Pseudonym2 said:
It broke my 360. It's just as well because I was ready to give up on it. It was very misogynistic and mean spirited and it was embarrassing to have my housemate walk in while a character says "get this fat ***** off me." (Though maybe one of the points was how sexist the characters were.) The jokes were timed incredibly poorly and the whole evil cute animal thing got old quickly. It wasn't one of my favorite games to say the least.
...fair enough...
i mean everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but i think it is worth noting that this was, first of all, a rather revolutionary game for its time with brilliant graphics and full voice acting (and yes, im talking about the n64 version, not the x-box version)and apart from the tediz there werent really any "evil" animals, execpt maybe the mad scientist and the alien...and perhaps you should have been able to see that a mad scientist and a clone of the beast from the alien films would have been evil with that obviously overly large brain of yours, no? but i guess you would know all that stuff about the n64 version seeing as this thread was aimed at people who have played both versions