Collector's Editions: A Test of Consumer Loyalty


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Scrumpmonkey said:
I've never understood this kind of "Post critique" style replies people give. I'm not trying to give some kind of water type rebuttal to your post I'm merely using it as a jumping off point to make a wider point about how things you don't personally buy still have an impact on the wider industry of gaming.
If you're quoting a post that lies in contradiction to the point you're trying to make, why are you unable to understand why the original poster would respond to it? If you're going to hold up my sentiment up as an example, at least allow me to clarify based on the points you have made.

Scrumpmonkey said:
I don't see the point in disagreeing with everything a person says, it seems needlessly argumentative.
You've misunderstood: I simply found everything you wrote disagreeable.

Scrumpmonkey said:
I'm not addressing you personally in some kind of debate I'm just trying to talk through my points on the subject at hand. So erm... i guess you win some internet argument points for being needlessly contrarian. Well done?
Odd how you're so quick to judge someone else for responding to you on a topic you deigned to post in as "needless" when your own reasons for posting in the first place could be described as equally pointless. What's the point of speaking if you don't like it when someone who disagrees acknowledges you?

Scrumpmonkey said:
These things are aimed at an audience and they are obviously selling them if they keep making them. Yes, there is such a thing as the pushing of pre-order culture, these problems in the wider industry are not "Nonsense"
And I take issue with what you've defined as a problem and where the fault lies. Rath already outlined the existing circumstances, you belaboring the point is no less valid than me explaining why I am so dismissive of it.

Scrumpmonkey said:
and the point of posting in a thread like this isn't to contradict people's sensible points and make some aggressive attempt to pick other users posts apart.
The purpose of addressing a post on a point by post basis is to make it easier to read and respond to. You made your points, I responded to each separately. I'm not, as you say, "post-critiquing". I'm trying to be as clear and concise as possible, not dissecting your words to poke holes in them.

Scrumpmonkey said:
I'm not going through your post angrily looking for things to contradict because that doesn't lead anywhere. I'm trying to have a discussion not wave my debating e-peen around.
Debate is a perfectly valid form of discussion, the tendency of forum-goers to turn it into a shouting match or argument is unfortunate but that wasn't my intention at all. The purpose in addressing you directly is to likewise receive a response.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Scrumpmonkey said:
Some people just enjoy arguing and thinking they are right above all i suppose.
Right. Because anyone who disagrees with you must think themselves infallible masters of the internet, how else could they object to your infallible points?

Seriously? "The Gatekeeper"? That doesn't even fit.