Completing Video Games


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
I don't usually care about 100% completion, but I aim to at least finish the main story in most games I play. Sometimes I have too many new games at the same time and some titles go on the backlog pile, but unless I don't much like the game, I will finish it eventually.

Right now my backlog consists of about 30 games (out of a roughly 300 games library), 10 of which I probably won't ever finish.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Zhukov said:
I finish about 8/10 games I start. A game has to be either bad or very boring for me to completely drop it.

However, this isn't normal. If you go on steam and look at the achievement statistics you'll see that usually less than half the people who played a game got the achievement for finishing it.

Some random examples:

Batman Arkham City: 45%
Half Life 2: Episode 2: 50%
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: 42% (Only 23% managed to save Malick, you monsters.)
Yay; i'm a good person.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I almost always finish a game's story at the least. Some games I go for the 100%, but mostly it's just finishing the story. That reminds me, I really need to cut down my pile of shame this holidays...


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I usually play my games through to completion, but its rare that'll go for the Platinum trophy (I have 2 and I only did those because they were easy to get). The only exceptions are games that annoy me or I really don't get on with.

Zhukov said:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: 42% (Only 23% managed to save Malick, you monsters.)
I made it my mission to save Malik, it was frustrating especially when the one remaining bad guy killed her, but it was so satisfying when I did manage to finally do it.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I find myself fairly often not finishing games if they don't grab me right out of the gate, and I'd actually consider myself a pretty hardcore dedicated gamer. There are definitely times when I will go back to a game I started but didn't finish, but that doesn't always happen. Outside of the pressure I feel from the vacant space in my wallet, I don't really feel that I need to finish a game. It's also not even always about the game being good or not good, it's just whether it happens to hook me and pull me in or not.

As for 100%ing games.. yeah, that almost never happens. I find that regardless of how much I may enjoy a game, I just don't find a lot of those completionist style challenges actually fun so I just don't do them. To me, that's never been an aspect of finishing a game.

As for the Hitman reaction.. that's just stupid people rushing to make judgements on a game that's not even out yet because they have decided they don't like it and thus didn't even bother to read the article properly. As the OP states, the level of game completion is very low in general, regardless of the game quality in question. It's just a fact that few people who buy games actually finish them. Just because you feel that doesn't apply to you doesn't somehow make it stupid or impossible or wrong, sorry.


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
Zhukov said:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: 42% (Only 23% managed to save Malick, you monsters.)
I refused to progress the game until I saved her life. Which was difficult as a stealth character.

Until I tried the strategy of cloaking, then sprinting directly into every single enemy and knocking them the fuck out whilst chugging energy bars/jars. Probably only made possible thanks to maxing out my batteries and cloaking, and having an obscene supply of energy bars/jars in my inventory. Plus one EMP grenade.

OT: I've got a huge Backlog of games I purchased through steam and GoG. I just don't have the time nor focus to really play through every single one of those games.

But I am trying! I recently decided to swear off multiplayer games temporarily (Because as much fun as they are, they are a major reason why I don't beat many of my games.) And have been playing through Arx Fatalis, LA Noire, Yakuza 3, and Planescape: Torment.

It feels good to experience all of these storylines, but fuck... I got a long way to go.

Those completion numbers don't come as a huge surprise at all. I wonder if those 'completion' rates have ever really changed, given how lots of people inevitably try a game for an hour or two and never try it again.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
Currently I have 88 games in my collection not completed, this spans from PS1, PS2, PS3, GC, GBA, DS, PSP and Wii.

I've counted up my unfinished games the other day actually, knowing I have so many, now I actually have some reasoning behind this. I actually began the quest to beat all of my unfinished games probably about 6 years ago, (mind you before I added alot of wii, and ps3 games to the mix) and even then I had tons of games sitting on my shelf to finish.

Mostly I have rpgs on the ps1, and ps2 not completed. Surprisingly enough, PS3 is probably my best completion/not complete ratio by far on any system, as I currently only have 10 games not finished on my PS3, being:

The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim, Enchanted Arms, Alpha Protocol, Batman Arkham City still sealed, Uncharted 3 still sealed, Resonance of Fate, and Folklore, lol Folklore was my first PS3 game too, funny huh?

Now some other perspective here is that I specify what is a game that needs to be completed as not beat, for example sports games like Madden do not count, neither do games like DDR, or say fighting games, imo. Because they don't really have a storyline/plot/gameplay elements that are expansive like other games.

Granted, since some fighting games retain some RPG elements and challenges to unlock characters or play platform like stages, i.e. SSB, games like that I may consider as an after thought when I finish the core of my 88 games that simply need to be completed.

Most of my failure to complete games simply has to do with time, being busy, life, etc etc.. also due to the rise of my pc time and simply having a habit to just gravitate towards my pc and playing online games constantly for about a decade now. Games like Counter-Strike, WC3, Gunz, many different FPS shooters, LOL, Dota 2 and so on tended to grab my time more than my consoles, due to the excitement of playing people online.

Also for a few years I was heavily into table top gaming, i.e. Yu Gi Oh and MTG, so I wouldn't always be home, I'd be out at night playing card games or with a group of friends to hang out.

The good news is that I've realized the need to complete all of my games, and by complete.. yes I mean 100%, every task, every secret boss/item/whatever to the fullest extent that the game offers, to defy all challenges and complete them. No easy task mind you, and sadly I am very anal when it comes to games in need/want to be perfect and literally do everything.

No easy task mind you, but that is my perspective.. now mind you I have many games I've beat, but not completed such tasks, i.e. Monster farm sidequests in FFX and FF12, which I decided to return to later. But I will indeed return to such tasks eventually, but the goal is to beat and complete every single game I own.

I've recently set a goal for myself, and this idea may help those who sadly have many many games to deal with and complete as well, (hopefully not nearly as bad as me) but I have decided to beat 2 games per week until the end of August, that is 9 weeks and 18 games. I did this because I know that I often become moody or stuggle with my inspirational bouts where I will play many console games in a row and beat them, then revert back to just sticking to my pc for days or weeks until I pick up my console again.

This way I am goal oriented, kind of like a quota, I need to sell 2 cars per week, so obviously with this idea I need to plan accordingly, and obviously I wouldn't want to attempt say 2 long RPGS for my week, but rather an RPG that is reasonably long and then some shorter action game or RPG that may clock in under 20 hours to manage my time properly I would also be attempting the beat the longer or harder game first depending and then following up with the shorter game just in case.

Now what if I select 2 games and come up early, say it is Thursday and I hit my goal, well I decided that the rest of the week will be bonus time, I can use the time to work on other games that I may have not completed yet, or want to attempt to play and beat within that time frame. But if I do not complete a game during that time, once the week cycles out I must move on to my next 2 MANDATORY games for the following week, too bad so sad.. but if I have bonus time next week then ofc I can go back and work on that other game or games.

This is to promote consistancy and accountability, because I often slide out of a game and play something else and then quit and never go back to the previous game, bad habits need to be broken.

Of course I can select any 2 games I so desire, I do not have to start from scratch, so say I select 2 games I have played partially and want to finish, that is fine, but they must be worked at and completed regardless.

I hope by doing this I will be consistant and cut down on my incomplete games and put a dent in them. After that it is back to college, so my time will be constricted until December on break.

I also challenged myself to beat 8 games before Sunday July 1st, to get the number to an even 80, will I do it? I don't know yet, but I have plenty of free time Friday and Saturday, I may be able to do it or get close. This would mostly be some short platformers and adventure games ofc that would run under 10 hours each to complete.

If anybody is curious for a complete list let me know, I am more than happy to post it, and a couple other notes I wanted to add is that I have what I consider, "obscure" games and other categories. I have a Dreamcast with a share of games I am not counting but will likely deal with afterwards, as well as my pc games which is a whole other story, but the reason I consider these seperate is because my console games have simply suffered the most and I need to beat the majority of my games that matter the most.

Now I just have to deal with opening sealed PS2 RPGS, do I even dare?? I don't know, lol.. ok, enough of this, I'd love feedback and to see what people think of this entire idea, lol.


Waiting patiently.....
Nov 27, 2009
Zhukov said:
Only 23% managed to save Malick, you monsters.
WHHAAAAA!? Dammit, i cared for her far more than Megan, i had no idea you could save her!
That being said, i didn't go for the heavy weapons play style at all so i wouldn't've been able to save her anyway.
If there was a way i could sneak in and get her out of the plane then i would've done that though.

Anyway, i did finish Deus Ex and at least 4/5 of every other game i play.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I finish 95% of games that I play for more than 4-5 hours. If it hasn't hooked me within 3 hours the chances I want to grind though to the end are highly unlikely (though it has happened).


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I complete every I game I buy/rent. I'm going to get my moneys worth whether I like the game or not.

I've rented a few shitheaps in my time, but I've beaten all of them. Probably some sort of OCD.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Alright, i have a lot of games i haven't finished. More not on steam, but just to give you an idea

Favorited are games I've finished.

So yeah...I'm workin' on it. jeez.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
The two games I have not finished are Skyward Sword because the motion controls for the lofting were annoying enough without forcing me to learn a manuver that makes the thing go out of control. And skyrim because I got bored with it after the second dragon fight.

Daget Sparrow

New member
Oct 2, 2011
I still have to finish;

Mirror's Edge, Metro 2033, Wet, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, Dark Void, Sniper: Ghost Warrior, Red Dead Redemption, Super Meat Boy (I'll likely never finish that one), Half Life 2: Episode 2, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Alice: Madness Returns, Borderlands, Dragon Age: Origins and Fable II., there's actually a lot more here than I initially thought. Still, I do what I can to finish every game I play.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I gave up on Wii games. I just really hated the controller in non-party games. Huge back lot in everything else: more money than time!


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Since i have a steady income and therefore buy a LOT more videogames, i'll admit i don't finish a lot of games.

But then again, as long as i get enjoyment out of the time that i played, it doesn't matter much to me.

Some unfinished stuff:
Trenched/Iron Brigade - Got distracted by other games, and singleplayer gets a bit dull and uninvolving.

Stacked - Was Fun, will eventually finish it, but after playing through the first few levels, i got disinterested because the puzzles started to feel same-y

The Witcher 2 - Will also eventually finish it, but i'm currently stuck at a place where there aren't really interesting quests and story bits. Just hard to convince myself to get into it again

Driver: San Francisco - Inching forward every now and then.

Outland - Backtracking and difficulty spikes started to annoy me.

L.A. Noire - Got a bit tired of it after a while, but at least this should be easy to pick up again.

FEZ - Got pretty far into it and saw the "unfinished" (?) ending. Was fun, but for 100% completion some stuff is just too obscure for me.

Red Dead Redemption - The Part in Mexico ruined it for me. The story turns predictable and doesn't get to the point thanks to a lot of padding missions, and John Marston comes off as a complete idiot for not realizing how he will inevitably be betrayed by his mexican "employers"

American McGees Alice + Madness Returns: The first game doesn't really feel rewarding due to it's aged game design and lack of actual story, the second one combines difficulty spikes with being in the individual stages for far too long.

And i didn't finish about 80-90% of my Steam Games Catalogue because i'm not really much of a PC player but still fall for the amazing deals...

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
If I don't like a game I'm playing I usually have to see the ending so I'll look up a video playthrough and skip to the end. This usually confirms my thoughts that it was crap and I'm glad I saved my time.

Jolly Co-operator

A Heavy Sword
Mar 10, 2012
I usually try to finish games that I start, thought there are a few that I haven't

I've played Skyrim a lot, but never finished the main quest

I quit Twisted Metal sometime during Dollface's campaign. (The mission with those 2 damn killer Semi's)

I also have yet to finish Half Life episodes 1 and 2


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
I have a really bad habit of getting distracted at the final boss. It's also annoying because if I want to go back and beat it I'm at the hardest part and extremely rusty so I feel like I need to start over.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Damn, I'm on vacation right now, so I can't look at my 360 collection, but I'd say I probably completed 60-70% of them.

I know I haven't completed Alone in the Dark, Prince of Persia (2008), Dead Island (I think? Can't remember if I beat it or not), and probably some more dismal games that I'm repressing memory of...