Cuddly Pokemon and the Demons That Spawned Them


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Surprised the article didn't mention that Pikachu itself, or rather its evolutionary line, is based on a yokai called raijuu. Even the name itself is just a pun, with "chu" being the onomatopoeia for the sound a mouse makes. Although I guess it's not a very interesting yokai.

ZexionSephiroth said:
I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'd like to be able to see the Youkai treated as a "living" being with its own thoughts and desires, instead of just being some creature that does it "cause it can", or some other excuse not to give them a personalty by forcing them into a role.
Touhou. Although honestly the bits treating them as normal people with magic powers are significantly less interesting than the bits treating them as otherworldly entities with strange priorities and cultures.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
The biggest monster is man.
Also I can never look at the Reuniclus line the same way after I realized what it was. Hint, it's not quite a fetus.
Bulbapedia actually has a great series of articles called "On the Origin of Species" that talks about the animals/mythologies that certain Pokemon are based on.