Could you kill someone if you had choice?

Lord Honk

New member
Mar 24, 2009
I was quite shocked when my first thought was "Yeah, I would shoot", then thought about it a bit, and I stand by my first decision: I would probably rather kill than being killed, especially if I had the choice.

I don't like myself for it, but... well, that's what I am, obviously.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
i'll tell the guy, hey i gonna shoot next to your ear, fall down as if you are dead and stay down.
(assuming i know where the sniper is at and i can angle it)

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Well, I could never live with myself if I did so I'd try and randomly aim somewhere and attempt to shoot the mastermind. If I kill him, all the better. If I don't, then at least I went out fighting.


New member
May 1, 2009
Depends on the location.

No, I'm serious. What I'd do depends entirely on where I'm standing at the moment.
Aug 1, 2010
Just pull the trigger and don't think too much about it. Then find out who the guy was afterward and if he was a nice guy, go after the asshole who threatened me.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Marq said:
Kill or be killed?

Natural selection at its most basic level. Yes, I would kill.
Precisely, anyone who says no to a kill or be killed scenario just failed evolution 101.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Shadowfaze said:
Heres the morality test. You have the gun, and you've been told to shoot a man, on his knees, in the back of his head- but if you dont, the unseen mastermind making you do it will shoot you with a rifle from afar. You dont know the victim, but would put the value of your own life above that of a stranger? you can't wait it out, either. Make your decisions in one minute, or someone is going to die... Whats your choice?
I would try to shoot the guy, who tries to make me me do something that i don't want to do (even if its unprobable that i'll survive).

Reason: I'd rather die than act against my own judgement. It has nothing to do with putting someone elses life over mine - it's plain and simply that i'd rather die integer, then live with a corrupted mind. Also noteworthy: "morality" never entered my thoughts - just resistance to self-denial.

P.S.: -- deleted the alternative that was here, because its impossible with the scenario given by the OP --


New member
Apr 22, 2010
And how do I know that this unseen gunman won't shoot me after I shoot the person? For me, this isn't quite the same situation as your standard "kill or be killed." If me and this person are fighting, then all bets would definitely be off. But you're talking about one stranger ordering me to kill another or be killed myself. Again, I wouldn't know this person enough to be assured that I would make it out alive, and I'd honestly prefer to avoid having someone else's blood on my hands.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Absolutely. I blow his head off and like it, all while picturing that scene in the opening movie for Fallout 1 with the Canadian dissident.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
Well, I would, if I can't communicate with the mastermind or can't convince him to let me use a slower and more painful way...


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
joebear15 said:
Alade said:
Yeah, I would probably do this 6 billion times in a row just to save my own life, loved ones included.
wait you mean you would make the same choice 6 billion times or you would kill 6 billion people to save your self. The former I could understand but the later would make you a monster whom values him self above the whole of the human race.
Basically, yeah.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
derelix said:
*sigh* that's not what natural selection is about. Can we please stop saying "kill or be killed" is natural selection?

animals that don't kill still survive, they evolve and survive.

Some don't even have to evolve.

Would "live or be killed" be OK to describe it?

OP: As it stands, it's a bullshit question. Throw in a guarantee of the victim's safety, the victim being a small child, or the victim being a loved one. Otherwise, it's only a shade different from something like "would you step out of the way of an oncoming car?"


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
In that case, if the guy deserved to die, or would benefit the world from his death, then yes, I'd shoot him whether or not I was being threatened. And I'd possibly torture him a little first.

And no, I'm not just trying to be 'edgy' (screw you Tim Langdell!) by saying that. I am being serious. I do actually have a little urge inside me to want to hurt someone, to take pleasure in their pain and to want to torture them. Of course, I would never do this in real life, but there is that basic desire. Personally, I think all humans have that same desire, as it's just an urge to gain power and control which is a very human and natural thing to feel. It's just that societal conventions mean that anyone who acts on those urges and impulses is cast out and branded a criminal or a psychotic maniac.
What the hell am I doing on a Maths course at uni? I should have done Psychology, I'm much more interested in this stuff than Differential Geometry...

Anyway, I just act out these urges by writing about them anyway, or imagining them. The last short story I came up with (yet to be written) had a character who, aside from having an incestuous love for her brother, loved to torture and kill people (and she was one of the good guys!). So, she ends up capturing an enemy agent (it makes sense in context), and torturing him for information while getting very turned on, then just spending a whole night torturing him (and killing him the next morning as they both orgasm... yeah, it does happen in the story...).

I'm a crazed loon, aren't I?

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Yes, if it was a friend or loved one you would have a real conundrum their, but I would kill a stranger to save myself any day. Heartless? Maybe. Smart? Yes.