Actually that just reminded me of a name I came up with for a Star Wars game set in the Old Republic days (5000 years pre-Battle of Yavin).And finally, his name is based on the film District Nine. Though the themes and story of the film don't relate to Dystnine.
Star Wars names can be incredibly silly, so I've never really felt much weight to them, but they are fun to come up with some kind of word salad and say "Yep, that's the name of someone in Star Wars" So I had a character named Gaze Eeboh (gazebo).
And it was hilarious how long it took the people in my online group to figure out what my name was a joke on. Since there was that famous story about a GM describing a party coming upon a gazebo, and someone not knowing what that was, so they declared that they attacked the gazebo. So I thought "Hmmm....I wonder..." and yep, it worked. It took probably 5 months of posting on the forums where we were playing for someone to basically go "Heeeyyyy....wait a minute...."