lock. It's one of my fave classes (first char I got to 60, first to 80, and first to 85 :D)

Demonology is great fun too, but for pvp I would recommend destro as it has much higher burst and an aoe stun.


Paragon Printer
Nov 28, 2010
Z of the Na said:
Lord_Nemesis said:
Well since you played a Rogue you already know how to play a DPS so with that in mind I would go with a 'lock. Not only are they extremly cool to play but they are a really nifty class and therir specs are suited for all types of players: raiders, pvp'ers and rp'ers. I will admit my 'lock is my main but I have alts as a Rogue, Shammy and Hunter but I always come back to my 'lock as he is really fun to play with and flashy enough to make the n00bs stand in awe of his awesomeness so aye... Locks FT-fuckin-W.
N....Nyhm? that you?


Yeah, based on the comments here and my personal understanding of the game overall, I'm going to go ahead and go with a Warlock. They seem like fun, and can be played by a variety of races to choose from. That's a plus, I suppose.

I also would love to actually succeed at PvP, but for the longest time, even since Vanilla, I've just been terrible at it.

Go figure, I suppose.
Lol man, if I was Nyhm, I would be out there using my WoW fame and Glory to soak up easy chicks xD But he has a cool pic and now it's mine :D

But good to see you are going for the 'lock, you won't regret it no matter what race you... as long as it's not the Alliance :D And as for PvP a hint for the future, no matter hwo many people call me a n00b for keeping me demonology spec, I still love it:

Felguard Attacks and Stuns. DoT's on. Meta + Immolation Aura + Demoncharge. And then just run around him and throw in a Deathcoil :D

Have fun bud!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Enhancement Shaman.
Plays notably different than any other melee class you'll encounter in most other MMOs.

Also, warlocks.
Being a warlock myself, I can vouch for their awesome.
Can get complicated though.
Can be a difficult class to master.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
I loved playing my Mage, with fire and arcane specc. Arcane is great because you can sleep through nearly all dungeons and still do pretty good damage, fire does more damage but you do need to push more than 2 buttons in combat. Arcane is probably better for questing though, at least once you get the talent to make Arcane Blast apply Slow. As long as you stick to one target, nothing will ever touch you.

Only got my Warlock to ~62, but it was great fun. Played Demonology, Hellfire + Felstorm meant ridiculous amounts of damage. Since I was leveling with friends - one playing tank, the other healer - it went really, really fast. If you get stuck with a careful tank it's much less interesting, sadly.

Disc Priest is quite a lot of fun, especially in BGs. Been a while since I played but unless they've nerfed the shield you can usually DPS quite a bit as disc. As a healer you level really fast since you get instant pops, though questing is pretty boring.

Paladins are probably my favourites though. Great fun to tank with, questing is smooth, PvP is solid and you just feel good about doing pretty much anything thanks to all that survival. If you do roll a Protadin though - don't Exorcism while tanking. It seems to have been a trend over the past couple of months and it's driving me insane, especially when healing since Exorcismtanks usually oom every 4-5 fights unless they use pots.

Doctor Glocktor

New member
Aug 1, 2009
Rogues are one of the squishy-but-not classes, alongside druids, shaman, and hunters. I'd recommend picking a class on the opposite end of the spectrum, a plate or a cloth class.

Except a frost mage. If you are a frost mage, you will become sterile and everyone will hate you forever.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Perhaps a hunter? I had a friend who used to play paladin and lock, and he said that hunter was alot more fun than that.

I have a mage who got is 85, which is nice. Found pvp kind of boring though, even as frost. But that comes down to taste. Fire is good fun to me in pve, though.

Hunter is at least a change of pace in that you are ranged rather than melee, and if you go beast mastery then fun with pet commands too. You get some pet stuff as a demonology warlock on the other hand though too.

ThreeDogsToaster said:
Who plays WoW anyways? I played it and it was really boring. I didn't even figure out how to kill people.
I think you missed the point of this thread. But in case you didn't know, it is quite popular. But if you don't like it, more power to you.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I've recently started up a Prot Warrior. I'm about 40 now, and it's way more fun than it has any right to be.

Also, you will NEVER wont for a group, and if you're good at tanking like I ended up being, then you get constant compliments. And that's just fine.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Engarde said:
Perhaps a hunter? I had a friend who used to play paladin and lock, and he said that hunter was alot more fun than that.

I have a mage who got is 85, which is nice. Found pvp kind of boring though, even as frost. But that comes down to taste. Fire is good fun to me in pve, though.

Hunter is at least a change of pace in that you are ranged rather than melee, and if you go beast mastery then fun with pet commands too. You get some pet stuff as a demonology warlock on the other hand though too.

ThreeDogsToaster said:
Who plays WoW anyways? I played it and it was really boring. I didn't even figure out how to kill people.
I think you missed the point of this thread. But in case you didn't know, it is quite popular. But if you don't like it, more power to you.
but it was really lame. why is there even a threat about it?


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
I wish I was in your position friend. I would like to start playing WoW again but I don't know if I could trust Blizzard's patches again.

Well Druids are a bit of everything and it was the first class I stuck with before changing to Paladin when burning crusade came out. They are good as stealth types as well as tanks or spellcasters/healers depending on what you spec. Also its fun walking around in Cat form or Seal form in a town and fooling people who think you are a Hunter's pet.

Also you know you didn't have to delete your characters, you could have just rerolled on another server.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
I recommend you play a Warlock. But please do NOT make your Primary spec Affliction. I've seen too many new Warlocks fail at being Affliction. I recommend you have a Demo/Destro character until you learn to manage your DoTs. Once you learn that, you need to learn how to utilize every demon in every type of situation (Raids, Instances, PvP, Questing and general PvE).

Once you become a generally decent Warlock, make one of your specs Affliction if you are brilliant with your DoTs. If you aren't, stay away from Affliction.


New member
Aug 21, 2010

Start from the top and work down until you find one you can play. but basically anything that can take is awesome especially with insta queue times for endgame dungeons


New member
Mar 1, 2011
If your looking to dps and want a ranged class, warlock is definitely the best choice. Locks have the greatest variety playstyles of between the three specs. More than any other dps class in my opinion. That said if you think you may ever want to do something rogue-like again i the future, i'd go with druids. Balance has had a lot of improvements and is a lot of fun now, and you always have the option to play feral if your feeling nostalgic. Being able to use the same gear for dps and healing is a great plus too.