Crytek Throwing its Hat Into the MOBA Scene With Arena of Fate


New member
May 27, 2010
Uh... what the heck is with Joan's character design?

I'm normally the last person to comment on female character models, but this? This is a little outrageous. 'She should be covered! But not too covered! Basically give her armor but make it like she's not actually wearing any at all. Compromise!'

I absolutely cannot take that seriously. It's just a combination of her breasts being so huge on top of the form fitting armor.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
synobal said:
What is up with Joan of Arcs breasts and armor design? At first I thought she was power girl in boob armor.
Damn, I was hoping to get an "inb4 someone moans about boob armour".

I like it Crytek. I'll like it right up until you capitulate to a forum-beating and change it. Hurray for metal boobs!

I'll give it a try. I've been looking for something to replace the Dotes since the .80 patch.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Dr.Awkward said:
Remember when Crytek was on the cutting edge of at least something? You know, when Cevat Yerli was proud of his development team? Seems to me EA's picked this team clean of acutal innovation and broke Yerli into giving in.

I won't be surprised if it's another once-great dev team in EA's infamous pile of dead within five years...
Wait, EA? Is EA behind crytek? EA, already has Dawngate as a moba, guess they want a back up incase one of them flops.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
mirage202 said:
Oh joy, yet another one.
Has nobody learned any lessons from years of trying to chase after WoW?
Replace WoW with LoL and history is repeating.
It is essentially that, yes.
There is just so much less risk this time around.
MOBAs cost a fraction of an MMORPG budget, I mean, you're basically making an RTS with just one map.

Dr.Awkward said:
Remember when Crytek was on the cutting edge of at least something? You know, when Cevat Yerli was proud of his development team? Seems to me EA's picked this team clean of acutal innovation and broke Yerli into giving in.
I won't be surprised if it's another once-great dev team in EA's infamous pile of dead within five years...
Crytek is an independent studio. EA just owns the Crysis IP and publishes those games.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
Uh... what the heck is with Joan's character design?

I'm normally the last person to comment on female character models, but this? This is a little outrageous. 'She should be covered! But not too covered! Basically give her armor but make it like she's not actually wearing any at all. Compromise!'

I absolutely cannot take that seriously. It's just a combination of her breasts being so huge on top of the form fitting armor.
The armour isn't even form-fitting. Nobody has boobs that stay in a perfectly hemispherical bumps on top of their chests. Apparently the Crytek artists forgot that gravity is a thing.

Either that, or she has a terrible, terrible boob job.

Anyways, back on topic.

It looks... eh? Well, there isn't much to go on. The character designs don't exactly fill me with enthusiasm, but I'll reserve further judgment until I see some gameplay.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
mirage202 said:
Oh joy, yet another one.

Has nobody learned any lessons from years of trying to chase after WoW?

Replace WoW with LoL and history is repeating.
What's best is that Valve with the OG moba, DOTA, tried to upset this and they've only had moderate success and haven't gotten close to toppling LoL. Crytek using LoLs Annie, Viktor, male Ashe, Kayle and Warwick/Tibbers, I don't think are going to convince people that haven't already tried one of the two are going to send people running, much less the people that play League where they have dedicated their lives to raising their ELO to match their own egos... I should mention I'm a terrible and bitter LoL player.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
I'm beginning to think they all simplify the DOTA format because they just aren't talented enough to add any depth.


New member
Dec 6, 2013
What a waste of development time. I guess it is okay to take characters from fantasy and history, but meh... it is just not very novel and creative.

Scorpid said:
What's best is that Valve with the OG moba, DOTA, tried to upset this and they've only had moderate success and haven't gotten close to toppling LoL.
DotA was first. Valve tends to pick up indie projects and build games around them. Assuming that Valve wanted to topple LoL is a bad bet and unlikely. What's more likely would be that they picked up a successful mod, like they'd done in the past numerous times. DotA had 20 mio. players across the globe, when LoL was still in its infancy, so I think the best bet would be that Valve just was interested in the game as well and picked it up because of that (that also goes along with what Valve employees were saying).


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Well, this is going to flop. Hard.
And I'm going to be laughing all the while.

I dunno, everything Crytek's been doing has me wondering why they're still around. There's been Crysis, which started out mediocre and was not improved by sequels or the console port. They've apparently made an ioS Expendables parody and... Ryse.
I won't deny that their stuff looks fucking good but that can only keep a company afloat for so long, right?


New member
Aug 22, 2013
Sorry, but I (like some before) am going to harp on Joan of Arc's character design too because its another example that leads me to believe that female characters can never safely leave the concept art stages without some arbitrary sex appeal stapled on them (in most cases anyway). I'm not sure if its a shallow thing, but I'm the type of guy who loses MASSIVE amounts of interest in a game if I spy that the female character designs are pretty much just TnA, I mean CMON! It's possible to design a female character without making her eye candy I mean look at Red Riding Hood, she looks cool enough and didn't have to inflate her chest to do it. And unless I'm mistaken, I'm pretty sure history recorded Joan of Arc as being a strong women with great leadership skills, don't remember there being any records of her sporting a pair of F cups.

Okay, I'm gonna rag on character choice now, cause this kinda strikes me as lazy. I can excuse SMITE cause its whole central theme is gods and nothing but (although it also severely guilty of the TnA female character designs complete with jiggle physics) but this one seems to me like Crytek just went "Welp, we can't think of any original characters for our game, lets just grab some well known names and figures and toss em in there." Seriously you could at least try... then again with a name like Arena of Fate I'm fairly certain originality was tossed out the window during the brainstorming session for this thing.

All in all, unless this MOBA does something differently from all the rest (like SMITE does: being 3rd Person rather than the usual RTS style controls most MOBAs have, thus turning into a bit of a brawler type game) it'll fade to the white noise rather fast.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Why do all MOBAs have to have the exact same cheap as fuck artstyle? They all just seem to copy everything out of LOL


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
Mr.Tea said:
Game developers...

What are you doing?

Game developers


Seriously, cut that shit out. It looks like she has two helmets strapped onto her chestplate, for fucking fuck's sake.

Sex sells, but this isn't sex; it's absurdity.
Yep. The longer I look at it, the weirder it feels. Then again, it's not like League doesn't have absurd boobplated women of its own (Sejuani, Vi, etc.)

Zac Jovanovic

New member
Jan 5, 2012
hazabaza1 said:
I dunno, everything Crytek's been doing has me wondering why they're still around. There's been Crysis, which started out mediocre and was not improved by sequels or the console port. They've apparently made an ioS Expendables parody and... Ryse.
I won't deny that their stuff looks fucking good but that can only keep a company afloat for so long, right?
Whooooa. Crysis started out mediocre? The fuck. The first Crysis is among the best FPS games ever made;/

It's probably CryEngine keeping them afloat, not their games though.

Thing about MOBAs is they're cheap as fuck to make. If it flops no one will lose sleep over it, but it has potential to build empires if it doesn't. So everyone makes one.


New member
May 20, 2009
J Tyran said:
Dr.Awkward said:
I won't be surprised if it's another once-great dev team in EA's infamous pile of dead within five years...
Crytek would probably be better off being changed from a game development team to a technology team, they haven't made a great game in ages and have managed a few "okay" games and a number of stinkers but they are good at putting engines together and developing graphics technology.
Crysis 1 was amazing, Crysis 2 was great (better than Crysis 1, but my personal favorite of the 4), Warhead was meh, and Crysis 3 just crapped on itself. EA did them in, and it is a sad thing to see.

I have to agree. They make an AMAZING engine, and they need to stick to that. There is some truth that games are required as a testbed for engines in order to see how they fail, but they don't need EA for that. I feel like this game is further testing for CryEngine's web-based technology and nothing more.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Little red riding hood? What kind of power is she supposed to have? Astounding lack of common sense?


New member
Mar 18, 2013

Stop with the MOBAs, industry. We don't need it to be saturated like FPSes and MMOs are.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
synobal said:
What is up with Joan of Arcs breasts and armor design? At first I thought she was power girl in boob armor.
I was about ready to complain about this as well......
But yeah, it is only a videogame, we must deal with it.
At least she isn't like the Heroine in "Code of Princess"

Because her armor MAKE SO MUCH SENSE!!!!