Church Protesting San Diego Comic-Con For "Idol Worship"


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Sweet, I live near San Diego. :) I think I'll troll them with my own picket sign, and maybe even a vuvuzela.

Fellow Escapists, what should my sign say?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
This is so silly i just have to laugh-They're a bunch of attention seeking prats disguising themselves as 'religous protestors' and are running out of ideas to make people look at them.

I not a paticularly religous guy, but I do believe in a greater power-THESE guys just make religious people look like bad.

All they do is flick open a Bible to a random page and pick a verse, than do the same thing with the newspaper for upcoming events and try to marry the two findings.

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
These are the types of people that make me hate religion.
I'm already fantasizing about burning that rat-ass church.
Demon ID said:
I do wonder what will happen when their father dies, I know he's old so I wonder if one of them will really take over or not.
That avatar....
Best comedy episode in the history of everything.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
I will say this for the MILLIONTH time.


A follower of Christ reads their Bible and tries to understand the nature of God, they pray for guidance and peace and (like I am right now) wisdom to rebuke. The test to see if they are Christians is if they do not show love (even to sinners) then they are not Christians.

The sad thing is I partly agree with them on this (NOT THEIR METHODS, or the way they justify it). but the Bible does teach us not to fall into idol worship. I will admit sometimes, some of my own actions borderline on idol worship when I spend 20plus hours a day on a game and only 3 hours a week to the Lord.

However, this group of protesters is still wrong in their methods.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
the secend child said:
ok im going to there house blaring burn in hell by dimu borger and shooting flaming arrows into the compund whos with me ?
Make sure you do it in a Superman outfit.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
huh.... I thought the human torch might have more to do with the apocalypse than batman...

seriously though..... all imma say is..... idiots....


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Randy11517 said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
Randy11517 said:
Cakes said:
Randy11517 said:
This is why i call Christians(all religions for that matter) crazy(i know first hand how insane they can be)
I mean most of them are extreme going around shoving Jesus down our throats(A door slammed into your nose means fuck off i dont want to join you)
There are over one billion Christians in the world.

"Most of them..."

yes most of them.
FUCK YOU. No seriously, "most of them"? You've met or heard of barely any of them and you make judgements on all of them? I'm a Christian, not once have I spouted my religion at anyone I know, never do I condemn atheists, gays, so called 'heathens' etc. and nor do the other 99% of Christians. Your problem is that the only ones who make the news or make any impact on your life are the 1% who make the news with their bullshit. Your problem is that because of a few Jehovah witnesses and mormons knocking on your door, you see that as over a billion people doing so. ten bucks says that half the people you meet in the street in your day to day life are Christians and you never know because they don't care to make a fuss over it.

Quit your uninformed bitching and realise how erroneous it is to make such large judgements. It's Like saying all Muslims are Terrorists and all Jews are Evil Zionists. Based on small fractions. Not all Christians raise their kids like you have mentioned and not all Christians are the same.
Mormons are not Jehovah's, who are not Methodists, who are not Lutherans, who are not Catholics, none of which are fundamentalists.
Christians are a diverse and divided group, you'll be hard pressed to find any person who thinks that we all share the same sets of beliefs and ideals.
Just sayin, all religion says that if you aren't with them your a "heathen" a sinner, and you will " BURN IN THE FIERY DEPTHS OF HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY! if you don't join us". Seems crazy to me. Plus, if you want to know how crazy Christians can be just look at Republicans
Wait, arent you sayin the same thing, that if I dont agree with you I must be wrong? Or will you just pull the "Its just my opinion" line?


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I got to WBC then stopped

Ugh, figures. They just want attention. If you ignore them, they'll go away.

Or kill 'em. Either or

Crunchy English

Victim of a Savage Neck-bearding
Aug 20, 2008
Religion Trolling and Frustration will probably eat this post up, but let's make sure its said very, very clearly. The USA wants true, pure, freedom of speech. That's admirable. A little naive maybe, but very admirable. Canada, we outlawed Hate Speech as unconstitutional awhile back and I think its the right call, but I for one refuse to fault the American government, its law officers or its people for wanting to keep censorship to a minimum.

That said,

California is trying to deny VIDEO GAMES their first amendment rights, but THESE ASSHOLES get to keep their little signs? If you want to commit to freedom of speech, I can support that. You want to lock up Hate Crimes waiting to happen? My country does it, and it works ok. But you can't have it both ways. Either everyone is protected, or WBC is first on the chopping block. You can't just "sidestep" them and move on to video games because games are an easier target than a "religion'.

Blackjack 222

New member
Dec 2, 2009
Hussmann54 said:
Randy11517 said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
Randy11517 said:
Cakes said:
Randy11517 said:
This is why i call Christians(all religions for that matter) crazy(i know first hand how insane they can be)
I mean most of them are extreme going around shoving Jesus down our throats(A door slammed into your nose means fuck off i dont want to join you)
There are over one billion Christians in the world.

"Most of them..."

yes most of them.
FUCK YOU. No seriously, "most of them"? You've met or heard of barely any of them and you make judgements on all of them? I'm a Christian, not once have I spouted my religion at anyone I know, never do I condemn atheists, gays, so called 'heathens' etc. and nor do the other 99% of Christians. Your problem is that the only ones who make the news or make any impact on your life are the 1% who make the news with their bullshit. Your problem is that because of a few Jehovah witnesses and mormons knocking on your door, you see that as over a billion people doing so. ten bucks says that half the people you meet in the street in your day to day life are Christians and you never know because they don't care to make a fuss over it.

Quit your uninformed bitching and realise how erroneous it is to make such large judgements. It's Like saying all Muslims are Terrorists and all Jews are Evil Zionists. Based on small fractions. Not all Christians raise their kids like you have mentioned and not all Christians are the same.
Mormons are not Jehovah's, who are not Methodists, who are not Lutherans, who are not Catholics, none of which are fundamentalists.
Christians are a diverse and divided group, you'll be hard pressed to find any person who thinks that we all share the same sets of beliefs and ideals.
Just sayin, all religion says that if you aren't with them your a "heathen" a sinner, and you will " BURN IN THE FIERY DEPTHS OF HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY! if you don't join us". Seems crazy to me. Plus, if you want to know how crazy Christians can be just look at Republicans
Wait, arent you sayin the same thing, that if I dont agree with you I must be wrong? Or will you just pull the "Its just my opinion" line?
Say what you will that's how i see them, and never did i see you were wrong please read that again.
(i said that all religions believe that if you don't agree with them you would "burn in hell for all time")


The Babe with the Power
Mar 11, 2010
I would give anything to go as buddy christ to Comic Con that day then do the buddy christ pose then the double bird

Evis T

New member
Sep 9, 2008
And the lord Bruce said to his disciples ?Go forth my children, and look not upon me as an icon, nor a role model, nor an inspiration. Be inspired by not by my tales of one man against many, nor should you be entertained by them. You should instead attend at Westboro Baptist church, whereupon you will be subjected to two hours of hypocrisy at sub zero temperatures, where you will be incited to support the death of thousands of your own people, and venerate the persecution of homosexuals and closed mindedness. Woe my children! Think not of how my message teaches the youth that they should stand up for what is right, regardless of the odds. Think not of how my material entertains millions of adults in its many forms, providing escapism from a life of drudgery. Go now you lost lambs, go unto the cold, limp embrace of the Westboro Baptist church, and learn that regardless of what you think, ?tis more important to dedicate your life to a two thousand year old message that has been corrupted and perverted by evil men throughout the ages, than to spend some time enjoying a comic book, or a movie, or a television show starring Adam West. Renounce all these things, and not just the shitty Joe Shumaker films, especially that three headed abomination starring George Clooney.?

Thus spake the Lord Bruce, and ended ?And you shall know, that my name is THE GOD DAMN BATMAN, when I lay may vengeance upon thee.?


New member
Mar 22, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
Shadow-Phoenix said:
canadamus_prime said:
BiscuitTrouser said:
Im still saving up for that rifle. If it was in my power i would honestly kill every one of them.
Sean Strife said:
Can we just put a fucking bullet in these cocksuckers' heads and get it over with?
That would be a bad idea. As annoying as these idiots are, killing them would only make them Martyrs which would only strengthen their cause.
The idea is to either ignore them or simply use a non radion nuke sort of like the vaccum imploder to sort the lot of them out in my opinion the really nutty religious people should be rounded up and be deported to an island made for them and to never ever set foot on any soil of any continent but their own.

Problem solved.

and if that doesn't work then nuke their own island to shut them up.
No, even better is if we had one of those time eraser things the Chrono Legionaries have in Red Alert 2. That way we could erase them from existence. You can't become a martyr if you never existed.
Ahh touche i see someone knows their alternate reality weaponry lol.