Me and a couple of my friends want to make an RTS game. The basic setting of it is a bizarre version of World War 2. By bizarre, I mean it will hopefully eventually include German infantry with flaming chainsaws for arms, and Stalin, riding a bear, leading the final charge into Berlin.
However, this thread is not about the setting of the game, but about the fact that none of us have any idea what we're doing. My friend named Elijah, who originally pitched the idea, is an absolutely amazing artist, with both pen and paper, and on a computer. I don't have a lot of experience scripting in general, but whenever I had a computer that could run Oblivion I tried scripting for that and actually picked it up very fast. The third fellow involved in our project, who is on the Escapist as "Mister Awesome", is somewhere between, being able to handle scripting and art.
Where is a good place to begin with this project?
What software's could/should we use to help us?
What are realistic expectations in length, graphics and gameplay for a small team starting out?
However, this thread is not about the setting of the game, but about the fact that none of us have any idea what we're doing. My friend named Elijah, who originally pitched the idea, is an absolutely amazing artist, with both pen and paper, and on a computer. I don't have a lot of experience scripting in general, but whenever I had a computer that could run Oblivion I tried scripting for that and actually picked it up very fast. The third fellow involved in our project, who is on the Escapist as "Mister Awesome", is somewhere between, being able to handle scripting and art.
Where is a good place to begin with this project?
What software's could/should we use to help us?
What are realistic expectations in length, graphics and gameplay for a small team starting out?