Comedy Central's Life After Stephen Colbert


New member
Mar 4, 2011
I would be on board for Jessica Williams getting a show. She is hilarious. Every time I see her on the show, I crack. I had about had it when I heard about yet another stand your ground case and her "white fear" jokes were amazing. That must of been a real effort because I was steaming mad and I'm a white guy in Illinois. She knows how to do the job.


New member
May 25, 2010
DirgeNovak said:
That does seem to conflict with this quote:

Late Night TV's status as a perennial Old Boy's Club is notorious, and a female-fronted Colbert successor built on moving the Fox-spoof crosshairs from O'Reilly to Kelly would be pretty damn notable. The obvious ideal host? Daily's Samantha Bee, one of the show's all-time MVPs.
I suppose it could go either way...


New member
Jul 24, 2011
I'm sad he didn't mention Aasif Mandvi. Make it a parody of like foreign new networks or just simply focus on world news. I mean it might be a little... racisty since Mandvi is an american that happens to have brown skin and can pull out a natural accent he gets from his immigrant parents, but I still think it would be funny. Colbert and Stewart had alot overlap in the stuff they cover but with a world view sort of show it would have its own flavor content from Daily Show.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
An hour long Daily show would be nice. First half is the current news bits, the second half is interviews. It might be a bit too tolling on Stewart though.


New member
Feb 12, 2013
That's a bunch of great ideas well thought out. Great article. I want to add to the whole "make the Daily Show an hour long" thing. They could just give more of a spotlight to all of the correspondents, and divide the opportunity. Comedy Central wouldn't have to pay out the ying-yang for a new host, and all the correspondents can work on their side projects. It's seems like a much safer plan than going for something new. None of these correspondents are on the same level as Colbert was before he got his spin-off. Jessica Williams could be, but it's too early to tell with her.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I seem to be the only person who isn't feeling Jessica Williams.

I think she has great potential, certainly; she's clearly witty and charismatic. But something about her timing and delivery has always seemed just a little off to me, just a little flat. I think a few more years of honing her abilities on The Daily Show could make her the equal of a Samantha Bee or a John Oliver, but I don't think she's there yet. Spinning her off now would be a bad idea.

(Remember that Bee has been with the Daily show for eleven years, Oliver was with it for eight, and Carell for fourteen. Williams hasn't yet finished two.)