COD Black Ops 2 is actually bringing innovation to COD


New member
Nov 21, 2011
I'm just gonna point out that there was no gunplay footage in that trailer.
So for all we know, nothing will change.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
DustlessDragoon said:
Images or links please, otherwise everything you said is just words on a screen.

With that out of the way, the setting and "Strike Force" sounds like a mash of Homefront, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142.

Sangreal Gothcraft

New member
Feb 28, 2011
Hm...I might actually Consider getting this... And Zombie Mode will have it's own Story and what not... Sounds cool, Though What about PC...Will it have Dedicated Server and mod support>.>? Don't think it's gonna be a deal breaker for me though.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Ultratwinkie said:
DustlessDragoon said:
So Black Ops 2 just got announced and with it a vast majority of info. Sorry about the wall of text but I just thought I would outline the new things coming in to a franchise that is getting rather stale.

Firstly it'll be set in 2025 where the US is in a new Cold War with China, a newly risen super power, over precious materials. Then the US is attacked by cyber terrorists who somehow get control of the US drones and uses them to lay waste to it's own cities. New time, new setting.

The leader of this group is Menendez and instead of the usual black and white style evil guy he will have a fleshed out backstory which is being created by the guy who did Heath Ledgers Joker for the recent Batman films. Yay no more one dimensional bad guys.

They've improved the engine with special attention given to characters and facial animations. Also gone is the linear, scripted story of old. Instead there will be branching story paths where things like failing a mission will have consequences.

A new feature is something called "Strike Force". These are special missions where you control a black ops group consisting of soldiers, UAVS and robot walkers. You can change between these units at will by zooming to an overhead view and putting yourself into any unit you want at the time. You can also issue orders from this view to units making it almost RTS like.

The enemies and allies will also be more diverse in campaign with you teaming up with and fighting against UAVs and Walkers as well as normal soldiers. The technology isn't too OTT but there are many interesting things such as wrist mounted explosive launchers and sniper rifles that let you see through walls.

So is this too little too late or is it a much needed breath of fresh air?
1. Cold war with China in the future over resources = Fallout 1, 1997.
2. Cyber Terrorists = Deus Ex, 2000
3. Branching mission structure = True Crime: Streets of LA, 2003

Their ideas may seem "new" but these ideas were tested by games almost 10 years old. Even in innovation Black Ops seems slow. Sorry to say, but I doubt they will actually innovate.
It's pretty fucking obvious that it's not new for the gaming industry, and only new for Call of Duty.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Fuck multipayer. I actually thought Black Ops had a really decent story to it, and loved that it not only connected with World at War (By the same developer, too) it also showed you what happened to one of the playable characters from WaW (Which made me rage. So hard). I honestly never had much of a problem with the linearity in the CoD games, I just wished they were more than four or five hours long. But hopefully, Black Ops 2 could be really fucking good.


New member
May 2, 2011
Ed130 said:
DustlessDragoon said:
Images or links please, otherwise everything you said is just words on a screen.

With that out of the way, the setting and "Strike Force" sounds like a mash of Homefront, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142.
DalekJaas said:
Links to info please

It does sound interesting. Will be keeping an eye on it.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Innovation is not moving the games time period up by 5 years. Innovation comes in the gameplay department, which we know very little of.

You can take a shit on a toilet, then take a shit on a field. You could call the second one an innovative shit because it took place in an unusual setting, but its still shit.
Mythbusters proved that it is possible to polish shit to a gleaming shine. A polished shit, as great as it is, is still shit. Though, personally, from the trailer, mostly I just thought a lot of "no way in hell things are going to change that much in thirteen years. Weapons, sure, but whole fucking infrastructures? BULLSHIT!"


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
BehattedWanderer said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Innovation is not moving the games time period up by 5 years. Innovation comes in the gameplay department, which we know very little of.

You can take a shit on a toilet, then take a shit on a field. You could call the second one an innovative shit because it took place in an unusual setting, but its still shit.
Mythbusters proved that it is possible to polish shit to a gleaming shine. A polished shit, as great as it is, is still shit. Though, personally, from the trailer, mostly I just thought a lot of "no way in hell things are going to change that much in thirteen years. Weapons, sure, but whole fucking infrastructures? BULLSHIT!"
Thats because that's what you think. I doubt it will be exactly like it is in Blops, but do you have full evidence to back that claim?

Hell the US military is working on so much stuff, so much which is still being kept secret. We got no idea what they're making. For all we know, they could be almost at this level of technology.

Heck even the drones in the trailer are already real.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Korten12 said:
BehattedWanderer said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Innovation is not moving the games time period up by 5 years. Innovation comes in the gameplay department, which we know very little of.

You can take a shit on a toilet, then take a shit on a field. You could call the second one an innovative shit because it took place in an unusual setting, but its still shit.
Mythbusters proved that it is possible to polish shit to a gleaming shine. A polished shit, as great as it is, is still shit. Though, personally, from the trailer, mostly I just thought a lot of "no way in hell things are going to change that much in thirteen years. Weapons, sure, but whole fucking infrastructures? BULLSHIT!"
Thats because that's what you think. I doubt it will be exactly like it is in Blops, but do you have full evidence to back that claim?

Hell the US military is working on so much stuff, so much which is still being kept secret. We got no idea what they're making. For all we know, they could be almost at this level of technology.

Heck even the drones in the trailer are already real.
I'm gonna go ahead and follow this using the method scientific, until I see evidence contrary. This is a Treyarch game. So, let's follow this out. CoD3, World at War, and Blops weren't exactly the emperor's shiniest stone, if you see what I mean. Depicted are the same shenanigans, in a slightly more "futuristic" setting, where everything is flying, much like they thought the 50's would be in the 20's, or the 2000's would be in the 70's. The premise promises man versus machine, so I expect to see variants of plane, helicopter, tank, and APC that I'll have to shoot at using a combination of futuristic boring guns and anachronistic, good old fashioned lead-propelling sidearms and rifles, a couple of explosive launchers of varying ridiculousness, and maybe one gun that's generally fun to play with. And zombies.

My hopes aren't high. By analyzing the past, and observing the trend, I make my predictions. Until I see otherwise, I continue to call shit.


Ooooh...I has custom title.
Jul 18, 2009
Ed130 said:
Images or links please, otherwise everything you said is just words on a screen.

With that out of the way, the setting and "Strike Force" sounds like a mash of Homefront, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142.
DalekJaas said:
Links to info please

Right here on the escapist

Edit: Ninjad..


New member
Mar 18, 2009
This is a step in the right direction, I'm not sure why people are still complaining. I mean come the fuck on, they're trying to change the game! What more do you want? It just baffles me when people complain about Call of Duty being the same game and when they finally start to change things people complain that it's not original enough. Ugh, rage sorry >.>.

Ahem. *Leaves and goes on walk.*


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I know. I won't truly believe it until I see it but I think they may actually be taking a step in the right direction.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
distortedreality said:
Ed130 said:
DustlessDragoon said:
Images or links please, otherwise everything you said is just words on a screen.

With that out of the way, the setting and "Strike Force" sounds like a mash of Homefront, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142.
DalekJaas said:
Links to info please

It does sound interesting. Will be keeping an eye on it.
Missed the Escapist article, thought it was just a developers video. Who knows? this may be the innovation shot in the arm this series needs. Or it could crash and burn, either way I don't really care that much about the game itself but the fact they are (apparently) trying to move the genre is interesting.

REcaptcha: ljjno6y4rsu5tj (aka slapping the keyboard)

Edit: Holy CR@P you CAN beat the advertising Captchas by slapping the keyboard...


New member
Nov 24, 2009
im kinda scared by this, a new halo game looks crap but the new CoD looks good?
was there some kind of apocalypse happening when i wasnt looking? seriously this is strange


New member
Mar 5, 2011
I will enjoy this. I will be amused by people deriding it. I will end up feeling that it was fun and pretty cool but not worth 60 bucks. It's like a Tony Jaa marathon on a rainy day. Mindless action and adrenaline, but because that's what I was expecting, that's not a problem for me.