Combat Puzzles


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I feel that the main problem with modern FPSs is that, frankly, they're boring. Boring enemies, boring combat, repetitive environments and bland color palettes. Cool guns sometimes, but not much imagination there either (yes Borderlands, I'm still looking at you). Sure, much of this comes from the popularity of the "realistic" shooter that everyone seems to clamor for these days but that's no excuse. Wasn't shooting stuff fun at one point?

So what happened? Much has been made about the "brown-ness" that has infected the genre recently and though that certainly hasn't made it any more interesting it's not the true problem. Nor is the species we currently are so interested in filling with lead. Other humans can still be interesting enemies believe it or not. Developers just seem to have forgot how to make them so.

The real problem with shooters is the combat. What should be the core of the entertainment value of the genre. It's just plain dull.

Playing through Battlefield 3's lackluster campaign recently, I ran into one (uno, ein, un, 1) encounter that was legitimately fun and didn't boil down to "shoot dudes, walk, shoot more dudes, walk, shoot more dudes, walk, etc." And it was a brief moment of legitimate tactical challenge in a sea of... blah, even on the highest difficulty.

It goes like this: You start on a rise overlooking a parking lot. Two enemies are patrolling around a few parked cars, two others are sitting against a car on the left side and four more are guarding a garage on the far back right that is the objective.

Eight on one. No endless waves of spawning enemies, no fancy cutscene interventions. Just you and eight bogies. They've got cover and numbers, you've got elevation and surprise. You can only take two or three hits before going down. They can take a few more. This my friends is a legitimate combat puzzle. It requires, or at least asks for, forethought and a degree of skill.

The solution is not important. What is important is that this section slows the game down and forces the player to think. How to best engage small groups of these enemies so that you don't get mobbed by eight angry Iranians with AKs, grenades and shotguns? This particular engagement solves that problem by pre-dividing the enemies into small teams but the point is there. Humans with AKs can be interesting enemies if deployed against the player correctly. 'Deployed' being the key word. Not sent at him in scores just asking to be gunned down.

I'd LOVE to see more games go in this direction.

Say what you like about Halo's story, graphics, AI, what-have-you, Bungie's combat designers nailed it. Mostly small to medium encounters featuring limited numbers of varied enemies that must be prioritized and engaged differently depending on the encounter. It keeps the player on his toes, it (can be) challenging and it begs for varied approaches. Things that many, if not all, shooters of this generation could benefit from.

So, for discussion purposes, how would you integrate such 'puzzles' into modern FPSs?

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
somerandomguy76 said:
I have played the SP of battlefield 3 and I have to kind of disagree, it was all the same.

Duck behind cover, pop up to see where they are, pop back down again 'cos you obviously have 2 bullets in your head so you have to recover, pop up again and kill one, duck again then repeat till they are all dead then move on.

FPSes will always be the same two flavors, serious Sam flavor and COD flavor (there is also things like ARMA but there not main stream).

If you want a very tactical shooting thing though try frozen synapse. Imagine counter strike but you are playing it command and conquer style, you tell people where to move to, when to shoot, which way to look etc.


New member
May 6, 2011
I think more or less the way Halo games did it - smart A.I., set pieces that let that A.I. do it's thang.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Combat puzzles are the best. Makes you feel smart while killing things!


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I solved this problem by playing Hitman. The entire game is a puzzle... with guns :D (Can't wait for Absolution either I'm SO PUMPED)


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Kahunaburger said:
I think more or less the way Halo games did it - smart A.I., set pieces that let that A.I. do it's thang.
More or less this.

Make the AI so advanced, that it will adapt and react differently to every situation. Then every group becomes a different fight in a way that scripting can't really capture.

It also helps if both you and your enemies have a lot of whacky weapons. Dead Space is pretty much one zombie after the next, but the combat never gets dull because the weapons along with dismemberment combat is ridiculously fun and varied. "Do I shoot off the arms with the Plasma Cutter?, do I saw it's legs off with the Ripper? Or slow it down and power up a Contact Beam shot?"

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Grand Theft Auto 4 had a few pleasant examples.

skywolfblue said:
It also helps if both you and your enemies have a lot of whacky weapons. Dead Space is pretty much one zombie after the next, but the combat never gets dull because the weapons along with dismemberment combat is ridiculously fun and varied. "Do I shoot off the arms with the Plasma Cutter?, do I saw it's legs off with the Ripper? Or slow it down and power up a Contact Beam shot?"
I dunno, after a while I was just harpoooning eveything to walls.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
omega 616 said:
somerandomguy76 said:
I have played the SP of battlefield 3 and I have to kind of disagree, it was all the same.

Duck behind cover, pop up to see where they are, pop back down again 'cos you obviously have 2 bullets in your head so you have to recover, pop up again and kill one, duck again then repeat till they are all dead then move on.

FPSes will always be the same two flavors, serious Sam flavor and COD flavor (there is also things like ARMA but there not main stream).

If you want a very tactical shooting thing though try frozen synapse. Imagine counter strike but you are playing it command and conquer style, you tell people where to move to, when to shoot, which way to look etc.
Oh no this was the only spot I felt was even close to being a puzzle in BF3. I did not like the campaign at all.

And I love Frozen Synapse btw :D Very much my kinda game.

skywolfblue said:
Make the AI so advanced, that it will adapt and react differently to every situation. Then every group becomes a different fight in a way that scripting can't really capture.
While I wish this to be true and truly hope devs will keep at it, AI always seems to fall short in one way or another. Even if they are smart enough not to walk into walls and to flank the player, I still wish developers would focus on creating interesting encounters with varied enemies that require innovative tactics. I'd be happy with that even without human-level AI.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Crysis. Just... make it like Crysis. The CoD flow with Crysis 1 tacticalness would be perfect. Unfortunately the sequel did it the other way around.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series does this very, very well. Almost every single engagement in those games is like the OP's example. Sometimes not, sometimes even more intense! And sometimes you can just jump out a window and run away instead of getting into one at all. THAT is a sound tactic as well!