Circumcision: a Pillar of American ignorance


New member
Jun 6, 2011
My other half had an emergency circumcision for medical reasons when he was about 3. There are rare circumstances where it's advantagous or even necessary.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Nigh Invulnerable said:
If you're circumcised as a baby those neurons would never have been assigned to "willy pleasure reception" in the first place so they can be used elsewhere, like the head of the penis. Seriously, I would not want more sensitivity in my penis during sex, it's awesome as is.
Not how it works. The foreskin is one of a few places on the body that contains a high concentration of meissner's corpuscles. They are responsible for fine touch sensation. They're highly specialized mechanoceptors and are the reason your sense of touch is so great in the hands (as opposed to say, the elbows). You lose the foreskin, they're gone. They don't go elsewhere.

And you don't want more sensitivity, i.e. pleasure, during sex? Oooookay then.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Hero in a half shell said:
"So what did you do this Christmas?"

"Oh you know, the usual, had turkey for dinner, watched movies with the family around an open fire, then I logged into an internet forum to discuss the cosmetic value of minor surgery in altering male genitalia."

On topic, I'm European, and I wouldn't bother with it on my children, and I've never heard of anyone getting circumsised (or anywhere that does that) Over here that really isn't a tradition at all. It would pretty much be like suggesting you cut off your middle toe.
Okay, that made me laugh.

OT: Haven't we had this conversation already? I'm getting a little tired of people asking what my dick is like on the internet. I get enough spambots trying to get me to enlarge it (I get the hint, dear).

I think it should be a personal choice made when you want to make it.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
Wonder if people don't make these threads knowing they'll get a lot of responses from it. Oh well happy to raise the comment count. Also, opening a forum about (Insert Flamebait).


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Thomas Guy said:
No it isn't. Also, can we ban circumcision threads? This has to be the 4th one in two years.
Yes we really need to stop having these threads, and its been far more than 4 in two years. Just by searching the forums I found closer to a dozen for 2011 alone. It's getting old.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Eh, im not going to have my children Circumcised.
Its mostly a religious thing. I myself am, but even if i wasnt id still be the same person.

Its like eye color. Everyone has a different one, and in all truth, it makes no difference weather its blue, brown or green. Your eye is still an eye.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Personally, after reading about all of the benefits of keeping it versus the ones for having it cut off, I kind of wish I still had mine. I definitely won't have my son circumcised in the future and if he decides he wants it when he is old enough then it's his decision.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Danyal said:
rt052192 said:
hey im circumcised and no complaints here. for me it should be a personal choice
I have read that circumcised people tend to 'feel less'. Also, personal choice? Your personal choice to circumcise your children or your children's choice to let themselves be circumcised when they're very young?
Yea parent's personal choice works for me. I trust my parents; it's their job to do what they think is best. As for "feel less", can't really make an accurate claim since haven't experienced both sides

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
First of all, get off your goddamn high horse and using this as an excuse to insult Americans. My southern neighbours aren't all blind sheep you realize? Circumcision is religious, which is not synonymous with society. If you want to criticize circumcision, that does not equate to criticizing a fucking country.

I'm circumcised. Does that mean that my parents were ignorant? That seems to be what you're implying if all ignorant americans get circumcised. I live with it, just because you take umbrage with the idea does not give you the right to tell others what and what not to do.

Rodrigo Girao

New member
May 13, 2011
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
You know, I lived with a couple of Jewish guys for a while, and they said that circumcision never bothered them, never affected their 'sensitivity' during sex
How would they know better?

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
and they were quite glad they never had to deal with smegma/knob cheese/whatever you like to call it.
It's called a goddamn shower.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Anyone who, for whatever reason, has had to make do without a shower for a week will testify that an unwashed, uncircumcised penis is about the most revolting thing in the world.
After a week without a shower, your armpit will certainly stink. Let's cut off your arm to prevent that.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
And there's a very good reason parents prefer to have their children snipped at childhood rather than choosing it when they're adults.
Fear that their sons will choose not to be like them.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I didn't realise circumcision was so big in America. Here in Britain, a non-Jewish circumsised person would probably mildly confuse.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
The doctor who was meant to do my circumcision didn't do it properly. At the age of about 3 or so, I got some sort of infection under my (half) foreskin due to it. I don't remember the pain of being circumcised, but I do remember the pain of anything in contact with my wee-wee for the first year or so that I can remember.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Reliable citation needed for anyone claiming that circumcision makes sex any less enjoyable.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Meh, I didn't have it done and I won't make my possible future son have it done. I know guys who have been circumsized and claim it helps keep the ol'dangly clean (Makes no sense since thats what your raincoat does for your little fireman in the first place).

Anywho, it's a touchy subject and it is rediculous in my own opinion. So I'll leave it at you REALLY feel the need to have your kid's most sensitive and oh'so precious parts of the body SLICED into?!

Rodrigo Girao

New member
May 13, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
I'm circumcised. Does that mean that my parents were ignorant?
Why, yes, it means they were ignorant! And that's the optimist alternative. Because, if you think circumcision has no negative side effects, you ARE ignorant. But if you learn of its harm, and still think it is acceptable to subject your child to it... what would that tell about them?


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Oh put it on a gorramn T-shirt. The way you guys piss and moan about it, you'd think someone was banging on your door right this instant to snip your foreskin off with a pair of hedge clippers.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I dunno, I was born at the height of the AIDS pandemic when HIV was basically a death sentence(circumcision reduces the chance of getting STDs), and there was a reoccurring trait in my dad's side of the family where your foreskin wouldn't retract properly, so you'd have to have it lopped off at an older age, which could be very traumatizing (my dad had to go through it, and according to him it was agonizing.)

So for me, I guess it was for the best. I wish I wasn't circumcised, though. I personally don't think it should ever be done without a decent reason. Unless not being circumcised will cause major problems for the child, circumcision is bad in my book.


New member
May 27, 2010
I'm circumcised, and glad to be so. Whenever I see an uncircumcised man in porn, I get pretty put off. It's kind of gross, bro.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
huh, wouldn't it be more accurate to call it a "Pillar of Jewish and Muslim ignorance?" Since those are the religions that practice it, and circumcision is most common in Israel and the rest of the Middle East/ North Africa.

If I had to guess, I'd say OP is just one of those cowards who limit their insults towards what is "cool" to attack.