That?s great political logic right there. Rather than saying its maybe the parents fault for getting them the game. I highly doubt a 7 year old works to make enough money to go out and buy him a video game, so you must have either given him the money or bought it for him. Thus the root cause of him getting his hands on an M rated game is that YOU let him. Most places have it that you need a parent get the M rated game for you, and you would think that while getting it for them they might ponder the name or even look at the box. This of course is thrown completely out the window when it comes to renting, because when you rent something (at least where I am from) you get it in the generic looking case with the name printed on the generic label. Oh wait so if you put more labels on the cases, it won?t come up when they rent things, great waste of money that is. How can they possibly be shocked or outraged when they find out that a game which the title of is a criminal offence, (grand theft auto) turned out to be intended for a mature audience. If you are that bad of a parent that you don?t even know the name of the game you are getting for your child, well I feel sorry for the child, and in no way would blame the video game. As for if the video games actually lead to the already poorly raised child being more violent, it MIGHT, it also might help them deal with it rather than take out there aggression in real life. The real question is what drives a normal non violent and aggressive kid to want to play a game like that? Is it pear pressure, the adverts, human nature, and the lack of a good structured relationship with their parents? I highly doubt that a parent with an aggressive child, who they let play violent video games, would not be also contributing to the aggression in other piss pour parenting ways. Like teaching them the proper way to deal with said aggression, not letting them fight, or pick on other kids, and teaching the proper way to treat people. Of course if a congress person were to try and pass a bill that would charge parents for there bratty kids misbehaving, so that maybe they could get off there butts and do some actual parenting, they would be voted out faster than sonic........ 's downfall of game quality.
Sorry kinda went on a rant there but its what i felt had to be said.