Classic movies you can't fething stand


New member
Mar 24, 2011
thaluikhain said:
FranckelSeijenmai said:
Its warhammer 40k for fuck...yeah i'm kinda a nerd.. i prefer it it fuck it sounds cleaner...(though i suppose i clean curse word is more of less impossible, still i likes it)
No it isn't, it refers to the tree spirits of Tanith, not a sex act. Ghostmaker has Gaunt flat out say this.

Secondly, it's only really used by Tanith people (or replacements), and there aren't many left, despite appalling Mary Sue ness.
yeah, i know just though it be better to give a brief sorta defination rather then explain the whole history of the word and confirm my virginity.( though it was tree god by the way not spirts could be wrong)and i would't call any of the ghosts mary sue's, their all going to die sooner or little. Abnetts picks them off like fatist sniper camped out in a mcdonalds parking lot.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
MrDeckard said:
2001 is the obvious choice, but hate Dawn of the Dead much more because it is hated by so few. The first time I saw it, I was laughing out loud from the first scene. This continued until about the half way point where the plot just stops, wherein it just got ungodly boring.

Also, Forbidden Planet, the original King Kong.
Its like everyone sees a diffrent better movie isn't it? with dawn i mean why do my fellow zombie nerd love it so?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
FranckelSeijenmai said:
i would't call any of the ghosts mary sue's, their all going to die sooner or little. Abnetts picks them off like fatist sniper camped out in a mcdonalds parking lot.
Er...he kills off plenty of Mkrandoms but he only started killing characters of any real importance in the 5th book, and since then will generally only kill one or two a book. This being in major battles where untold hordes of disposable allied guard soldiers are killed for the Worf effect, and the ghosts kills ridiculous numbers of supposedly elite troops.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Sauvastika said:
2001: A Space Odyssey. That movie's epic dullness gave me polio.
This one! I watched this one because I wanted to do a spoof of it for one of my projects for college and I was nearly bored to tears.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
thaluikhain said:
FranckelSeijenmai said:
i would't call any of the ghosts mary sue's, their all going to die sooner or little. Abnetts picks them off like fatist sniper camped out in a mcdonalds parking lot.
Er...he kills off plenty of Mkrandoms but he only started killing characters of any real importance in the 5th book, and since then will generally only kill one or two a book. This being in major battles where untold hordes of disposable allied guard soldiers are killed for the Worf effect, and the ghosts kills ridiculous numbers of supposedly elite troops.
That dear sir is not mary sueness thats bad assery.All (unfunny) jokes aside though i think its better that way, theirs just so much more importance to it . A charcters death actually means something when you've gotten the chance to know them over the course of time,to love them or hate them, to feel something for them.They become human(fictional i know but still) not just red shirts(though their are plently of those) waiting to die.That it it creates, dare i say it a sense of concern for them, any of them can die at any given time.(probably towards the end of the book )I damn near cryed when Try again died and Caff's death was positively tragic .Though they do take a lot of baddies out with them so i'll give you that.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
FranckelSeijenmai said:
No, that's where you say 'frak'... (guh...)

OT: Pulp Fiction... thought it was an okaaaaaaaaaay film, but never understood the appeal (well acted if nothing else)... seriously.

Mr Somewhere

New member
Mar 9, 2011
I've enjoyed every classic film I've watched thus far, even those from a genre I'm not too keen on. I have to say, however, these "classics suck" topics are really distressing, opinions are subjective, all opinions, just because you dislike a classic does not mean it sucks.
I guess it's more of a personal thing, I spent most of my teenage years reading classics, it's upsetting to see them so often maligned.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
FranckelSeijenmai said:
That dear sir is not mary sueness thats bad assery.All (unfunny) jokes aside though i think its better that way, theirs just so much more importance to it . A charcters death actually means something when you've gotten the chance to know them over the course of time,to love them or hate them, to feel something for them.They become human(fictional i know but still) not just red shirts(though their are plently of those) waiting to die.That it it creates, dare i say it a sense of concern for them, any of them can die at any given time.(probably towards the end of the book )I damn near cryed when Try again died and Caff's death was positively tragic .Though they do take a lot of baddies out with them so i'll give you that.
Ok, I generally agree with that, but I still think some of the redshirts could have been given more character. Also, alot of the named characters that get killed off wont be ghosts, they'll be one-off characters from other regiments that don't last the entirety of the book. There's no reason why more people like that can't be killed off.

Also, I think it doesn't help how a big fuss will be made over named characters, but very little over anything else. I find emphasising the deaths too much is very counter productive and tends to cheapen the deaths of everyone else. The ones I tend to feel more are the ones that have been given some kind of character, but then are quickly written off as casually as anyone else.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Trezu said:
I HATED with a Passion 'The Room' here is why

I thought The Room was a classic BECAUSE people hate it so much. :p

OT: Does West Side Story count? To me, it felt like they sucked all of the legitimate emotion out of Romeo and Juliet.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
twistedmic said:
In fact, the same can be said for just about all of Leslie Neilsen's movies.
before airplane Leslie Neilsen played straight parts, and was considered a sex symbol in the 60s

O.T I don't like the Godfather films, never have, never will!


New member
Mar 27, 2009
The Big Lebowski. Saw all the clips of that one guy going ape shit all the time, but when I actually watched the movie I was bored out of my mind, and stopped half way through the movie.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
FranckelSeijenmai said:
The Orginal Dawn of the dead....Its just awful.The Charcters are retarded, the dialouges Painful, The acting is worse the a 6th grade play and the the effects are fething laughable.The single biggest letdown of my entire fething life. How is Romero popular?
What is a fething?

The original Dawn Of The Dead is okay. Zombie films aren't supposed to have big budgets, that's the whole point of them. That film is widely misunderstood, it's more of a critique of consumer culture than anything else. It does that alright, although I prefer the remake for the scare factor. The original isn't really a horror film in the traditional sense, none of Romero's "Dead" movies really are, and that's what sets him apart from those who were inspired by him, he goes a little deeper...

Films I really don't like (although "can't stand" is a bit strong) that are mystifyingly considered by others to be acceptable forays into cinema, some even daring to call them "good" or "classic":

* Citizen Kane (even if the plot didn't have a gaping-ass hole it would still be boring)
* Akira (the only film I've ever seen where the complete removal of the last 60 minutes of the movie and no other changes whatsoever would have enhanced it greatly, and even made it make more sense)
* The Big Lebowski (yeah go on, someone please post a YouTube of The Dude going "that's just your opinion man" in response, I haven't had enough boring unimaginative cliche in my day)
* O Brother, Where Art Thou? (although I thought Fargo was great)

Most of the other films I really don't like probably wouldn't be considered "classics" anyway.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
I can't sit through The Godfather, i've tried a few times.

Never managed to get to the end of Clockwork Orange either...

The Star Wars movies aren't that great either, really couldn't see the appeal of them or why people gush about them so much.

There are many more but I don't want this post to go on for too long.