Common skills you can't do.


New member
Jun 7, 2013
I am really bad at dating and figuring out how girls think. My friends seem to be able to do it just fine. I guess years and years of gaming will do that to you. I am trying to improve now. I also can't dance and I can't sing or play the guitar.
May 29, 2011
I can speak english perfectly except some words sometimes randomly come out as stuttered nonsense and I have to stop and wait a second.

It's weird because it only came up recently, when I started speaking MORE english.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I can't drive or ride a bike, which in my area has probably saved my life at least 5 times in the long run. I call the evening news "this is how many people died in a hit and run today" because there honestly hasn't been even one day in as long as I can remember where there hasn't been one.

If you live in in the Portland, Oregon area and you leave the house in anything other than full body armor you are rolling the dice. Also if you happen to be playing in your own front lawn or inside a shop or anywhere a car can physically reach you it will find a way to get you.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I can't roll my Rs, and I can't drive. I can whistle, but not with much range, so I can't really make a tune.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I can't tie shoelaces.

I just try to pull my laces as tightly as I can then tuck them under my feet in my shoes, it usually works.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
chattycathy said:
I can't gargle with a salt wash when I have a sore throat. I just feel like I'm going to choke on the water. Much to the amusement of my family.
Yep, I have this same problem. My gag reflex is very sensitive. Also made it real interesting when the doctor was trying to check if my tonsillitis had developed an abscess in my throat or not...

ArkhamJester said:
I exclusively write in cursive, i honestly struggle to write in print. the few times I'm forced to write in print always irritate me cause it makes my already below average handwriting even shittier.
My printing is probably more readable, but it looks much worse than my cursive. I also find it much, much slower.

freedash22 said:
I am really bad at dating and figuring out how girls think. My friends seem to be able to do it just fine. I guess years and years of gaming will do that to you. I am trying to improve now.
That's easy - you stop treating them like strange creatures that you need to figure out. ;-)

Like a lot of the others here, I can't sing (I seem to be tone deaf) or dance. Generally I'm pretty musically inept (although I greatly enjoy music). I struggle to hold a beat, let alone a rhythm. With dancing, it's very frustrating when people tell me to 'just feel the music and let your body do what it wants to do'. Guess what? All my body wants to do is stand still, or tap a foot/bob a head at best.

I will concede however that I could learn to sing or dance with a very large amount of effort - my girlfriend is in a similar position to me in terms of singing, and she's taken up singing lessons. I think she's now got good control over her voice, so she can hit notes, but she finds it hard to tell what notes to hit. One of her anecdotes is her music teacher playing the first few notes in a scale and then asking her what the next note should be, to which she has no idea. This frustrates her music teacher immensely.

Despite generally being at least somewhat acrobatic (mostly rolls and the like), I cannot do cartwheels. This actually seems to be a physical problem - because of the shape of my ribcage, I find it difficult to bend sideways very much, which seems like an essential part of a cartwheel. In fact this problem extends further than this - no matter how long and hard I try, I cannot seem to do a lot of the same stretches that my training partners can. The same extends to developing muscle endurance (though strength itself doesn't seem to be a huge issue).

EDIT: Oh, something else I apparently seem incapable of is making short posts!


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
Snap my fingers. Not happenin'.
Apparently I'm not alone. This is comforting.

Also peeling oranges with my bare hands. I always need to score the peel with a knife first. (I'm a nail biter)

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
-Can't dance
-Can't comb my hair properly
-Can't blow bubblegum into a balloon
-Can't cut a deck of cards the fancy way
-Can't whistle. Well I can but I can't do the "put your two fingers and whistle" thing


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
I can't snap my fingers, I can't whistle, My handwriting is awful and I never learned to drive.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
I can?t
-swim (gave up)
-ride a bike (dad gave up teaching sister & I)
-swallow pills (must suffer water-dissolved anti-depressants before washing out aftertaste with apple juice)
-smoke without hacking up a load of spit (rarely do it, but I?ve still done it more than once, yet haven?t ?surpassed the wall?)
-whistle (except by accident)
-pin on badges (part of the reason why I?ve never bought a Poppy, aside from not having any kind of national pride or emotional connection towards WWI vets)
-pick up babies, cats and dogs (without looking like a fucking retard)
-like the taste of most alcohol (cider is strongest I can tolerate)
-revise (I just procrastinate too much)
-do pull-ups

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
Elfgore said:
Can't swallow pills. Really fucks me over when it comes to taking medicine. I've tried it with water and it still won't go down, the water will. But not the god damn pill I need.
Place the pill (one at a time if needing to take more than one) onto the very back of your tongue, then take a swig of water and immediately swallow. The expansion of the esophagus as you swallow will allow the pill to pass down without you even noticing, because the pill is at the back of your mouth already your tongue doesn't automatically come up to block it and it'll go down with the water as you swallow.


Speak a second language, most of the world is bilingual more or less, I can only really speak english.


New member
Apr 3, 2014
Well I just joined in order to send this post.

I can't whistle. (Tried a lot when I was younger, then I gave up.)
I can't blow a bubble with gum. (When I was younger I managed to blow but while I am holding the gum out of my mouth and stretching with my fingers! [yuck] Now I don't do such things.)
I am very bad at all sports played with a ball. So I don't play any of them.
I can't roll my tongue. (It's not so rare I guess.)


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Ashadowpie said:
any form of mathematics, its a huge issue. i also have a hard time remembering names and faces, included street names and addresses. oy

i have land marks EVERYWHERE
I don't remember writing this...oh right its not just pretty much sums me up too. I've lived in the same building with this one bloke whose name was said to me when I moved in, which I totally forgot immediately and have been too embaressed to mention it. I only found it out on Monday that it was Gary.