Cloud Gaming Could "Lower the Barrier" for New Gamers


New member
Nov 19, 2009
level250geek said:
The only way I'll ever support cloud computing is if it's 100% free. No subscription fees, no rental costs, nothing. I go to a website and click on "play game" and there I am. If I don't get to pick the hardware configuration or what games are available to me, then I shouldn't have to pay anything.
And dont forget that if a game is server-side, nothing prevents the compagny from simply "pulling the plug" on a server they no longer consider "profitable enough", so your games that you spent money on will likely be lost forever after a few years.

Its why physical copies and/or digital-download wihtout need for online activation are important, with everything and its grand-ma requiring constant online checks to work.. (with exeptions of Impulse or Steam in offline mode) "clouds gaming" is basically the worst-case scenario possible for the consumers, and the best for the big corps.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Twad said:
YOu need a dang good Internet conection speed and a good ISP to keep up with it, wich not everyone have access to.
This is a misconception. As long as you have enough bandwidth to use the service, getting any more wont make it work any better. What matters is latency, and that can be reduced only by living close to the cloud gaming server or having the majority of the length of the cabling consist of fiber optics, which transmit data at the speed of light (theoretically)


New member
Dec 30, 2007
This could be an interesting option in the future, for any game where the developers can pull the plug. A forward-thinking MMO developer could offer game accounts for free (since they don't have to pay for producing and distributing physical media), and just charge the monthly fee.

I wonder how much thin-client gaming would improve FPS matches. The only lag would be at refreshing your display and receiving your input, rather than during the calculation of bullet trajectories & such. Everything would be happening at the proper time; you just might not be able to react fast enough. Also, this would eliminate using a modified client to cheat.

For games that can be fully enjoyed offline, though, I'd stick with local copies.

Black Rabt

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Twad said:
You end up owning your games even less, if at all. No internet? no play for you.

Can you mod a game in a "cloud"? not really, since its sever side.

You may not play the game when you want; its the server/weather/isp that makes the decision for you.

YOu need a dang good Internet conection speed and a good ISP to keep up with it, wich not everyone have access to.

Corporations would like that since it would be hard to pirate, i guess.

I rather have my own personal PC with my games installed on it tahn be at the mercy of some server.
Strongly seconded. Maybe my gaming rig makes me biased but I'd rather have it locally.


New member
Dec 30, 2007
Considering how popular WoW is, a few gamers don't mind having someone else in control of their gaming experience.

Also, these services allow you to run ANY game regardless of your hardware, as long as your computer can handle streaming video and has a reliable internet connection. Imagine never again having to upgrade your computer to play the latest games...


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'm just happy to see another console coming onto the market; I only hope that it isn't another overpriced box of broken promises.

It could work well if they don't bs gamers like the rest of the industry does: if they pass the savings of game printing/packaging/shipping, the hardware (which should cost a lot less than a console), and the increasingly popular monthly on-line fee, it'll be a great deal. More than likely they've seen how other companies have stuck it to gamers wallets and intend to get in on the feeding frenzy.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Stormz said:
I will NEVER support this. If the future of gaming is this then I will never play another game again. If physical copies die out so to will my gaming habits.
Presents Steam?


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Shycte said:
Stormz said:
I will NEVER support this. If the future of gaming is this then I will never play another game again. If physical copies die out so to will my gaming habits.
Presents Steam?
I don't use steam, but doesn't that have an offline mode? Plus I can still buy some of their games in store.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Stormz said:
Shycte said:
Stormz said:
I will NEVER support this. If the future of gaming is this then I will never play another game again. If physical copies die out so to will my gaming habits.
Presents Steam?
I don't use steam, but doesn't that have an offline mode? Plus I can still buy some of their games in store.
Well me neither but I was more pointing out the fact that it's very popular and, to my great sadness, DD might be the not so far away future.