Connecticut Ponders Two More Videogame Laws


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I would actually care if it was anything but arcades.

I mean, arcades are cool and all, but how many are left?


Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
hope they don't remove the house of the dead machines from the places i play arcade games. those ones are the shit. i mean, i can sorta but only a slightly understand removing time crisis(even though those games are also the shit) but could they ever remove a game where the only enemy is demonic(or something) creatures that are trying to kill you? also isn't it worth pointing out that the enemies in time crisis are always terrorist or some type of bio weapon, from what little i remember of the fourth game. seriously. this sucks huge donkey dick. i mad, Connecticut. i mad.

also yeah i live in NYC but that's literally a 3 hour drive away, and Bloomburger is pretty left wing for a person on the republican ballot. so i dunno. fingers crossed they don't bring these shitty laws to NYC or Westchester. bluh