Common skills you can't do.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
I can't perform any kind of somersault.
That includes on the ground.

It is embarrassing.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
I can't sew things that actually stay together. And forget even trying to use a machine....


New member
May 18, 2011
I can't roll my R's either! Which is weird because I'm Dutch, so my normal R's are really pronounced. I can't pronounce the English 'r' either, they either sound like the Dutch 'r' or I sound like biggus dickus from Monthy Python... (you know, the guy that said 'welease bwian').


New member
Jun 8, 2010
up until very recently I couldn't blow my nose, but that'd probably be considered less "can't" and more of a "won't". It was kind of a phobia-ish thing. I blew my nose once as a kid and got a massive nosebleed, so it took me about 16-17 years to get over that.

Also can't whistle very well. Can only make creepy wind sounds.

Also can't dance. At all. Even the Harlem Shake is too advanced for my dancing skills and that's just flailing about randomly.

EDIT: Could never do a pull up in gym class either. Damn nerd muscles!


New member
May 17, 2010
I'd like to point out something about the snapping fingers thing:

As I've come to understand about a year ago, when they say "the sound is produced by sliding your fingers together," they leave out the part where the actual sound comes from the middle finger slapping your palm - the sliding of the fingers creates tension that, when released, provides the kinetic force to produce the sound on your palm. For the longest time, I thought the sound came from just the fingers themselves. I still can't do it every time on command, but just by knowing the difference I can produce an actual sound now.

Also, I too am a semi non-whistler. I can make shrill sounds, but not a song.


New member
May 21, 2010
I can't raise only my left eyebrow for some reason. I can raise them both, and my right eyebrow, but not my left, and I have no idea why. Also, I am horrible at whistling, and the best I can do is get a loud continuous stream if I lick my lips just right, but I most certainly can't change pitches, let alone whistle along to a tune or something.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I can't swallow pills, no doubt it's more of a psychological thing than a disability.

Can't tie shoelaces very well, I remember that is the only basic skill I failed to do back in Kindergarten, I was the only one too. Apparently it's some kind of condition, but I kinda think that's BS. I could learn if I really had to.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I've never been able to click, which I've always found odd because despite my general lack of co-ordination my fingers are very dexterous.

I also can't make an omelette on account of the fact that I hate egg. I can't cook egg in any way except for cakes really.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
DeltaEdge said:
I can't raise only my left eyebrow for some reason. I can raise them both, and my right eyebrow, but not my left, and I have no idea why.
I think that's fairly common, to only be able to lift one or both eyebrows. I think it just has to do with which side of your body has more strength and fine control. I can only lift both or the left. C:


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
I can spit, swim and whistle, just not very well; I can't drive, but I've never had lessons. Umm, I'm not very good at answering this thread.. because I'm generally great at most things, BOOM!

Blow_Pop said:
I can't sew things that actually stay together. And forget even trying to use a machine....
How many times have you ended up attaching yourself to the fabric in question? I could maybe sew if I tried, but I unashamedly get my lady to reattach any and all buttons for me.

Barbas said:
I cannot snap my own fingers.
This suggests you can snap other peoples' fingers just fine.


Aug 3, 2008
Scarim Coral said:
Riding a bike, sure my dad and a former mate of my try to teach me but I can just never get my balance on it!
Gah! Finally, someone who can't do it! I get so many shocked responses when I tell people.
I never got taught properly, I was given a bike with stabilizers and left to do my own thing.
I have absolutely no balance, it sucks.

I can't click either. Or do any kind of DIY, I can't even hang up a picture :/


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I struggle to enjoy reading a book.

I read tons of things every day. I'm good at it.
But I've only ever bought and read an entire book by choice once. And it was only 180 pages long, and I read it in under 24 hours.

Having breaks between reading seems to ruin my motivation and I forget exactly where on a page I am so I can end up reading the same thing over and over without noticing. I need a good idea of the author's image to be satisfied in certain cases. once when reading a book, the characters started interacting with a new location, without it seemingly telling me the location changed. I spent ages going back and forth pages to find where it tells me, and gave up.
Writers struggle to make each moment matter to me. This would lead to situations in school when writing where my teacher said I have to give my stories a hook, when I lacked any examples of hooks from my own experience.

I also can't swallow pills without eating something at the same time.
I can't blow balloons.
I can't whistle.
I can't enjoy the taste of alcohol.
I can't go along with a few social conventions, because I can't understand why people do.
I can't write lengthy essays, because I tend to get to the point quickly.
I think I can't run properly because I have very bad form.
I sometimes can't even read my own handwriting.
I can't do things without clear instructions because I end up in ambiguous ideas of how to move forward so just stop for fear of doing the task wrong.
I can't go up to people at shop counters without sweating because I find the need for what I consider pointless human interaction to be stressful.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
I don't know if it's necessarily a SKILL but I can't make a sign language "B" with my right hand... it just doesn't happen because there's a tendon or something that pulls down my index finger every time I bend my thumb. It's REALLY hard to explain because no one believes me and thinks I'm just doing it to be funny.

On a more related note, though... The only whistling I can do sounds more like a chirping bird but hey, it's loud enough and people can hear it so that's all that REALLY matters, I guess.

I'm at that terrible point in life where I'm relegated to working retail because going to a temp agency or a workforce area scares the crap out of me for some reason and one of my jobs is to "find something to do", which I've NEVER been good at in a job because I don't find stuff to do that I don't WANT to do. If I were at home and I was told to find something to do, it'd be cake but because it's work and I don't want to do ANY work, I can't just "Find something to do". Yeahhh I'll find something to do... like go home because my boss is crazy and treats everyone like shit because the Cowboys lost.

Also my cursive leaves a LOT to be desired and even my signature is missing, like, four of the letters in my name because I've done it this way for so long that if I tried to change it, people might think I was faking my ID.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
RoonMian said:
Opening a bottle of beer with a lighter (or anything else besides a bottle opener)

In spite of having worked construction.
How would one go about opening beer with a lighter? I can do it with a key no problem, but I can't see how you'd manage it with a lighter without irreparably damaging the lighter itself.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Can't snap my fingers or whistle. The closest to a whistle I get is this weird, weak, high-pitched tone I press through my teeth.
And obviously, the most common one - I can't dance. And I effing HATE being told "you just have to try it, you'll like it!". Because you know what? How about I take you to a shooting range, and you will have to shoot at stuff for two hours. What, you still don't like it and you're not good at it? Oh, you just have to try it some more!
OF COURSE it will be more fun once I get better at it, but even so I just don't WANT to get better at it - I don't enjoy it!
This argument comes up for NO OTHER hobby! I can't tell you you should start Magic: The Gathering, and that no matter how much you hate playing it, it will be fun once you do it long enough, so don't tell me the same about rhythmically moving my flesh across a dance floor! Sorry for the rant.

Other than that, I have a real problem expressing sympathy in case of a sad event, something most people find natural. It's not that I don't feel sympathy, I just don't know how my face is supposed to move to convey it. I never figured that out.

EDIT: Also, reading through this: opening beer bottles with anything BUT an opener. People don't even trust me with trying anymore. They'll just automatically open my beer for me because I always break stuff or hurt people when I use something else.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
To all the people talking about not being able to swallow pills, ask if they can be crushed in a pill crusher, then mixed with something. Cinnamon applesauce can really cut the bitterness, pudding makes it worse. Or if they come in a capsule with sprinkles inside and it's not extended release, you can open them up and put them in something too. I have the same problem.

I don't know if this is uncommon or not, but I have trouble moving my fourth finger without taking my pinky along for the ride. And vice versa.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
I exclusively write in cursive, i honestly struggle to write in print. the few times I'm forced to write in print always irritate me cause it makes my already below average handwriting even shittier.