"Civil War" Vs "Dawn of Justice" - Which will do it better?


Inaction Master
Jul 9, 2009
Let me think, no jokes policy or Robert Downey Jr. getting punched in the face?
There's honestly no contest. MCU already has a loyal fanbase. DC has yet to earn such an audience. Civil War will probably do better financially, but who really knows what the quality of the films will be? It could turn out that Dawn of Justice is a much better film than Civil War.

It won't though.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Coruptin said:
Let me think, no jokes policy or Robert Downey Jr. getting punched in the face?
There's honestly no contest. MCU already has a loyal fanbase. DC has yet to earn such an audience. Civil War will probably do better financially, but who really knows what the quality of the films will be? It could turn out that Dawn of Justice is a much better film than Civil War.

It won't though.
People do realize the "no jokes policy" is bogus, right? It was an exaggeration bandied around the net


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I'm going with Civil War, based on the recent film history of both companies. I've enjoyed a good number of Marvel's movies, while Man of Steel was...okay.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Definitely think Civil War will take it. DC are basically just wanting to skip the build-up shit that Marvel did for a long time and try to short-cut their way to the success of The Avengers. I'd hold higher hopes for it if it was Christian Bale's Batman, since he is well established now, but no - we get another reboot. Superman got some build-up but Man of Steel wasn't near as well-received as the average MCU movie so still hardly ideal.

People are familiar with Marvel's characters now, they have invested interest in both Captain America and Iron Man (along with other characters), and Marvel have proven themselves time and again. Also, the same people who worked on Winter Soldier (arguably the best of the lot) are doing this one. The only con I can see on Marvel's side at the moment is superhero fatigue from the audience... which DC are also up against.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Something Amyss said:
JimB said:
DC is the Konami of comic books.
I don't know. Like, seriously, I'm not even a big fan of most DC characters, but they've done a pretty solid job with their animated series/movies. As a general rule, I'll take the DC animateds over the Marvel any day. I don't think Konami could manage that.
DC Animated stuff is not generally written by the comic book guys. Specifically, Dan Didio, who is a turd sandwich. So I think what he means is that DC's actual line of comics are awful. And if he doesn't mean that, I choose to interpet it that way, because DC's LINE OF COMICS ARE AWFUL. Almost everything about the new 52 is shit, taken with or without respect to DC's history. It's shit either way.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Well since the 2nd BvSDoJ trailer is out... Civil War is going to wreck the shit out of it. Sorry DC. I want BvS to work, and I'll probably enjoy it but it just looks a hell of a lot less cool than I thought the first trailer made it out to be. Ugh...

Dazzle Novak

New member
Sep 28, 2015
After that trailer, BvS looks like it'll be lucky to be remembered as fondly as Spider-man 3. Goddamn, that was bad.

I don't even like Winter Soldier (blasphemy!), but all Civil War has to do is be basically competent with likable characters.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So, after seeing the second BvS trailer...yeah, I've forgotten about Civil War already. 2016 is looking a bit brighter.

(Or darker given the tone, but I'm not complaining).


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Sorry but Marvel 100% the winner. The Marvel Studios had already a huge plan to make all these Marvel movies with a specific story in their mind. A big-ass story with many awesome major sub-plot stories, but I hope to still awesome in the end.
I mean, Marvel Studios announce 5+ more Marvel movies they want to create for the following years. Why? Because they have a plan yo!!!



New member
Apr 1, 2012
Huh. I'm surprised the response to the second trailer has been so negative. I came back to this thread to grudgingly give the movie a little credit on account of the trailer seeming kind of cool (not any sort of good, but kind of cool; Jesse Eisenberg is having an infectious amount of fun, the bat-grappling hook is kind of neat to see used that way, and Wonder Woman's arrival is a little bit bad-ass). I still have no interest in watching the thing, but if a friend insists we need to go see it and offers to pay for my ticket, I won't refuse.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
JimB said:
Huh. I'm surprised the response to the second trailer has been so negative. I came back to this thread to grudgingly give the movie a little credit on account of the trailer seeming kind of cool (not any sort of good, but kind of cool; Jesse Eisenberg is having an infectious amount of fun, the bat-grappling hook is kind of neat to see used that way, and Wonder Woman's arrival is a little bit bad-ass). I still have no interest in watching the thing, but if a friend insists we need to go see it and offers to pay for my ticket, I won't refuse.
Of course they are negative because they are all Marvel movie fans. I believe Moviebob and Screen Junkies indoctrinated everyone into hating on DC as of late.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Samtemdo8 said:
Of course they are negative because they are all Marvel movie fans. I believe MovieBob and Screen Junkies indoctrinated everyone into hating on DC as of late.
There is no call for ad hominems, please, nor to make declarations about their motivations when those motivations have not been explained. Let's respect one another enough to assume we all have actual tastes and preferences rather than being mind-controlled by the internet.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Of course they are negative because they are all Marvel movie fans. I believe MovieBob and Screen Junkies indoctrinated everyone into hating on DC as of late.
There is no call for ad hominems, please, nor to make declarations about their motivations when those motivations have not been explained. Let's respect one another enough to assume we all have actual tastes and preferences rather than being mind-controlled by the internet.
Its hard not to when the I see comments full of DC Bashing and Marvel praising.

I mean Moviebob uses an example in Avengers 2 to bash Man of Steel.

How can I not think this is all one big Marvel vs DC fan war?

Cheesy Goodness

New member
Aug 24, 2009
People in message boards do not dictate the success or failure of a film, including comic book movies. This and similar discussions will not amount to anything. The general movie-going public has no skin in the DC vs Marvel game. However, we've all seen Iron Man & Captain America in movies together, but not Superman & Batman. Which do you think the general public would likely have more curiosity about? The box office draw for BvS cannot be questioned. Whether or not the movie is any darn good is anybody's guess at this point, and fanboy speculation matters little.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
To tell you the truth I am not sure about either of them. Civil War MIGHT be good I think but I am worried that it might go down that 'been there done that, not trying as hard' formula that Avengers seems to be sinking into especially after Avengers 2. However I am hoping that it might turn out to be as good as Winter Solider or Guardians of the Galaxy or Antman were despite my doubts. As for BVS I have this nagging feeling that it will either be mediocre or really bad. I mean they keep flashing a bunch of special effects with no real set or clear story, kind of like what the latest Fantastic Four did. Not to mention not only are they falling into the same trap that other hero movies have done with doing too much too fast for a single movie and losing coherence and depth along the way.

And seemingly in an attempt to jump pass Marvel as quickly as possible who already have anchored themselves into a complex story line with fleshed out characters and have their climaxes all ready to go with Civil War and Infinity War. Like Dorkly pointed out they are basically started off with something that should have been a climax instead of a beginning while stuffing in too many heroes and villains something that should have been more fleshed out and carefully done.

I know some people will run to see BVS and insist that it is good no matter what and rage on about it and blame everyone and everything for what goes wrong but for sensible people I have a feeling that BVS might be no where near as good as people insist it is. The question is not which one people will be more brick headed about, it is which one will be the better movie.I mean both sides have made bad movies. Why is everyone so very sure one will be better than the other when both companies have made stinkers? I mean have people already forgotten Batman and Robin,Superman Returns and Man of Steel so quickly? I mean I haven't forgotten about Daredevil, Ghostrider and Elektra


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Samtemdo8 said:
How can I not think this is all one big Marvel vs DC fan war?
I don't care if you consider yourself helpless to not hold the position that there is a gigantic conspiracy taking place between a studio that makes popular movies and a studio that makes unpopular movies. I care that you make the choice to express this conspiracy theory in a way deliberately intended to insult others.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
How can I not think this is all one big Marvel vs DC fan war?
I don't care if you consider yourself helpless to not hold the position that there is a gigantic conspiracy taking place between a studio that makes popular movies and a studio that makes unpopular movies. I care that you make the choice to express this conspiracy theory in a way deliberately intended to insult others.
OK where did you bring up this whole Conspiracy Theory allegation? Because I did not made that comment thinking about any conspiracy at play here.

My comments come from a stance I am one of the few that appreciates the new DC movies and I constantly see too many people bashing on it.

And I admit I apoligize about the accusation that everyone is blind Marvel fan I mean I am sure they are speaking as DC fans aswell from past works.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Based on all historical performance of Marvel and DC with relation to their live action films, Marvel's worst job could do better than DC's best.

That being said, they've poured a lot more into this one. We'll have to see.
Something Amyss said:
I don't know. Like, seriously, I'm not even a big fan of most DC characters, but they've done a pretty solid job with their animated series/movies. As a general rule, I'll take the DC animateds over the Marvel any day. I don't think Konami could manage that.
Marvel has some great animated films too though. I don't know if you're aware of their animated stuff but it's top notch sometimes. I wouldn't have bothered looking had I not had literally nothing else to do one night and wanted something I could stop watching in 20 minutes without caring about seeing the end.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I always feel like the Marvel vs DC cinematic discussion is a lot like Nintendo vs Sega back in the 90's. Some people will jump on the DC bandwagon whether it be a pre-existing attachment to the comics or a love for the 'grittier' Nolan Batman's, and there's nothing wrong with that. But even though I liked the Genesis back in the day it is pretty clear when you look at it objectively that the SNES was just flat out better.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Samtemdo8 said:
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
How can I not think this is all one big Marvel vs DC fan war?
I don't care if you consider yourself helpless to not hold the position that there is a gigantic conspiracy taking place between a studio that makes popular movies and a studio that makes unpopular movies. I care that you make the choice to express this conspiracy theory in a way deliberately intended to insult others.
OK where did you bring up this whole Conspiracy Theory allegation? Because I did not made that comment thinking about any conspiracy at play here.

My comments come from a stance I am one of the few that appreciates the new DC movies and I constantly see too many people bashing on it.

And I admit I apoligize about the accusation that everyone is blind Marvel fan I mean I am sure they are speaking as DC fans aswell from past works.
People constantly bash on Marvel animated movies just fine. Why is it people fly into fury the moment people point out that Marvel makes better live action movies and are better at it then DC is? I don't understand what is this bash on this but don't bash on that attitude people have or thinking everyone has an ulterior motive the moment they think differently from what you think. I mean did you just stop to think MAYBE people honestly have more doubts about the BVS movie than the Civil War movie?

I mean no one said that BVS sucks for sure but I mean we are talking about the people who can barely make a live action superhero movie work properly and now are trying the whole multiple hero thing, something Marvel only has now gotten the hang of and now DC is just throwing money at making it as expensive as possible and overhyping like crazy using the overly used 'Batman fights Superman over a misunderstanding' shtick they have been doing for years. My theory is that people know very well Marvel is better at this and if BVS fails not only will it make enforce that their name mud in the superhero movie business but could easily put the breaks on any future movies about everyone else. So you are all sensitive because you know that people are already watching them harder than Marvel and ready to destroy them if they make any mistakes. No one is going o kick Marvel in the gut if Civil War is mediocre but BVS has hyped itself up so much it will fall much further if it doesn't produce results on all fronts