FranckelSeijenmai said:
The Orginal Dawn of the dead....Its just awful.The Charcters are retarded, the dialouges Painful, The acting is worse the a 6th grade play and the the effects are fething laughable.The single biggest letdown of my entire fething life. How is Romero popular?
What is a fething?
The original Dawn Of The Dead is okay. Zombie films aren't supposed to have big budgets, that's the whole
point of them. That film is widely misunderstood, it's more of a critique of consumer culture than anything else. It does that alright, although I prefer the remake for the scare factor. The original isn't really a horror film in the traditional sense, none of Romero's "Dead" movies really are, and that's what sets him apart from those who were inspired by him, he goes a little deeper...
Films I really don't like (although "can't stand" is a bit strong) that are mystifyingly considered by others to be acceptable forays into cinema, some even daring to call them "good" or "classic":
* Citizen Kane (even if the plot didn't have a gaping-ass hole it would still be boring)
* Akira (the only film I've ever seen where the complete removal of the last 60 minutes of the movie and no other changes whatsoever would have enhanced it greatly, and even made it make more sense)
* The Big Lebowski (yeah go on, someone please post a YouTube of The Dude going "that's just your opinion man" in response, I haven't had enough boring unimaginative cliche in my day)
* O Brother, Where Art Thou? (although I thought Fargo was great)
Most of the other films I really don't like probably wouldn't be considered "classics" anyway.