Closely related terms that should not be interchangeably


New member
May 20, 2009
Fag/gay: seriously america stop calling gays fags. A fag is another word for a cigarette

Its also a pretty nasty word to call someone who is gay

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
Lieju said:
It is an irrational hatred bred by fear, though.

Especially when you listen to the reasons usually given, as in that if we allow gay marriage humans will go extinct, or the morals of society will be destroyed and everyone will want to have sex with animals and children etc and we will all die in gayness-induced hurricanes.

Or 'it's unnatural' in other words, 'it just sorta creeps me out'.
Basically, the same people who think videogames cause violence and other stuff like that. This is how I think about things, whether it's right or wrong is debatable on the thing done. If you or multiple are doing something, and all the people that are their consent to do a certain act, and it doesn't negatively affect anybody else, then go for it. Another way to put it, if you want to drink yourself stupid, go ahead, even if I don't understand why you would do it. If you are in a position though where drinking yourself stupid is going to negatively affect other people, then that's wrong. There are going to be situations where this may not work, but this is the basic way that I think. A reason why I don't believe smoking should be completely banned, but make sure you aren't affecting those around you that may not want it.

Anyways, need to get on topic. Agree with the fag/gay thing. Don't know how it came to be, but especially after I learned what a fag was, it's not only stupid, but is a very insensitive thing to say. Also agree with Ignorant and Stupid. Ignorant is when you lack knowledge, especially of things you should know, while stupid is someone who knows little and makes bad decisions a lot. I'm ignorant, but I'm slowly learning about things I should know, jury is still deciding on the stupid part for me.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
CpT_x_Killsteal said:
Retard / Mentally Disabled.

Retard is an insult for people acting like a derp/someone or something acting ireprehensibly stupid. Mentally Disabled means they have an actual medical condition to do with the mind, whether psychological or biological.
You're implying that the modern colloquial usage of retard is its only definition. Retard just means to impede development and its use as an insult came from the (now antiquated) medical term "mental retardation" which is why it's often directed towards people with mental disabilities.


New member
May 30, 2012
DANEgerous said:
Turban / Turbine. Okay so this is what prompted me to make this post. My friends started talking about "Wind Turban" and I was like what the hell are they talking about. I can not even explain the difference in the two it is to vast.
Wait, are you complaining about his pronunciation? You used the word "talking," so I have to assume you're not referring to a misspelling. A difference of pronunciation, or even a mispronunciation is not the same thing as using the wrong word.

Your other examples make sense, because they are related but distinct sets of words. This... unless he's just misspelling it, I don't see a problem.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
On the subject of pronunciation: Specific / Pacific. How people manage to pronounce the former as the latter in conversation I do not understand.

On the actual topic at hand: Allergy / Intolerance. They are not the same.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
No. These people both knew of the actual pronunciation yet used it as, I could forgive such things but another they used word that exists so, no. Say they said Rrobines or Turbones that would be far better as it is clear you just said the wrong word, but no they said you can use turban or turbine and no,no you can not unless it was an honest mistake.