Crysis Dev Looks To The Future

Nov 28, 2007
j-e-f-f-e-r-s post=7.72249.755889 said:
Crysis eejit said:
Ja, ve love making games mit die shiny graphics, und vant to make more games mit shiny graphics, aber graphics vill nicht be getting any shinier until 2011 maybe. Vy bozzer making games mit rubbish like 'original settings' und 'good storylines' ven ve can be making more games mit small target audiences zat require super-schnell computers to run, ja? Also, ve do not like ze consoles, aber ve may like ze ones in die future, as zey vill have shiny graphics.
That's what I got from it at least.
That is just epic win. Here's a cookie. :):)


New member
Dec 20, 2007
OK What jeffers said was awesome and hillarious, but I still don't know why everyone thinks this is how Crytek thinks - nor how the hell he got all of that from the article, and I also don't understand why people don't like that they target a minority and not a majority. Does the minority (who have spent THOUSANDS into their computers) not matter or something?

Anyway, Far Cry's tropical island, at the time, actually WAS an original setting and - Crytek wanted to put the spin on it by making a frozen paradise (although this was only well done in warhead), and we don't need every single game to be as well written as an Alan Moore book - it's why awesomefests like Gears of War sell 4 million copies. Cryteks games are too demanding for consoles and he is saying that those who look forward to the next-gen will also be able to look forward to some Crytek games on console.

Still, just because Crytek makes games with good graphics, they have become a popular target. "Oh if your game looks really good then you must not care about gameplay and story, look at me I think I'm an expert because I use Crysis as an example of a shitty game because it looks nice." (I am not accusing jeffers of this - he's better than that -, just the general pompous community) - did ya hear what yahtzee said about Crytek's game engine? How it would be great for games like SotC? Well I hate to break it to you but Crytek is actually doing good in the game industry whether you liked Crysis or not, and they are using hardware crunching PC's to test if their engines are good enough for now, and then work out the kinks next-gen and license the engine - like how F.E.A.R. is now on consoles, etc. - and just like how we are going to see future "Euphoria" supported titles - after all, everyone thought it was awesome in GTA IV. Like last time. Besides, there are so many games out there that were actually tech demos that were passed off as actual games that people love and critically acclaim as the best thing ever (Most Recently: Force Unleashed, and upcoming Fracture...hey, both LucasArts!) - if I called Half-Life 2 a phsyics demo with a plot (which it was) the community will rip me to shreds, but if I say Crysis sucks because it's pretty then I'm considered some game expert.

Thanks to Crysis, Ubisoft Montreal took the idea and is going to make Far Cry 2 (which looks fucking awesome). Hell, most of the criticism Crysis got has been drastically improved in Crysis Warhead. Oh but excuse me, I think I'll just jump on the bandwagon saying that Crytek hates games and only likes graphics. Even though graphics matter just as much as everything else and help with immersion.

Ya know why I don't look forward to this though? It's showing that hardware is going to be FUCKING EXPENSIVE next generation.

Heck, look at the way Crysis looks now, and look at how they wanted it to look like in those announcement demos, and you'll see what I mean.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s post=7.72249.755889 said:
Crysis eejit said:
Ja, ve love making games mit die shiny graphics, und vant to make more games mit shiny graphics, aber graphics vill nicht be getting any shinier until 2011 maybe. Vy bozzer making games mit rubbish like 'original settings' und 'good storylines' ven ve can be making more games mit small target audiences zat require super-schnell computers to run, ja? Also, ve do not like ze consoles, aber ve may like ze ones in die future, as zey vill have shiny graphics.
That's what I got from it at least.
I think that's one of my favourite posts ever. Like, in history. It's times like this I wish this forum had a laughing smiley, because words can't express how funny that was...

And I can't see the point in getting new consoles any time soon, anyway. What, was Uncharted or Gears not pretty enough for you people?


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I'm sure German readers would have gotten more of a kick out of it. Anyway, posts like that make me wish Escapist had "signatures".

Also, I'm with you that the premise isn't original at all but seeing what Crytek did with it, they have made the most out of it. Kinda like that "Unoriginal concept but well done" vs. "Original concept that is just plain stupid" - Crytek just seems to stick with what they know and like, and that's jungles/islands and aliens :\

I heard Crytek has recently bought out a small dev. making the RTS "Worldshift" - maybe their writers don't suck.

As for what badass said about Uncharted and Gears, I hear devs want new consoles because of the proccessing power and memory issues. These new graphics are gorgeous and the consoles can't handle more than 10 character models on screen.

I think making new consoles is a stupid idea though, just tone down the graphics to ease it up on the system! -or do what PC games do and let us turn the settings down so that we can get more for our money on Supcom 360.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
The game wasn't optimized for anything when it first came out... That doesn't make it a bad game, though, and in fact, it's one of my favorite titles of all time. Version 1.2 fixed a lot of the optimization problems, and Warhead makes even greater strides to that end.

That being said, I played the beginning of the game on an old core2 (2.33 GHz) and a GeForce 8600GT, not an awful system, but certainly nothing special. I was just fine on Medium settings. I can play on a mix of High/Very High at 1680x1050 now using SLI'd 9600s and the same processor, so it's nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be.

He's right though, the company wants to work on consoles, but when they made the Cry Engine 2 they were a PC exclusive company, and didn't give a second thought to what the consoles can do when designing the engine, so unfortunately for console fans, Crytek's hands are tied for now.