Cryptic Blown Away by Star Trek Online Beta

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
robrob said:
John Funk said:
But again, not as massively pop-culture relevant as it once was. The reboot went a long way to revitalizing the franchise, but it remains to be seen on how it'll shape up in the long run.
Out of curiousity, is this actually based on something outside of personal viewpoint? DS9 and TNG were huge and made the fandom even bigger. Popularity of the movies slumped a little during the early 00's, but come on, can you say "Beam me up" without anyone understanding you in today's world? Conventions are still huge, trekkies are still everywhere and dominate any scifi convention. So I'm not sure what the benchmark for this is.
Er, I think the very existence of Star Trek XI in its extant form is proof in the pudding, so to speak. They made the movie with the intent of making Star Trek relevant to the current generation, because frankly, it just wasn't anymore.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
I was one of the horde that tried the game once open beta started. After two sessions I doubt I'll bother playing again (even during the free open beta). I'll never understand why what is essentially a single-player game that offers a few superficial MMO characteristics is so popular. Why pay a monthly fee (on top of the ridiculous one-time charge of $50) for the same experience you'd get from a solo game (focus on story lines and quests)? Are people that bedazzled by the social elements (seeing other players plod around the market with you and global chat)? It's a pretty empty and mind-numbing experience.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Xanthious said:
Star Trek Online was a game I REALLY wanted to like but sadly the graphics are lacking and away missions feel like an after thought. Here's to hoping Old Republic comes close to meeting expectations. . . .
I beg to differ, really. Do remember that this is a beta, the graphics are never superb in a beta even though I was still quite impressed by them. The away missions, well, I do agree that they're not the most important part of the game, but I still find them quite entertaining. I just wished that at least your standard weapon attack would've fired with the click of a mouse button, like a regular TPS. I was still quite impressed by the game, I expected it to be quite bad. Quite a lot of bugs obviously, but it's a beta, I hope the full game will be more polished.
CUnk said:
I was one of the horde that tried the game once open beta started. After two sessions I doubt I'll bother playing again (even during the free open beta). I'll never understand why what is essentially a single-player game that offers a few superficial MMO characteristics is so popular. Why pay a monthly fee (on top of the ridiculous one-time charge of $50) for the same experience you'd get from a solo game (focus on story lines and quests)? Are people that bedazzled by the social elements (seeing other players plod around the market with you and global chat)? It's a pretty empty and mind-numbing experience.
I must say that doing missions is a ton more fun with multiple people, if only because you'll get a lot more enemies, and the game actually becomes quite challenging. I actually *gasp* role-played a bit, I never felt so nerdy. Plus, we'll probably see a lot more PvP in the final product.
tsb247 said:
I've heard EVE online has some good visuals, but I have never played it, so I can't really comapre the two.
EVE's graphics are brilliant, if you compare the game, graphically, to when it was just launched, your mind is truly blown. Just look at this video comparing the graphics of planets:
Yes, the 2 planets shown in the beginning of the video are the same planet, the right today's version. Star Trek looks just as good.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
The only thing that ticked me off about the STO open beta was that Anti-Aliasing wasn't support for ATI platforms once again. I have a 5870, and given the resolution I'm running it at setting this game to 12+ AA should be a piece of cake with FPS to spare, but it just won't let me.

Damn I dislike nVidia sometimes with their proprietary nonsense. "The way it's meant to be played", yeah right, by locking out features for the competition... >.<

Other than that, Space Combat is the part I like most, the ground missions doesn't really "feel" good to me, a lack of smoothness and polish compared to the space based component.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
So is this just going to be a Eve clone? I wouldn't pair "Star Trek" and "Action" if I were trying to sell a star trek game.

Rusty Bucket

New member
Dec 2, 2008
Been watching the videos Giant Bomb have been putting up of this, and I have to say the space combat looks bloody amazing. I'd never play this, but god damn, it looks cool.


Dyslexic Wonder
Sep 4, 2008
I feel sorry for all the people that will play for something new or to revisit their interest in star trek only to see the old This game > WoW crap that is all to popular in recently released MMOs.

It would be nice to see another MMO with a large player base, especially one so different from WoW.

Edit: Also Somebritishdude's comment is full of win.

Alone Disciple

New member
Jun 10, 2008
It's kinda funny to read such 180 degree opinions on a beta no less. Graphics are awesome says one, another says they are lacking. Away missions are cool and then someone says they are 'rinse and repeat' (Don't most MMO's have some level of rinse and repeat?). One person says that Cryptic dug deep into lore and another says the writing is only 'okay' and the characters and missions are relatively dull and uninspired.

Color me confused.

Is it too early to judge knowing ahead of time that Cryptic purposely has limited the lvl cap in Beta to 15 and have already stated that many things are currently disabled in lieu of this being a stress test?

What MMO hasn't changed multiple times right up to release and shortly thereafter?

But I am curious as to what some comments alluded to? Are away missions more or less carbon copies one after another, and rather a feeling of being alone or have Gene roll over in his grave due to the emphasis on comabt. So I guess I'm asking, what exactly are we looking for in a Star Trek game? What types of away missions are lacking that don't develop a social program between players, or moral obligation. In TOS, Kirk and crew delivered a message of thinking outside the box to solve a situation (whether it be political, geological, natural, etc.) I really want to explore, but will be bummed to learn that every away mission is a collect 'x' or kill 'y' like 90% of WOW quests.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
You want a good look at the game, and want to laugh at the same time?

Watch the three videos these guys have up, its hilarious!
Feb 13, 2008
Sorry. It's not that good.

It feels like someone's used the Architect version of CoX to create it. Maybe I'll change my mind later but the sheer loading times are enough to push me back to something with a little more life in it.

Alone Disciple

New member
Jun 10, 2008
Jiveturkey124 said:
You want a good look at the game, and want to laugh at the same time?

Watch the three videos these guys have up, its hilarious!
Yes, I concur...the players 'mate' is pretty funny to listen to his critiques


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
Of course away missions are rather general. I have a feeling that in the future they will
obviously add more variety in the missions. And of course the story driven missions could very well be unique. They can't expect this game to have as much variety as World of WarCraft though, I mean let's get serious here. WoW has been out for over 5 years now, that's 5 years worth of extra content and modified quests to work on.

From what I saw in gameplay videos the missions look to be fun. The space combat also looks
top notch.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Well, if they're so pleased....maybe they can actually FIX THE GAME.

Yes, it's beta...and they are releasing in 2 weeks. The game is not ready. I want to buy it, but my beta experience is making me shy away.

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
I can only say that I'm having too much fun with this beta.
If it is because there is a massive Trekkie hiding in me or that it's just a good game I don't know.

Maybe both...


New member
Jan 18, 2008
Champions Online exceeded all their expectations and that turned out to be a ghost town. Methinks this is just marketing spin.

Epictank of Wintown

New member
Jan 8, 2009
Rack said:
Champions Online exceeded all their expectations and that turned out to be a ghost town. Methinks this is just marketing spin.
I can tell you from personal experience that their servers are absolutely packed. There are a ton of people playing this game. It's fantastic, it really is.

The Away Team missions could use a little bit of tweaking, but the space combat is absolutely fantastic.

I've also got to touch on the people who are whining about the game being combat heavy. For one, the Federation is currently embroiled in a full-scale war with the Klingon Empire. Do you really think they'd be investing a whole lot of their fleet in matters of diplomacy at that point in time? No. No they wouldn't, especially considering the size and tenacity of the Klingon military.

For two, a game about going around and having philosophical and moral discussions with NPCs would, quite frankly, be rather boring.

In short, I guess you could say that ST:O is more aimed at James T. Kirk than Jean-Luc Picard.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Atari makes the worst computer games. No Atari game has ever stayed afloat for longer than three months. Atari is good at killing game franchises. Just look what Quicksilver and Atari did to Master of Orions. This is will be a deadstick, at any price tag. I wouldn't play or subscribe to it, if it were free.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
geldonyetich said:
* The millions who aren't so deeply into the IP merely wish to get enough of a taste for it by running around firing phasers within some easy-to-follow mission goals of not necessarily spectacular writing in a most-of-the-time working game.

Cryptic is definitely aiming at capturing the attention of the later. First, because it's easier. Second, because aiming to fish in millions is the more financially beneficial choice.
i disagree with your opinion those willing to pay a monthly fee for the game are happy with running around firing phasers and following uninspired and boring "beam down/run around and scan/beam up" missions.
the design for social interactivity inside the game is poor and the mission design is repetitive and uninspired.

it doesn't matter if you're looking for the hole package as a trekker or hopping in as a part time scifi fan - the demand for a good gaming experience is always present. and i dont think st:eek: qualifies for that.