Creepy or Normal Description?

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
The other day during class we were discussing a section from a novel we've had to read for class. During the discussion, one woman in the class said that they way that a character in the book described a high school girl was "creepy" and "weird", because the character giving the description is supposed a divorced man with a daughter of his own. Most of the men in the class disagreed, saying that it was perfectly normal, especially since he was just using his own reference to make the description.

Here is the description below:

"Mimi Sheck is the kind of girl I drooled over in high school, in spite of the fact that she wasn't aware we even inhabited the same building for four years. She has long black hair and a body made for worship, artfully showcased in clothes that reveal just an inch of skin above the waistline of her jeans when she reaches up or bends down." (Picoult)

So what do you think?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
sounds kinda creepy to me, I can see why a girl would think that was creepy


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Like it or not, that's pretty much how any man will describe any woman (when it's accurate), regardless of age or societal factors. I see nothing wrong with it.

Edit: I should also point out that I can see why a woman/girl would think it somewhat creepy, but I can't say they'd be right about it.


New member
May 19, 2009
ya that is normal guy think. I guess women underestimate the perversion of the male side /play darth vader music.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
The character isn't saying or implying anything that he'd like to do to her. All of his remarks imply that he is merely observing and commenting on her beauty. He uses words like "worship" and "artfully showcased," and remarks about how a girl like her, when he was younger, "wasn't aware we even inhabited the same building." All of the remarks imply appreciation rather than intent.

I don't really see the passage as creepy. It's merely the thought process of an observant and apparently somewhat nostalgic man. That said, I've never read that book, and only have the above passage to base this on.

EDIT: _>

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Depends upon the overall context. Is this guy just saying that had he been younger he would have been interested in her or is it that he's actually interested in her? If it's the former, no it's not creepy; if it's the latter, then yes he's being a creeper.


Nov 11, 2009
Paragon Fury said:
The other day during class we were discussing a section from a novel we've had to read for class. During the discussion, one woman in the class said that they way that a character in the book described a high school girl was "creepy" and "weird", because the character giving the description is supposed a divorced man with a daughter of his own. Most of the men in the class disagreed, saying that it was perfectly normal, especially since he was just using his own reference to make the description.

Here is the description below:

"Mimi Sheck is the kind of girl I drooled over in high school, in spite of the fact that she wasn't aware we even inhabited the same building for four years. She has long black hair and a body made for worship, artfully showcased in clothes that reveal just an inch of skin above the waistline of her jeans when she reaches up or bends down." (Picoult)

So what do you think?
Well I do not find it Creepy. He is saying that the girl (Who is young enough to be his daughter) is a girl he would have been attracted to when he was that age.

His age is the only thing that makes it borderline. I mean if you didn't know his age how would you interpret it? Lets say he was a Freshman in College?

But yeah that is how guys generally explain it imo

EDIT: Also consider this; Is it just the Author adding a lot of fancy words do the text when wanting to say "The girl is pretty"

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Right, and if it was a middle aged woman lasciviously describing the toned left buttock of a high school boy it would be totally okay.

He wasn't even drooling over her. His exact words were she was the kind of girl he USED to be all kinds of into as a sexually frustrated teen.
It speaks more of appreciation than anything. Most guys will probably be able to tell you if a sixteen year old girl is hot. Doesn't mean they have any plans to fuck her.

It is KIND of creepy but creepy in a sort of everyone is a little bit creepy way.

Sgt. Dante

New member
Jul 30, 2008
If he was describing his current feeling about this girl then yes, creepy and weird, but he is simply commenting on the type of girl she is, and we ALL knew a few of them back in high school.

captcha: sericho taking,


New member
Feb 6, 2011
If i find a girl sexually attractive the last thing i think of would be worship but i also wouldn't be drooling know until afterward(wink)


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
I've heard creepier...I don't think it is creepy myself, but I can see how some could.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Queen Michael said:
It depends on who he's talking to.
Not that I've read the book, but it sounds like an internalized monologue to me. So... he's talking to himself, I'd imagine.

Hell, my mind does that sort of wandering, too... but I'm not one to vocalize such a thing. I'm happy enough with women of legal age that I don't qualify for ephebophilia.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Paragon Fury said:
The other day during class we were discussing a section from a novel we've had to read for class. During the discussion, one woman in the class said that they way that a character in the book described a high school girl was "creepy" and "weird", because the character giving the description is supposed a divorced man with a daughter of his own. Most of the men in the class disagreed, saying that it was perfectly normal, especially since he was just using his own reference to make the description.

Here is the description below:

"Mimi Sheck is the kind of girl I drooled over in high school, in spite of the fact that she wasn't aware we even inhabited the same building for four years. She has long black hair and a body made for worship, artfully showcased in clothes that reveal just an inch of skin above the waistline of her jeans when she reaches up or bends down." (Picoult)

So what do you think?
It's a novel, it's meant to have a description of characters from the main character's point of view. What happened after that?

If nothing "creepy" happens after the explanation or observation, then it is not creepy.