Crackdown 2: Has too much Changed?


New member
Apr 6, 2009
i think its like what George Lucas said: the first is the breakthrough, but the second one dictates whether the series will survive, so it needs to be better.

i think it looks neat, and at least they are not going to stick with the same format and are trying something different


New member
Apr 26, 2009
popdafoo said:
Bigeyez said:
So we're basing this off of a less then 5 minute trailer with no gameplay footage and only a small hint at what your doing.../sigh
I don't think you understand. That's really all I need to know what's going on in the sequel. There is no small hint in what you're doing, it tells you completely. You're obviously going to fight monsters in this game, and that's what I'm talking about.
Except that you don't know a how, why, who, or for what reason. Your saying the game is somewhow way to different when really you know next to nothing about it. All I'm trying to say is to reserve your judgement untill you know more about the game.

If you actually look for a reason to why monsters are in the streets you would find out the the story behind it is that in one of your missions in Crackdown 1 one of the facilities you more or less destroy housed a virus that got loose after you rampaged your way through there. The virus is whats causing the people to turn into whatever the hell it is we're fighting.

I wish I could link you the article that talked about this (it was an interview with someone on the dev team I think) but I don't remember where I saw it...I think it might have been here on the Escapist. I'll search around for it and if I can find it I'll post a link.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Emphraim said:
irishstormtrooper said:
I read the Game Informer preview, and I hope the graphics from the screenshots are placeholders and not what the team actually wants. I'm getting tired of lazy developers using "cel shaded" graphics instead of taking the time to make it look halfway decent.
So you are saying cel-shaded art looks bad?

I point you to Ocarina of Time.
I think you mean Wind Waker.

Cuddly Knife

New member
May 20, 2009
You're not just fighting monsters. Trust me. The combat will also be updated from the original. Trust me. The graphics will be better. Trust me. The story will be better, seeing how the first barely had any story at all. Trust me.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Erm, as far as I was aware next to nothing has been announced about the game apart from a teaser and some thread-bare information on the plot. So where have you seen the graphics?

Of course the gameplay will be similar, it's called a sequel, that's the general idea - refine and add features.

And really? You don't think that they'd use super soldier policemen who cannot die due to limitless clones to battle an outbreak of mutants? Huh.

EDIT: Whoever said the graphics were cel-shaded, they weren't. It's called art direction and it suited the game well - they wanted it to have a comic book-esque look and it did.

Besides, early screenshots are nothing to go by - AC 2 has looked pretty rough and sometimes worse than the first in gameplay vids up until recently, as do many games in early previews.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
never heard a thing about a second one TILL today.

and yes. I do agree with the guy who said it was fun jumping around like anthropomorphic jackrabbit is fun.

know something funny? my friend mostly leveled up by jumping around on buildings FINDING experience.

Phoenix Arrow

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Sep 3, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
popdafoo said:
I'm pretty sure everyone knows about Crackdown and if you don't, here. [] It's a great game and I recommend it.

MAYBE IF THEY RELEASED A PC PORT HLURHBURGHR but no fuck those horrible PC elitists, no game for them.
Buy a 360 as well then and stop whining.
The only reason anyone I know bought it was for that Halo demo thing. Every one of them when asked about the game replied "yeah... it's alright." I did not buy it. I have far too much self respect. :p


New member
Mar 27, 2009
BolognaBaloney said:
Emphraim said:
irishstormtrooper said:
I read the Game Informer preview, and I hope the graphics from the screenshots are placeholders and not what the team actually wants. I'm getting tired of lazy developers using "cel shaded" graphics instead of taking the time to make it look halfway decent.
So you are saying cel-shaded art looks bad?

I point you to Ocarina of Time.
I think you mean Wind Waker.
Yes, I did mean Wind Waker. I've edited my original post to fix that. Thanks for pointing that out.


Rating: Negative Awesome
May 19, 2009
I don't see how you could think that crackdown 2 has nothing to do with the first.
If you played the game but are horribly misinformed because you couldn't pay attention allow me to explain, in the first while you were fighting shai-gen or however you spell that, there was a mission where you accidentally let mutants out of the secret laboratory, also and pay attention this is a big spoiler--- Instead of freeing the people from the gangs you were actually just handing control to the agency.

Now in crackdown 2 the people have fought back against the agency and the mutants that YOU let out are taking over now it's up to YOU to take back the city AGAIN.

I know thats a whole lot of text to read but I do sincerely hope that clears up any questions anyone had. I also believe that crackdown 2 will be a huge improvement form the first.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Phoenix Arrow said:
Buy a 360 as well then and stop whining.
The only reason anyone I know bought it was for that Halo demo thing. Every one of them when asked about the game replied "yeah... it's alright." I did not buy it. I have far too much self respect. :p
No one game is worth that much money.
And since there really is no other reason to buy the console, I'm going with no.
Aye but several games are. I don't know. It just seems a bit silly to tie yourself down to just the PC these days. Don't get me wrong, I'm a PC gamer myself, have been since I was like 5, but the PC market is getting pretty thoroughly ignored these days so it just makes sense to me to have both.

Then it annoys me when people ***** and whine about how games aren't being released on the PC anymore. I mean, it's not like Microsoft have been holding their cards to their chest and it's not like an Xbox is THAT expensive when you look at it compared to other things.

Or maybe I'm just diverting rage away from a friend I'm pissed off at by starting meaningless debates. Yes, I think that's it. =]

irishstormtrooper said:
I read the Game Informer preview, and I hope the graphics from the screenshots are placeholders and not what the team actually wants. I'm getting tired of lazy developers using "cel shaded" graphics instead of taking the time to make it look halfway decent.
Lazy? How ignorant. It takes a hell of a lot more time and effort to make a cel-shaded game á la Prince of Persia (by the way, if you call the scenery in PoP anything other than beautiful, you're not allowed to have another opinion ever again) than it does to render someone in powered suit of body armout.
This time I wasn't diverting anger, that was just a really ignorant thing to say.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
I really didn't like the first one so I can't see things changing being bad ^^


New member
May 4, 2008
popdafoo said:
Guitarmasterx7 said:
Umm... gameplay of crackdown 2 please?
Unfortunately the only real information as far as I can tell is this [] E3 trailer and a magazine article.

TaborMallory said:
So let me get this straight.
You're upset, because... there's too much change in the sequel? Seriously?!

Well then, go play Grand Theft Auto or something. If you can't appreciate change, don't expect to enjoy anything less than mainstream.
Well, yes I am. I know there has to be change in a game, but let's use Gears of War as an example. The first game was about several grizzled men shooting at aliens in the future with hardly a story. The second one comes around and it's still the same premise, several grizzled men shooting at aliens in the future, but it was updated. The gameplay worked smoother, the graphics were better, they tried to add a captivating story, and added new weapons and enemies. They kept enough the same that it still feels like a sequel without completely changing everything around. If Gears of War 2 had been set in World War II, it really would feel like a sequel at all, even if the gameplay is exactly the same.
Gears of War 2 is continuing a story. Crackdown isn't.

Case closed.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
TaborMallory said:
Gears of War 2 is continuing a story. Crackdown isn't.

Case closed.
Crackdown 2's story does not follow the main ending of Crackdown 1, that is true, but it does follow a rather interesting idea, that in there are actually ramifications for setting a bunch of mutated freaks loose in the city after blowing up a genetics lab. Something that the player character did in Crackdown 1. Granted you're most likely not the same Agent you were back then because of the ambiguous ending to the first and the info from the GI cover story which says that

you're a new breed of agent from a restarted Agency program after the first Agent Program was blown up by rebellious civilians

I posit it is not only continuing the story but doing it in a good way. Personally I thought I was going to be pissed that they weren't picking up where we left off but I'm actually interested in the direction they're taking it.