I think a character based on myself could surive the usual trope zombie ... as I live in Australia. Australia is an island. It has pentiful agricultural assets, and plentiful mineable assets. So I think I could do quite well during a zombie outbreak. Unless it is a Romero-style zombie who rises simply because a person died (of anything). Then I'd be fucked.
Machine revolt, terminator style? Nah ... dead by the first week. Even assuming the network didn't go all Skynet on us and blew up the world with nukes. As I live in a big city in an industrialized nation, so we'd e amongst the first to mechanize and use A.I robotics. That being said, Australia is pretty fierce with gun ownership laws, so maybe we might survive as public robotic assets wouldn't be armed, that being said neither is the public.
Alien invasion? Hmmmm ... not sure ... do they need human vassals to kneel at their feet? Totes survive then, I can kiss ass with the best of them.
All in all ... I'm pretty sure I, like the 99% of people on the planet, would be forced to do whatever we needed to to survive and would likely be looking out solely for numero uno. If the mantra that "Cowards live the longest" holds true, then I might die of old age ... I'd say a flip of a coin, but don't expect any heroics. If I survive it will be precisely because I'm NOT doing any heroics of any kind.
From a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest.
Dexterity: 4 (Dancing and hiding/sneaking only.)
Vitality: 2 (Yeah, I need to take 3 different medications to keep ticking.)
logic: 10 (Looking out only for myself? Check.)
Willpower: 10 (Being able to ignore the screams of dying children, and crawling over broken glass on my hands and knees to kiss the boots of whatever overlord that threatens me? Check.)
Charisma: 8 (Hey, I can beg and plead with the best of them.)
Empathy: 2 (I feel the pain of other people intuitively, but do I care so much as to risk my own life? Not a chance, bucko!)
Given I have been taken hostage before in far off lands, with a kidnapper who was tossing up whether to just shoot me and leave me bleeding on the side of the road I know for a fact I'm no hero. Not going to pretend any other life-threatening situations are going to end with me acting any differently.