Coming out to your family and friends.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
NightmareLuna said:
I am noy gay but I am bi, and there is nothing special about it. I've never really talked about sexuality with my friends or family but they saw me with a guy once and later asked if I was gay, I said no I am bi, and they said, Okey.

And then we went on playing video games like every other day, same for my family but insead of video games we just continued the dinner.

There is no story about coming out as long as you live with open, non-religious family and friends.
my fathers religious, but also open minded. hes flat out told me he doesnt care what my sexuality is as long as im happy. the two arent always mutually exclusive.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
NightmareLuna said:
excentric22 said:
NightmareLuna said:
I am noy gay but I am bi, and there is nothing special about it. I've never really talked about sexuality with my friends or family but they saw me with a guy once and later asked if I was gay, I said no I am bi, and they said, Okey.

And then we went on playing video games like every other day, same for my family but insead of video games we just continued the dinner.

There is no story about coming out as long as you live with open, non-religious family and friends.
my fathers religious, but also open minded. hes flat out told me he doesnt care what my sexuality is as long as im happy. the two arent always mutually exclusive.
I am sorry, I should have added a side note on that. Of course they are not. Just a slip of the fingers. Most religous people in sweden tend to be very zealous for some reason, at least those I've met. So that is where I've gotten that from.

But again, I am sorry and I shall ediy my post.
lol, no worries. Ive had to deal with some really anti-religion gay and bi people before.....probably more than anti gay religious people. so Im a little sensitive when I see something like that.

That makes sense, Im from Canada...we really arent zealous about anything lol. So you are definately right, its all about who you grow up around. Hopefully their open enough to accept you as you are, regardless of their background


New member
Jan 19, 2011
My coming out was... anti-climatic. Everyone, friends, family, EVERYONE, apparently knew that I was gay before I did, so coming out was less, "WTF I SNUB YOU NOW" and more, "...Wait, you weren't out before?" My dad knew years before I even began to realize it, and my best friend just snorted and said, "yeah, tell me something I don't know." If you've seen the movie, it was a total But I'm a Cheerleader moment, only less with the confrontation and more with the eyerolling.

My mom, however, panicked(she doesn't have anything against homosexuality; she was just worrying about how hard she thought it would make my life and she wasn't sure how to deal) and drove up to spill everything to grandma. Half-way through her freak out my grandma interrupted her to yell, "So she's gay! So what?! Shut the hell up about it already! Christ!"

...And that was the end of that. I love my family.


Dec 3, 2010
I came out to my two closest friends about my mental health. Never saw them again.
Wrong thread? :D

I'm heterosexual myself, but I've had a couple of gay/bisexual friends over the years. As far as I know their parents were pretty accepting. I'm from Sweden though, and this is Satans playground after all.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
TheDarkEricDraven said:
I came out, and now my family hates me and we argue about all things at all times forever.

Thaa said:
So I wrote a letter in Comic Sans MS font...16 point, and it was eight pages long. I just explained how I knew, how long I'd known, the process, and told them how much I loved them.

My dad was shell-shocked. Completely.
Well, who can blame him? I mean, Comic Sans, dude...
That is the best context removing snip I've ever seen.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
My whole family are extremely devout Catholics and I never chose to come out to my parents (basically cause I knew what did happen was going to if I did) but they found out anyway.

My Gf had gone with me when I was telling my parents I was moving out to stay with her, my little cousin made the stupid joke of "what are you, gay?" and I just froze, I didn't want to deny it with her right there (Actually, I didn't want to deny it even if she wasn't, I was tired of having to pretend I was something I'm not) and my parents just looked shocked before throwing me and my Gf out.

The only time I've spoken to any of my family since then was when I was picking up my stuff, and then they spent the time ignoring me completely or telling me how much of a disgrace I am to them.

But you know what, I'm happier and better off without them.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
I haven't come out to my family about my Bronyness yet. The only person I've told is one of my friends who I already knew was a fan...wait, we're talking about what now?

Knight Captain Kerr

New member
May 27, 2011
It was a bit boring really just took it up in casual conversation with friends and my parents. That said I still haven't told everyone yet just a few friends and my parents. I almost went mad at soomebody in class when he asked if a character in a story was a lesbian or "just greedy."
One funny thing was when a friend (male) said he was lesbian. I said I wasn't. Then he asked if I was gay. I said no. Then he asked if I was a lesbian. It went on like this for ages before I just said I was bisexual.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Oh boy...

When I was 14 I already knew that I was gay. I had a friend back then who, though I had only known him for about a year at this point, I was closer to than anybody else in my life. So one day I just thought "fuck it" and when we were walking home from school I just stopped him and flat-out told him, in no uncertain terms. God bless him, he was pretty damn cool about it all. So I thought all was good.

A few months passed and then this friend got himself a girlfriend who was part of the "popular crowd". So basically, he abandoned me and everyone else in our group of friends. Now I was kind of in love with the guy (I didn't tell him such during my coming out moment) and this kind of hurt. But the worst was yet to come. I came into school a few days later and literally everybody knew! My friends, my enemies, even random people who I swear I had never met before. All of them.

Lots of them had problems. That is how several months later I ended up beaten severely, but that isn't relevant... well, not really, but I don't want to get into it now.

But that's how I came out to my friends.

My parents followed quickly thereafter. After the aforementioned severe beating I didn't want to tell anyone why it happened, especially not my parents. I don't know why I didn't want them to know, since they had never showed any signs of being homophobic. They hadn't mentioned their approval of it either, so I just didn't know.

Basically, after a long time of mentally torturing myself I went downstairs into the living room one night and told them. I told them I was gay, and that it was the reason I got beaten up so badly.

I'm just glad it went well. Apparently they had already figured it out, so it went swimmingly. Good thing too because if they had reacted badly, given my mental state at the time of this happening, I shudder to think what I might have done.

Truth be told, the only person that had a problem with it (short of the guys who pummelled me into a bloody heap on the floor of course) was my brother but really he can go fuck himself.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Keep in mind she's a very religious christian woman:

Me: I don't have a problem with gays wanting to marry.
Mum: Why? That's not how G*d intended it!
Me: Don't care. Why should I care what other people do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else?
Mum: Is there something you want to tell me?
Me: Tell you what?
Mum: Well, is there?
Me: I'm not gay. What's wrong with you?

that's the best story I got. Yay me!


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
excentric22 said:
klaynexas3 said:
i don't think i could particularly come out and my parents or friends think i'm serious. only one person knows that i'm bi, and she's not gonna tell anyone. the thing is, i basically do come out. on a daily basis. to everyone. and everyone thinks that i'm mostly screwing around, because for the longest time that's how it's been, me just screwing around. and for the most part, it still is because i'm not attracted to my friends, and when i say it to my parents it's not saying i'm bisexual it's me having a discussion with them, they mention me getting married to a woman one day, and i say big and loud "i won't get married to a woman, i'm gay!" considering i still find the female body more attractive and i like more girls than guys, this is mostly a joke, not to mention if i wanted to come out i would make sure they knew i was bi, not gay. not to mention, i'm a bit afraid to say i'm bi, due to how people would think at school, how my friends would feel, how my parents would react as they are christians. whenever i make the "i'm gay" joke with my parents, they, well more so my mom, act like that'd be some outlandish and horrible thing if i was gay. being bi wouldn't be that different for them. besides, my mom has a bit of a dislike for the gay community and her idea is that while they might not have control over who they're attracted to, they can control their impulses. in other words, just suppressing the gayness. my dad doesn't really say much about it, unless he's talking about some friends that might've been gay or whatnot, but never in a bad fashion. he'll just say they are gay or lesbian and be done with it. my mom is usually the one talking more so against it, so i'm afraid to come out to them. i don't know if i ever truly will, as i don't particularly feel it will be necessary. my only relationship with another guy has been over for a while and i have no desire to be with another one, so i have no reason to tell them.
Not to be disrespectful.....but it doesnt sound like your bi. Im not saying your straight though. Ive always considered being bi to mean that your attracted to both genders and want relationships with both. Having some attraction to your own gender is more just in that grey zome that, really, most people are in.

Hell, im a guy and would sleep with a guy if i met the right one. But id never call myself bi since I really have no plan to date guys in the future.
i find relationships with females to be more fulfilling, that's the reason why i don't want to date another guy any time soon. bisexual only describes sexual preference, and i'm attracted to both sexes, so i'm bisexual.

another big reason why i don't see myself dating a guy in the near future is because i'm into this one girl at the moment and i'd like for that to work out. so unless she turns out to be a dude, i won't be dating a guy any time soon if things go alright.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
klaynexas3 said:
i find relationships with females to be more fulfilling, that's the reason why i don't want to date another guy any time soon. bisexual only describes sexual preference, and i'm attracted to both sexes, so i'm bisexual.

another big reason why i don't see myself dating a guy in the near future is because i'm into this one girl at the moment and i'd like for that to work out. so unless she turns out to be a dude, i won't be dating a guy any time soon if things go alright.
That makes more sense if your just interested in a girl right now.

But ignoring your specific case (this is more for everyone) dont you think that sexuality is more than just physical attraction? Sexuality to me has always had an emotional component. Anyone can kind anyone sexually attractive, but if you cant connect emotional to them then theres something missing. so many people think that the types of sexuality go straight, bi, gay. I think that theres big grey zones in between them. and I think that the majority of people are in those grey zones.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Me: Hey Mom I'm gay.
Her: I know.
Me: I was joking.
Her: Really?!

She still thinks I'm gay because I don't talk about boys with her, and when I do she calls me gay for liking girly men. She considers Sam Winchester from Supernatural girly. I don't even fight it anymore.
Apr 28, 2008
I don't have much of a story, but I did have a friend who came out to me. I was cool about it, and asked why he told me before, well, anyone else. He said because I was the nicest person he knew and felt like he could tell me anything.

Made me feel quite good about myself :)

As for me, well I'm heterosexual. Though I can still appreciate a sexy man. I'm not sexually attracted, but I can see someone and go "yeah, that dude's hot".