Creating an RTS

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Me and a couple of my friends want to make an RTS game. The basic setting of it is a bizarre version of World War 2. By bizarre, I mean it will hopefully eventually include German infantry with flaming chainsaws for arms, and Stalin, riding a bear, leading the final charge into Berlin.

However, this thread is not about the setting of the game, but about the fact that none of us have any idea what we're doing. My friend named Elijah, who originally pitched the idea, is an absolutely amazing artist, with both pen and paper, and on a computer. I don't have a lot of experience scripting in general, but whenever I had a computer that could run Oblivion I tried scripting for that and actually picked it up very fast. The third fellow involved in our project, who is on the Escapist as "Mister Awesome", is somewhere between, being able to handle scripting and art.

Where is a good place to begin with this project?
What software's could/should we use to help us?
What are realistic expectations in length, graphics and gameplay for a small team starting out?

Haunted Serenity

New member
Jul 18, 2009
Answering in order
1)No idea
2)The best on the market in your price range
3)Short,Low and Not much in innovation unless you are amazing good at ideas.

Sorry but thats just how i see it. You may prove me wrong though so go for it if you think its worth it.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I don't have much of an idea, I actually do have some people I can ask, but other than that I can't help ya. Also, that game sounds fucking awesome, and you might need a kind of larger team to really make it good.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Making your own RTS game will be a huge effort. If you really want to do that, then you will need a free 3d modeller program, if such a thing exists, or somehow obtain Maya or 3ds max. You wil also need to get a compiler for whatever language you plan on writing the game in.

Seriously, you will never get anywhere with such a project, unless you plan on working every day this summer for 8 hours a day, and even then you will have just created a really mediocre game if anything.

I highly suggest rather than making to make your own game, you mod an already existing game to create your vision. Moddb has alot of guides on how to mod RTS games and create models and such. Find an already existing game that is accessible to modding and is able to perform what you want it to, and build on that.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Emphraim said:
Making your own RTS game will be a huge effort. If you really want to do that, then you will need a free 3d modeller program, if such a thing exists, or somehow obtain Maya or 3ds max. You wil also need to get a compiler for whatever language you plan on writing the game in.

Seriously, you will never get anywhere with such a project, unless you plan on working every day this summer for 8 hours a day, and even then you will have just created a really mediocre game if anything.

I highly suggest rather than making to make your own game, you mod an already existing game to create your vision. Moddb has alot of guides on how to mod RTS games and create models and such. Find an already existing game that is accessible to modding and is able to perform what you want it to, and build on that.
This probably would be a good idea for us before we get more experience or people.


New member
May 25, 2009
First make a mod for a current RTS game. That will in the least give you experience with the various file types needed to make something like this work.


New member
May 25, 2009
Where is a good place to begin with this project?

[link =] a good forum thread about game creation[/link]

[link =]don't forget the details[/link]

What software's could/should we use to help us?
[link =] free rts game makers [/link]

What are realistic expectations in length, graphics and game play for a small team starting out? this is covered in the first two links I posted. basically keep it short and simple to start with, say figure out how to make a box that makes smaller boxes or how to get worker dude A to bring the oil from the well to the headquarters. the Second link ( don't forget the details) covers this quite nicely.

Good luck!