Creepy Text Theatre with SASHA GREY - Any old excuse to be a dick.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
You know, sometimes I wonder what these people think a porn-star's life must be like. I mean, they probably think it is only a step over prostitutes or something, but in reality they are like a crossbreed of models and professional athletes.

Have you ever thought about just how ridiculously long those few minute long porn-scenes must take? How many shootings? In different, often acrobatic positions?

And after the shooting of the scenes/movies? Having to keep themselves in top shape, grooming themselves, keeping a constant lookout for STDs and other medical conditions, all the while planning for the future when they get older and they can no longer sell their assets as they used to.

And sure, you could say that there are a lot of "low-grade" porn actors and actresses out there who are only doing their stuff because of debts or addictions and you could, if you happened to be a heartless, soulless asshole, call them sluts, tramps and other nice nicknames like that, but deriding actually professionals like Grey? Come on...


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
McKinsey said:
Enjoying the body of someone's work as a porn actor while also thinking low of such a person are two things that can totally happen simultaneously. This is not hypocrisy, this is part of an unspoken social contract: we, the public, allow you, the actor, to earn huge sums of money for doing literally nothing, but in exchange you get to be despised forever for selling your human decency like that. It's actually part of what makes porn so exciting: it's not looking at naked bodies (we've got boyfriends and girlfriends for that,) it's watching people degrade themselves for money.
1. Tons of people do next to nothing to make preposterous amounts of money.
2. I'm pretty certain they let you get off to them, not loathe them. I don't think they were selling their dignity, they were selling images of their genitals. Essentially, your argument hinges on the idea that sex is inherently degrading.
3. Not everyone who watches porn is in a relationship, and it's not like being in a relationship means that there is always someone there who's desires for sexual gratification perfectly match up with your own.

Bear in mind, it's not like these people don't know what they're getting into. Porn actors and actresses are fully aware of the costs that "porn fame" comes with, but, again, they choose to ignore the society's disdain in order to make that easy dollar. While some would argue that fucking on camera is a job like any other, I'd like to remind you that it's a job that produces nothing of worth (all porn is interchangeable, and nobody would remember Chasey Lane's name now if it weren't for that song,) a job that anyone can do with no prior education, no talent and no skill, and even being pretty or fit isn't a requirement anymore - the only figure of merit is to be able to spread your legs.
1. These costs of porn fame are entirely dependent on the moral failings of the audience and society, not the stars themselves. Seems entirely unfair to hold their desire to be treated with the same basic human dignity as any other human being against them. Tell me, what about sexuality causes one to forfeit their human dignity?
2. Most jobs produce little of value. Most jobs produce less of value really. What does a salesman really do for you? What does a cashier produce? Of what value is any form of entertainment?
3. All porn is most certainly not interchangeable, you fucking pleb.
4. I would argue that good porn still requires some measure of talent or assets that sets it apart, and also that there are jobs that can pay more that require less, such as being a CEO of a banking company apparently. At least porn stars produce something enjoyable, rather than economic destruction.

In other words, it's a case of "We had a deal that I sell my right to be treated like a normal person, but now that I've got the money, I've changed my mind and want you to act like nothing happened." No can dosville, babydoll.
That's not what they sold, and even if it was, that is not a thing that can be sold. Basic human dignity is not for sale.

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
Wow. I feel like a really well adjusted person after hearing a lot of those pick-up lines and rants. Funny stuff though, and Sasha is super adorable.

I'm not going to read the video comments because people are awful.


New member
May 11, 2010
I am constantly amazed that guys think this sort of thing is an acceptable way to talk to someone. On top of that, I'm amazed that they think it will actually work. I can't even imagine the thought process that goes into some of these conversations. 'Well, I've said hello and she said it back, clearly the next step should be to tell her how great her boobs are'. I am impressed by the women who actually come up with witty comebacks to these idiots, but I imagine there are far more women out there who end up just taking this abuse, all because they don't want to instantly have sex with a stranger.

With regards to the YouTube comments, I'm tempted to blame it on the fact that everyone knows what YouTube comments are going to be like, but that's a poor excuse. So what if she's done porn in the past? I don't even see how that has any relevance to the video anyway. It's certainly not a reason to hurl abuse, because there's really no reason for that. Again, this is something that I just can't wrap my head around; why do so many people consider it acceptable to just spew vitriol at other people, especially those they disagree with?

I actually found the video funny in places, but that was because of their delivery more than anything. The fact is, the women from those exchanges had to receive all of that abuse simply because they rejected the men's crude, overly forward advances. And that is just wrong.

one squirrel

New member
Aug 11, 2014
Why is everybody assuming that ist is men hating on her (not talking about he text messages here)? I've yet to meet a man who has a problem with pornstars. Women, on the other hand...
Aug 31, 2012
Ihateregistering1 said:
Likewise, Sasha Grey can continue acting, but no matter how good she potentially might be, it's difficult to look at it purely on her current acting merit knowing that you're watching the same person who also starred in "Cum Buckets 8", "Lord of asses 13", and "Meet the Fuckers 7" (among many other hilarious titles).
You know, you'd have thought they'd have run out of material after Lord of Asses 1-12, but it seems they just keep coming up with new ideas to keep the series fresh. It's a credit to the writers really.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
McKinsey said:
KaosuHamoni said:
This kind of disgusting, morally reprehensible mentality is just so wrong, on so many levels. She's a person, and as such deserves the same amount of base human respect as anyone else
Please, excuse me in advance for my bluntness, but I will try to put this in the most simple terms for you.
Basically, you're wrong.

Enjoying the body of someone's work as a porn actor while also thinking low of such a person are two things that can totally happen simultaneously. This is not hypocrisy, this is part of an unspoken social contract: we, the public, allow you, the actor, to earn huge sums of money for doing literally nothing, but in exchange you get to be despised forever for selling your human decency like that. It's actually part of what makes porn so exciting: it's not looking at naked bodies (we've got boyfriends and girlfriends for that,) it's watching people degrade themselves for money.

Bear in mind, it's not like these people don't know what they're getting into. Porn actors and actresses are fully aware of the costs that "porn fame" comes with, but, again, they choose to ignore the society's disdain in order to make that easy dollar. While some would argue that fucking on camera is a job like any other, I'd like to remind you that it's a job that produces nothing of worth (all porn is interchangeable, and nobody would remember Chasey Lane's name now if it weren't for that song,) a job that anyone can do with no prior education, no talent and no skill, and even being pretty or fit isn't a requirement anymore - the only figure of merit is to be able to spread your legs.

In other words, it's a case of "We had a deal that I sell my right to be treated like a normal person, but now that I've got the money, I've changed my mind and want you to act like nothing happened." No can dosville, babydoll.
Only if you take as a given that pornography is "degrading" and that "human decency" is a single concept upon which everybody agrees... which they don't. What makes the simple act of sexual intercourse on a camera "degrading"? Yes, the people involved know how society is likely to view them should they choose to go into the industry but at the same time does that make it right? I happen to believe a lot of society's views on how people should and shouldn't behave are outdated and have little to no foundation in logic.

And what makes you think the job is easy? Just producing a single 15min clip probably takes a whole day with the whole start-stop of getting the right angles and what have you. It doesn't pay particularly well for the vast majority of actresses/actors either and for most there is a decided shelf-life of their career due to aging. Hell, their very lack of inhibition I would suggest is a "figure of merit" because I know I sure as hell couldn't sexually perform on camera under those kinds of conditions.


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
The guy in the orange shirt had the best lines. On a side note, why are there relatively many porn actresses named Grey? Coincidence or just their stage name, and if so why call yourself Grey?

OT: The people who dehumanize porn actors are the same people who would call Lena Heady a ***** to her face for playing Cersei Lannister, and I don't give two shits that they can't tell the difference between fiction and reality. Insulting someone out of your own insecurities and pseudo-puritan ideals is: "Quothe Yahtzee, pants-on-head retarded".


New member
Nov 14, 2011
KaosuHamoni said:
Sex is just sex. It's a perfectly natural, normal part of life. Jesus, it creates life.
Natural, you say? Life, you say?
You know what was the first thing I saw when I googled "Sasha Grey"? Some guy sticking a freaking hook in her pooper and hoisting her up into the air.
And then you ask us why people have no respect for this girl. Yeah, I wonder.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
one squirrel said:
Why is everybody assuming that ist is men hating on her (not talking about he text messages here)? I've yet to meet a man who has a problem with pornstars. Women, on the other hand...
Well, I have seen a few men do the whole "Pornstars are just dirty nothings" but that's mostly from religious folks trying to be all high and mighty. And massive hypocrites.

I really don't get how porn stars are still hated and insulted by those who view the fucking content in the first place.

SEX HAPPENS. Let's stop pretending it doesn't and stop being offended by it.

Also if we didn't have sex workers and porn stars, then there would be a lot of angry and blue balled individuals not getting a simple stress release at the end of the day. I respect them not just for the crap they put up with in their preferred profession but because, well, they are human just like me and you. All in all, I wouldn't take YouTube comment section very seriously. It's just mostly filled with lonely trolls and people with no time on their hands apart from harassing others because they believe "if it's over the internet, they can't do shit to me. I'm untouchable.", asshats. Don't insult people cause you either feel offended by something or you think you are high and mighty and sit on your bullshit make believe throne.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
McKinsey said:
Natural, you say? Life, you say?
You know what was the first thing I saw when I googled "Sasha Grey"? Some guy sticking a freaking hook in her pooper and hoisting her up into the air.
And then you ask us why people have no respect for this girl. Yeah, I wonder.
So, because she does something like that, that she chooses to do herself, she should lose or just get no respect?


New member
Dec 26, 2007
That was a pretty fun video, had it on my watch later list for a while now and finally got around it.

And about the comments, I really don't WANT to get these people. Some people just want to hate something, so picking their arguments apart with logic doesn't do anything, because their standpoint isn't logical, it's emotional.
Sasha Grey seems to be a very natural actress, so I'm fine with her. I certainly don't care enough to personally get upset about something she does, much less argue with people about it.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
McKinsey said:
You know what was the first thing I saw when I googled "Sasha Grey"? Some guy sticking a freaking hook in her pooper and hoisting her up into the air.
And then you ask us why people have no respect for this girl. Yeah, I wonder.
Honestly, that's pretty impressive! I certainly wouldn't be able to pull that off. If I can respect some skateboarder for doing some triple backflip or something, or someone for lifting weights, then I can certainly respect that.


Feb 21, 2011
Zhukov said:
What can I say, it's Youtube comments. The putrid, festering cesspit of internet discourse.

Worth noting that the top voted comment is nice though.


Y'know, if someone was completely opposed to porn and all who do it then I could kind of understand. I mean, fuck them and all they stand for, but at least it would be consistent.

Thing is, most people who know who Sasha Grey is know her because they have watched enough porn to start recognizing pornstars. (Except me of course. I had no idea who she was. Totally had to Google it just now. Yup. Totally.) It seems very odd to me that one would watch, and presumably enjoy (snrrrrk), a ton of porn while also hating and despising the people who make it.

PS. That video was funny. Oh, and there's more episodes. Well, there goes my morning.
Not sure if someone said this yet but I had never watched porn with Sasha in it, at least not knowingly, before knowing who she was. She's quite famous as an ex pornstar so when I DID first see references to it I genuinely didn't know her from porn...

Not claiming I've never watched the stuff.....

Certainly haven't, never would...

EDIT: That being said I think those comments condemning her for being a former porn star are horrible.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
McKinsey said:
KaosuHamoni said:
Sex is just sex. It's a perfectly natural, normal part of life. Jesus, it creates life.
Natural, you say? Life, you say?
You know what was the first thing I saw when I googled "Sasha Grey"? Some guy sticking a freaking hook in her pooper and hoisting her up into the air.
And then you ask us why people have no respect for this girl. Yeah, I wonder.
Yeah, so I just googled Sasha Grey, and nothing like that comes up on the first page for web or images. Methinks that one comes from memory.

Regardless, why is that a reason to not respect her? It's not like she kicked a puppy, or set fire to an orphanage. She just put a thing in her butt, on camera, for people that want to see that kind of thing. The specifics of the thing and what was done with the thing are a tad unusual, but it's no reason to disrespect her. If anything, I respect the strength of her butthole. I would not trust my own to survive such an event, in the extraordinarily unlikely scenario where I have to be hoisted by my butthole.

Right, now I've really gotta go look this up, I am so confused by the mechanics of the scenario you described.

EDIT: So, turns out "hoisting her up into the air" isn't quite right. Though it certainly looked uncomfortable, her feet were still touching the floor.

I was thinking of something more along these lines, but with a hook in the butthole instead of 4 through the skin.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Techno Squidgy said:
If anything, I respect the strength of her butthole.
This one line made the entire thread worthwhile. Good job everyone. Mission Accomplished.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
freaper said:
The guy in the orange shirt had the best lines. On a side note, why are there relatively many porn actresses named Grey? Coincidence or just their stage name, and if so why call yourself Grey?
This one in particular claims it's a reference to Dorian Gray, he of the Picture.


Feb 21, 2011
Techno Squidgy said:
McKinsey said:
KaosuHamoni said:
Sex is just sex. It's a perfectly natural, normal part of life. Jesus, it creates life.
Natural, you say? Life, you say?
You know what was the first thing I saw when I googled "Sasha Grey"? Some guy sticking a freaking hook in her pooper and hoisting her up into the air.
And then you ask us why people have no respect for this girl. Yeah, I wonder.
Yeah, so I just googled Sasha Grey, and nothing like that comes up on the first page for web or images. Methinks that one comes from memory.

Regardless, why is that a reason to not respect her? It's not like she kicked a puppy, or set fire to an orphanage. She just put a thing in her butt, on camera, for people that want to see that kind of thing. The specifics of the thing and what was done with the thing are a tad unusual, but it's no reason to disrespect her. If anything, I respect the strength of her butthole. I would not trust my own to survive such an event, in the extraordinarily unlikely scenario where I have to be hoisted by my butthole.

Right, now I've really gotta go look this up, I am so confused by the mechanics of the scenario you described.

EDIT: So, turns out "hoisting her up into the air" isn't quite right. Though it certainly looked uncomfortable, her feet were still touching the floor.

I was thinking of something more along these lines, but with a hook in the butthole instead of 4 through the skin.
I commend you in your quest for knowledge you disregarded personal taste to search for such an image... Unless of course you enjoyed it then by all means I take back ALL my praise! ALL OF IT!

All I know is you must have had to sift through some very odd stuff to find that. Kudos


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
freaper said:
The guy in the orange shirt had the best lines. On a side note, why are there relatively many porn actresses named Grey? Coincidence or just their stage name, and if so why call yourself Grey?
This one in particular claims it's a reference to Dorian Gray, he of the Picture.
Huh, ironic, I love it. Hat's off to Sasha.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Fappy said:
Techno Squidgy said:
If anything, I respect the strength of her butthole.
This one line made the entire thread worthwhile. Good job everyone. Mission Accomplished.
Do I get a parade? I'd really like a parade!
[small]I'm not getting a parade, am I? :([/small]

Well, time to find another thread and see if I can make lightning strike twice. Maybe then I'll get my parade!

Qizx said:
Techno Squidgy said:
Right, now I've really gotta go look this up, I am so confused by the mechanics of the scenario you described.

EDIT: So, turns out "hoisting her up into the air" isn't quite right. Though it certainly looked uncomfortable, her feet were still touching the floor.

I was thinking of something more along these lines, but with a hook in the butthole instead of 4 through the skin.
I commend you in your quest for knowledge you disregarded personal taste to search for such an image... Unless of course you enjoyed it then by all means I take back ALL my praise! ALL OF IT!
I assure you, I found the video purely for the purpose of discussion and knowledge. I bookmarked it for another purpose.

All I know is you must have had to sift through some very odd stuff to find that. Kudos
I used to frequent 4chan. There isn't much on the internet that can faze me.