The game has some problems, but mainly in it's press coverage.
I, personally, absolutely just skip anything that seems like a generic shooter.
However, I heard this WASN'T just a generic shooter; it had a smart story and it was mature and it was special! This is inherently the problem.
I could see the game's story being shocking and having great twists if you were just mindlessly plowing along, shooting enemies; but I wasn't doing that. In fact, I never play games like that. Even in CoD I would try to analyze the narrative and second guess what the game was telling me. This became impossible, as there really wasn't one; and what there was was a huge messy shit I just couldn't stomach, so I stopped playing them. In spec-ops, I did the same; I was carefully trying to pick apart the story. However, due to press coverage, I was constantly waiting for all these big twists.
What I got was nothing short of massively disappointing.
I'm glad I only paid $5.09 for this game, because it was essentially a waste of my time.
IMO, the press coverage for this game absolutely ruined the only good part of it. Even just alluding to it's smart story ruins it for players, because you're looking out for it - or in my case, expecting something that was at least above average. Seriously, this game's story really isn't that good. Just because it's alright, people are propelling it into this legendary status; but it's not.
And really, what does the game teach you? Mindlessly killing everyone is bad. We all knew that. And as a person who is generally outspoken on war; especially on America's current and past conflicts (keeping in mind, I'm not American), I just feel almost insulted that the game felt it needed to "teach" me these things.
Maybe above average for shooters, but in terms of more narrative driven titles, it absolutely falls flat.