CoD: Ghosts, Falsifying PC System Requirements?


New member
Nov 1, 2009
So Activision/Infinity Ward coded in a false error that crashes the game if your rig has less than 6 GB of RAM, even though the game uses less than 3 GB. Any thoughts on why they would have done this?

Bravo Company

New member
Feb 21, 2010
From what I've heard, it is because microsoft is trying to get game companies to break PC ports so people are shafted into buying and xbox

I'm not saying I completely believe this or, if microsoft is doing that, will it actually work. Its only what a friend told me.

Glad I stopped playing CoD after 4....


New member
Oct 24, 2011
They probably did it to make sure people actually had enough RAM for a game that was copy and pasted from the Xbox One. If the game itself uses 3GB, that doesn't leave much RAM left for Windows if you only have say 4GB of RAM. In any case with the new console generation hitting now if you only have 4GB of RAN, you really do need to upgrade as the new consoles have 8GB, and at least 5GB is likely to be useable by the games once you subtract out OS overhead and graphics memory requirements. If you are still on Windows XP or have a 32 bit version of Vista or newer, you'll need to upgrade to a 64 bit OS to be able to address all that RAM.