Commander Riker Would Love to Direct Star Trek 3
Now that Roberto Orci has left the director's chair of Star Trek 3, a veteran Star Trek actor says he'd like to direct the film.
Jonathan Frakes [], who played William Riker in Star Trek: The Next Generation, would be giddy to take on the directorial role.
In an interview with Komo News, Frakes ecstatically said, "Hashtag BringInRiker! I'm all over it."
Frakes has directed several TV series in and out of Star Trek and two Star Trek films, First Contact and Insurrection.
Frakes said he's contacted Paramount Pictures to express interest and has spoken with producer J.J. Abrams, who directed the rebooted Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness.
"I'm trying to keep the lid on how excited I am about the possibility, knowing it's such a long shot," Frakes said. "But there's nothing I would like better."
That may indeed be quite the longshot as rumors point to Edgar Wright taking over as the director for Star Trek 3. [] It likely won't be too long before we find out who's going to be the director since Paramount Pictures is trying to stick to a Star Trek 3 release in 2016, keeping with the series' 50th anniversary.
Will Paramount Pictures "make it so" for Frakes?
Source: Komo News []

Jonathan Frakes [], who played William Riker in Star Trek: The Next Generation, would be giddy to take on the directorial role.
In an interview with Komo News, Frakes ecstatically said, "Hashtag BringInRiker! I'm all over it."
Frakes has directed several TV series in and out of Star Trek and two Star Trek films, First Contact and Insurrection.
Frakes said he's contacted Paramount Pictures to express interest and has spoken with producer J.J. Abrams, who directed the rebooted Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness.
"I'm trying to keep the lid on how excited I am about the possibility, knowing it's such a long shot," Frakes said. "But there's nothing I would like better."
That may indeed be quite the longshot as rumors point to Edgar Wright taking over as the director for Star Trek 3. [] It likely won't be too long before we find out who's going to be the director since Paramount Pictures is trying to stick to a Star Trek 3 release in 2016, keeping with the series' 50th anniversary.
Will Paramount Pictures "make it so" for Frakes?
Source: Komo News []