I went into "The Amazing Spider-man" thinking I would hate it because Bob hated it so much.
Instead, I walked out very satisfied.
Is it my favorite superhero movie ever? Not even close. It's not even my favorite Spider-man movie (that would be Spider-man 2). But I definitely liked it more than Spider-man 3 and I like it almost as much as Spider-man 1.
Half of what ASM does it does better than the original Spider-man, and half of what it does is worse than the original Spider-man. Both of them I feel are very flawed movies with very strong strengths.
I mean, I rewatched the original Sam Raimi Spider-man, and, you know what? It's got some serious problems too. Green Goblin looks like a Power Rangers villain reject. The acting is all over the place and totally hammy, even during dramatic scenes. Spider-man himself rarely quips and wise-cracks, and the organic webshooters were an odd thing to do. Mary Jane exists solely to get kidnapped, attacked, and have Spider-man save her. Add in random things like a concert cameo from Macy Gray, pointless scenes of Goblin trying to get Spider-man to join his evil empire, and very cartoony, very dated effects, and it's a good, if weird, film.
The new film does many things better. Andrew Garfield is a far more versatile and believable actor in the role (even if he's a bit of a jerk). Emma Stone's Gwen in insanely superior to Kristen Dunst's Mary Jane. The web shooters are back, the wisecracking Spider-man is well done, and I felt the action scenes were really cool and dynamic, and I even liked the very strong familial relationship Peter has with Uncle Ben in the new one, where you see them doing family things, dealing with family issues, and you could see how Uncle Ben himself is not some saint of a man but a very flawed, loving person that embraced his role as Peter's father figure. Peter telling him he's a good father, and then Peter being unable to listen to Ben's last phone message, were better than any moments in the original film.
But the new film has some problems; yes Peter's a bit of a jerk, the story meanders all over the place, I can't remember a single tune from the soundtrack, there's a lot of plotholes, and the sheer absence of J. Jonah Jameson is sorely missed.
But despite that, I find it to be about on par with the original Spider-man movie.
It's not perfect, no, and nowhere near as good as many recent superhero films, but it's no Green Lantern or Ghost Rider or Elektra or Catwoman or Fantastic Four. It's a good film. It really is, despite its flaws.
The fact Bob's now done THREE segments trying to convince me it sucks is about two segments too many. I like it despite its flaws and it's contractual studio obligations.
Hell, some of the best films ever made were done under studio contractual obligations.
For my money, it was a good, but not great, film. It's worth seeing. It does not suck, nor does it perfect Spider-man either. There is room for improvement, but they did plenty right the first go-around.