Craigslist Poster Seeks Hardcore World of Warcraft Player


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
ldbmikey86 said:
Almost makes me want to play again for the sake of easy money and being a lazyass. Arena healing was easy back in the day. Not sure how it is now as I haven't played since Season 3, when I quit.
At least in early WotLK, arena healing was pretty rough. It was back to being all about the burst; maybe resilience has fixed that, I don't know.
It still is. Druid healing is the only way to go.


New member
May 28, 2009
NoMoreSanity said:
Hmm, slow news day I'm assuming. Even I think that guy is kind of pathetic.
Wow, that's incredible. I thought nothing could ever get more pathetic than you?


New member
May 4, 2009
I was on Eitrigg too when I played... and had a resto druid... too bad I'm still not playing. And my druid isn't Rival level arena healing.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
San Francisco? There is a metric fuckton of software money floating around the Bay Area. That some of it would be in the pocket of a tech sector gamer is almost inevitable. If he's working the standard 10-hour dev day and has a thick competitive streak (a lot of them do), and if he comes from an environment were the solution to many problems is to hire an expert, then yeah, I can see this happenening. A lot of hardcore career geeks use the money they do have to buy the time they don't.


New member
May 31, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
Looks like someone will be living the dream soon: getting paid to pwn noobs.
The listing is gone...guess someone answered his ad...


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I play WoW still, and do it with game time cards . Largely because of an issue where I gave SOE my credit card number and after cancelling EQ they continued to charge me for like a year. Of course this is largely my fault for not paying more attention to the statements (and I'm not denying that). Still I am vastly preferring game time cards both to prevent my mistakes and theirs. :)

As far as the Craigslist post goes, I half expect to see an article up about this on Encyclopedia Dramatica or another satire site within a couple of weeks. It sounds like the kind of stuff they would do, especially to pad out the "Gaming Portal" section. I look back to the Craigslist "scams" they immoralized with people putting up ads claiming to be kinky submissive women and then posting the responses and pics they received on ED.

The posts this guy will probably recieve full of people trying to sell themselves for such a job are probably going to include a number of very lulzy ones.

I think it's false because if the guy is any good (which I am assuming) he can probably meet other good people who want the same thing even if he's an arrogant twit. Also alienating your server is meaningless now that you can pretty much pay Blizzard to change your character around totally and move you to other servers. I mean you can go from alliance to horde, change gender, and everything else. The guy could totally re-invent himself for a fraction
of what he's offering if that was the issue.

I could be wrong but I'm guessing it's "for the lulz".

I personally avoid the arena, I do a bit of battleground PVP once in a while (I used to be a lot more into it), mostly nowadays I'm a carebear semi-casual PVE endgame raider. Laugh if you want but I have fun and that's what the game is for. :p


Jan 22, 2008
I think the joke is on him. I mean, unless he wants to pay ANOTHER person. I haven't been playing WoW for a while, but from what I've read, isn't 2v2 Arena getting trivialized?


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Amnestic said:
The_Oracle said:
Something about this whole thing seems a little off. Call me paranoid, but who's willing to pay that much money just to get ahead in WoW? When you could easily buckle down and keep looking for people to help you sans the real-world-money cost? Either this guy's really desperate, or we're not seeing the whole picture here. Possibly both...
Apparently you've not seen the Gold Selling market for MMOs before. Real world money spent to 'get ahead' in a video game.

'Tis nothing new.

To be honest, if I were to even think of doing this I'd have gone to the top guilds/teams first. I'm sure SK-Gaming wouldn't mind another $5000 plus time in their coffers.
Buying gold in WoW is one thing; when you're doing that at least you know you're getting something concrete in exchange for your hard-earned cash. This is different; how does the guy even know that anyone he happens to hire will get the job done? And if that person doesn't, how much will he be paid, if at all? What if there's some technical problems? This whole thing just raises more questions than answers.

And I'd honestly prefer to think this is some kind of scam or something as opposed to someone being this desperate just to get a video game.