I seriously don't get why people are opposed to fighting global warming.
Lets say you're believe that hardest core, shit-kickingest models that the Earth isn't heating up. You're one of those Drudge Reporters who say it "Global Warming can't exist because we had a polar vortex." You don't understand how hot and cold air interacts, but fine. You believe that.
What do you have to lose by swapping your economy from fossil fuel based to cleaner, more efficient models? Nuclear power is statistically way cheaper and way safer then fossil fuels. Contrary to popular belief, you can't get a nuclear explosion from a power plant - the compounds are no where near enriched enough. I'm no expert, but I believe reactors have gotten a lot safer since then - Fukishima wasn't that bad, and that was a reactor that was built on a fault line in an Earthquake/Tsunami prone portion of the world.
Solar and Wind power are fantastic. You're using nature to power things. Not only do you open up jobs in building and installing these, but you open up entire markets for selling and developing these. Investing in newer forms of energy is literally a newer market with tons of economic opportunities.
Not to mention - even if you don't believe in global warming, you can't deny that burning fossil fuels isn't clean. Its still harmful to the environment, and the consolidation of oil powers across the world has basically sowed an international cartel that's only motive is to screw you out of as much money as possible. Want efficient cars? Fuck you, enjoy your 20MPG. OH, you'll make an electric car? Yeah, good luck when we shut down all of your plants due to congressional buyoffs. Whats that, you want another price raise? YOU GOT IT.
We have a monopoly on power. Monopolies are bad. If you invest in new forms of energy, you get cheaper prices, more jobs, less crime, and a cleaner environment. EVEN IF the globe isn't heating up, those are some pretty good outputs.
And, if you're wrong? Well, we've cataclysmicly destroyed the environment, forcing humanity to limp gimped into the 22nd century compounded by issues of mass starvation, famine, poverty and war. That's a pretty heavy debt stacked against you.