Conspiracy Theories You Find Kind Of...Funny?


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
FalloutJack said:
Funny 'Hah-hah' or funny 'tragic'? Because alot of these are just tragic. However, for funny 'hah-hah', please watch and/or read Welcome to the NHK.

WHY am I the first one to mention this?
Oh what's tragic about the idea we're all going to have to fight giant space spiders?


New member
Mar 26, 2011
I know this thread is about Starship Troopers memes, but stepping away from that for a moment-!

I think the best (er- worst) conspiracy theory is the Black Egyptian Hypothesis, or Black Israelites Theory, or whatever you want to call it. There's varying levels of incredulity that the various sub-theories encompass, ranging from the unlikely, like how Ancients Egyptians and various ancient figures like Jesus were black - all the way to batshit insane real-life fan-fiction of how ancient alien eugenicists created the various human races to war with one another.

Das rite!


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Silentpony said:
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
I'm trying to decide if this scene is scary or super scary given our current political environment.
To be fair ... Americans seem to be taken a Trump presidency ridiculously well (too well, but whatever) ... if you take nations like Australia which haven't had a PM serve a full term in office (as party leader one election, to the next) since John Howard.

In Australia, we've effectively had over a decade of 'civil coups' ... people in the party who have routinely backstabbed their party leaders, and assumed power. We've had 5 Prime Ministerial changes in less than 10 years. Now arguably, usually, that would be the sign of a dying democracy right there. What is all the more stranger is that during this time Australia has still enjoyed market growth. A very stable economic situation, as part of the longest boom period in all financial history.

So basically the argument that democracies are about stable running of the government and stability of the government's relationship to the economy has been ... pretty much debunked. Now it could be Australia is merely the odd one out ... repeated failures of politicians to have any sticking power whatsoever being unreflective of the economic system that still seems to power on beyond all economists' projections of its longevity and fortitude.

The troubling aspect this brings up is; "So why do we need a democracy?"

I mean if the stability of government is irrespective of the marketplace, surely just having a bunch of government watchdogs maintain the status quo with meritocratically arisen leaders of various arms of the state branches would do just as well.

Democracy, as we know it, is a pretty failed experiment. I've always found it was better to vbote with one's labour. The democratic power of issuance through one's willingness to serve. Get rid of political parties and career politicians wholesale, and just have the most intelligent, the most studious, the most laborious of all the important arms of government oversight be the defacto leaders of that government organisation.

The idea of service for citizenship is a pretty compelling argument if you extend 'service' to beyond the military. If you extend it to being a public health nurse or doctor, if you extend it to being a public (government) school teacher or underpaid research assistant in a university, if you extend it to being a road worker or bobcat driver, if you extend it to being a crown prosecutor or judge...

Actually OT: Which brings me to my second favourite conspiracy theory! Shadow governments! Trump is proof it never existed in the firstplace and that it never really needed to before or after. You don't need a shadow government to subtlely manipulate the public when you can flat out lie to their face and they'll just make excuses for you because apparently lying isn't lying if it's alternative facts.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
Guffe said:
pookie101 said:
lionsprey said:
That Finland doesn't exist and all Finish citys are actually just on the east part of Sweden
i only found out about that the other day and it still makes me scratch my head
The WHAT now!!!
Holy shitfuck my life is a lie!
I... just... what...
This one just became my new favorite one! I'm part of it :D

Another one is the flat earth one.
The funny thing about that is, that flat earth supporters excist all around the globe.
around the CIRCLE man around the circle! get it right haha


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Silentpony said:
FalloutJack said:
Funny 'Hah-hah' or funny 'tragic'? Because alot of these are just tragic. However, for funny 'hah-hah', please watch and/or read Welcome to the NHK.

WHY am I the first one to mention this?
Oh what's tragic about the idea we're all going to have to fight giant space spiders?
It's sad that people believe that.


DO they believe that?


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
FalloutJack said:
Silentpony said:
FalloutJack said:
Funny 'Hah-hah' or funny 'tragic'? Because alot of these are just tragic. However, for funny 'hah-hah', please watch and/or read Welcome to the NHK.

WHY am I the first one to mention this?
Oh what's tragic about the idea we're all going to have to fight giant space spiders?
It's sad that people believe that.


DO they believe that?
More if we found giant arachnids, we'll go and fight them.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
More if we found giant arachnids, we'll go and fight them.
The proper term is 'Democratize'. 'Liberate' or 'Americanize' will also do in a pinch.


Souris la vie est un fromage
Apr 6, 2009
Chemtrails !

Because, hey, sure the best idea to test drugs is to diffuse them in the air from a civilian plane withoout anybody noticing it.

also, rabbid UFO fans.

because, sure, an alien race will travel light years and either observing us, trying to sneak so that we dont know they are are, but installing fucking huge lights on their ship.

and also the aliens like to mutilate cattles for some reason. because it's probably easier to come on earth to get cow parts than get a few ones alive, and start their own herd on their planet...

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
The All Nightmare Long video from Metallica was based on something real they found and that the spore, soviet plan, outbreak, and barium chemtrails (the part that's cut out of all but the original version of the music video) are all real. The reason it was released was an attempt at discrediting anyone who tries to come forward with anything by releasing it in mocked up documentary style so that it looks like anyone who believes it happened is an idiot. The chemtrail news clips part was removed in later releases because it cut too close to the truth and tipped conspiracy theorists off.

Metallica is obviously in on this.


The Ship Magnificent
Dec 30, 2011
Silentpony said:
It's interesting to note that's the voice of Sam Fisher. [] I'm used to a much deeper and even voice. One that's served and is weary of violence.

Then Conviction happened.
Jan 27, 2011
Flat-Earthers always made me laugh. If NASA was able/willing to fake the photos from space, you'd THINK that by now they'd have had at least one or two more BIG accomplishments by now.

Seriously, the logic they use to justify it is really quite astounding. Earth continuously moves upwards to make gravity? Earth is surrounded by an ice wall that's why the ocean isn't emptying? Gah.

And while it's not "funny", I have a conspiracy theorist acquaintance and the stuff I've heard him say is nothing short of ludicrous.


"Vaccines are a plot to sterilize all minorities and give white people autism so that they're too stupid to see the REAL conspiracy. Besides, Bill Gates is a notorious racist who owns the vaccine companies so of course he wants to kill off all other races, and have you ever SEEN an autistic black person hah I thought not, case closed you can't rebut that haha"

"The pope controls literally everything, look he was able to make cuba and the US sit down together so this is part of the grand satanic plan. Yeah, because the catholic church is actually lucifarians, because there's this one prayer that refers to a morning star, and WHO in the bible is known as the morning star? LUCIFER!"

And when his source was questioned because another article said "HIV medicine CAUSES AIDS, HIV doesn't evolve into AIDS viruses can't evolve like that it's a plot by the bilderburgs to eliminate 90% of the population" he defended it by saying "Yeah, well no one ELSE can explain how the virus evolves!" to which I shut him down with knowledge I picked up in the one semester I took a biology course and explained to him EXACTLY how it works, "Or are you saying my biology teacher is part of the illuminati too?". His retort was "Uhh...Well, every site has at least one bad article, that doesn't disprove the fact that vaccines-etcetcetc"

I REALLY wonder if he's still this nutty.