I swear to God this made some actual sense when I was writing it. Originally this strip was supposed to be making fun of Miegakure and this hilariously overblown article on it. [http://kotaku.com/5585099/the-man-who-will-bring-us-to-the-fourth-dimension] It begins by implying that Marc Ten Bosch is the game designing equivalent of Dr Manhattan from Watchmen before going on to tell us the game will pretty much change the world as we know it. The video that follows is, to low brow, rock biters such as ourselves, completely underwhelming. The game looks clunky and unpleasant and while Bosch claims the game is an accurate 3d model of a 4d universe, as Cory pointed out when we talked about it, he could be just making shit up. How could we tell?
Anyway eventually we found poking fun at a game because we don't understand it and because articles reporting on it are throwing around technical jargon with gleeful abandon was kind of obnoxious. Which is when our famed synergy kicked in.
?Dude. Know what was awesome??
?The giant sand-tiger head from Aladdin. We should put that in there.?
?Fuck yeah.?
And no sense was made.