Comic strips that need to die. Now.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Rose gave me a slight laugh, but don't you ever, ever *eyes glow red* say that Garfield needs to end, again! Or do, free country. But the rest can all die in an emos corner.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Flunk said:
I really think that any comic that has been around for more than 10 years is probably past it's prime and totally out of material. In saying that I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I love Dilbert, possibly because I basically am Dilbert if you substitute the word "Programmer" for "Engineer".
Engineers in my dept always put up comics with words crossed out and replaced with people or products in our area. Its scary how close they are to reality then.

OT: Agreed and allow me to add to the list: Red and Rover (Calvin and Hobbes rip off) and Baldo.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
You know what comic I think doesn't deserve to exist? Benders and Brawlers, the DM of the Rings/Darths and Droids knock-off based on Avatar: the Last Airbender. I tried to like it, since I loved the show and DMotR and Darths and Droids, but it is entirely not funny. Ever.

As far as print comics though...I don't know if there's anything current that I even remotely like anymore.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Doonesbury. Not that I don't agree with a fair deal of what it says, but, damn, talk about almost consistently unfunny delivery. It's almost always people just talking, with the same goddamn expression on their face, and always seemingly smack dab in the middle of a situation, time or place that seems devoid of context or transition. It's just so goddamn monotone, boring, discussed in a most esoteric manner. Stick with The Boondocks and Bloom County.

Also: Zippy. Seriously. Fuck that strip. So much.

(I'll be back with more)


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
Sorry, but I like Garfield where he is, he's still funny where I'm standing.

As for comic strips that need to die, I'd go with Peanuts, Shultz is long gone, we shouldn't go on with Charlie Brown and his friends in the sunday paper, we should put them to bed, just as we did with Calvin and Hobbes.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
While I'm tempted to say Garfield, Garfield Minus Garfield has completely exonerated Jim Davis' ongoing travesty just to give it more fodder.

I'll say Marmaduke. It just keeps grating me how the lame humor and slapdash artwork keep eking out an existence...


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Regiment said:
MONSTERheart said:
It seems like a lot of comics are still around because their fan base is so large, not because they're 'good' or anything. Peanuts, Marmaduke, Dennis the Menace, etc.
But these comics only have the fan base because people think they're good. Things that nobody likes tend to have a short shelf life. They don't sell, and papers would drop them for things that do.

On topic: Mallard Filmore isn't funny. It isn't a clever jab at the left wing. It isn't a clever way to boost the ego of the righest of the right wing. It's just not funny. Even when you neglect the obvious political bias and focus on the jokes and the jokes alone, it's just not funny. Keep it if you must, but put it on the opinions page so I can ignore it while trying to read the funnies.
Mallard Filmore is funny, in the same way that watching a car crash is funny


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I know this isn't really a comic STRIP, but still...

And I know that people are going to hate me for this...

But I say "Archie" comics need to die.

No, really. They aren't funny and their content seems to outright mock what some people consider serious issues; this includes failing tests, random beatings, disloyal relationships, academic negligence, and abuse of the school system. Furthermore, a lot of the issues they like to bring up in specials are no longer relivent in today's society. I remember seeing on the cover of a recent digest issue something about Archie moving away (oh, like they haven't done THAT one before... >_>). Is that REALLY such a deal anymore, what with high-speed internet, e-mail, Facebook, Skype, etc? Yeah, they may not get to hang out on the same level, but they have more than enough ways to retain contact. Oh yeah, that's right... because Archie NEVER... CHANGES!


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
Ya know, I'm pretty cynical against the comics these days. Bill Waterson once said in his 10th anniversary Calvin and Hobbes book that comics nowadays are just gag jokes. Probably the last good comic strip that ended was FoxTrot, only because Jason was a huge nerd like me. With that said here's my list:
Family Circus
Hi and Lois
Hagar the Horrible
Born Loser
Zippy the Clown (Good god, that most of all makes me puke)

And so much more...

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Take away Garfield's space and give Foxtrot its spot. Foxtrot rules. Can you think of another funny pages comic that did a guest spot for Penny Arcade? I thought not.

And at least Dilbert has managed to stay at a consistent level of quality.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
MONSTERheart said:
Family Circus - This is the anti-funny. There are literally no punch lines. Check out last sundays:
HOW THEY HELL IS THAT FUNNY? As much as I respect the great history behind the comic, it died a long, long time ago.
That's the first thing I thought of when I saw your thread title. I happened to see that strip in the paper and said "Yep, this still isn't funny."

Second one I thought of is Penny Arcade. *dodges flames* Sorry, but people link those all over the place, and not one has EVER made me laugh or even go "Heh, that's funny." My reaction to those strips has always been something along the lines of "...k".

And before I get any replies like Soylent Bacon posted earlier, yes I already know to just not read them, and that's generally what I do at this point. I don't actually think they should die because the thread title is "Comic strips that need to die." I am just sharing some strips I find awful and thus don't read.

EDIT: Oh yes. How could I forget Cathy. I actually do think that one needs to die. How many times can they recycle "buying clothes and shoes is expensive" as a joke, anyway? I know everyone is into going green these days but this is insane.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Also, I feel that supehero comics that originated in the 60's or earlier are holding back the flow of new ideas and acting as a crutch for the writers.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Sakuji said:
DOONESBURY! Not even a comic, just liberal propaganda. I so miss The Far Side and Bloom County days.
Just so you know that Gary Larson and Berkeley Breathed were liberals... and yeah so is Aaron Mcgruder... creator of Boondocks which you probably also like.


Jan 4, 2010
Baby Blues needs to stay. Seriously I just fucking love it! It makes me laugh every time.

Pickles, it needs to also stay.

What needs to go, is Dennis. Sorry but I find no funny there at all.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Does Marmaduke still update?, seriously, I've heard of it, but I don't think I've ever seen it in my newspaper. Maybe just 'cause I usually read the locals?

But yeah, Cathy...ooohhhh, Cathy. That comic makes me ashamed to be female, which I ASSUME is the target audience...but I just don't get it. That's really the only one that makes me mad, just because it forces the "OMG ALL GIRLS WANNA DO IS SHOP AND MOPE AND SCREAM AND COMPLAIN LOL" stereotype. Everything is probably funny to someone in it's own way...even boring and mundane Family Circus.

mjc0961 said:
Second one I thought of is Penny Arcade. *dodges flames* Sorry, but people link those all over the place, and not one has EVER made me laugh or even go "Heh, that's funny." My reaction to those strips has always been something along the lines of "...k". know, I never thought of it before, but you're right. I enjoy reading Penny Arcade, but RARELY has it actually made me laugh. At most I just smile or a light chuckle because I get it. Although I will say that I was impressed with their Lookouts and Automata stories. I kinda like that direction better than their gaming references.