Cute kittens versus dirty homeless people.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
There's quite a bit of variety to dirty homeless men. Some I would save over kittens, and others I'd wouldn't save, even if kittens were rocks instead.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Lilani said:
the December King said:
Rednog said:
The thing I find most fascinating so far is that people who say humans usually have a short post that essentially boils down to a human life is more valuable than an animal's life. But the people who chose the kittens have to go through some pretty fantastic mental gymnastics to try and validate their point; the the extent where they above and beyond the basic question.
That's because some can see that other people will attack them for the perceived trading of a human life for a 'lesser' one. They don't need to justify it to themselves, they just need to show the mob why chose what they chose. Who, in typical fashion, mostly won't listen anyways.
Probably because people expect decent behavior from other people, and someone who professes to do indecent things to others isn't seen as a good person. Given there are actual legal implications for failing to save another person if doing so is reasonably feasible and safe for you, the only encouragement someone might have to not save a person is to be an asshole and watch someone else die.

In short, when you say "fuck you" to the world, don't be surprised if people turn around and say "fuck you too."
Fair enough, Lilani, although none of these are reasonably feasible or safe- these are not realistic scenarios. Also, the encouragement to be an 'asshole', as you put it, might be a little more nuanced than that, but you seem angry, so I guess I'll try to explain how I see it: because maybe, in their lives, other people have already heaped on a big fat dose of 'fuck you' to them already, or perhaps their pets were loyal and trusting, and meant something to them in a way that gets triggered when you see a similar animal in peril... is this so hard a concept to grasp, that some people have found more friendship in animals, and that they would do their best to save them?

Apparently so. After all, I said I'd save the goddamn hobo. I don't hate hobos. I love kittens. I know it's 'right'. I was hoping more people would at least try to understand the other points of view.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
Those are some really unlikely scenarios, man. What are ten kittens doing in the road?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I've got a tremendous weakness for wittle fuzzy kittens. Sanctity of human life or not, people would outright kick me in the balls for not going Hellboy on the matter and saving the cats. And if they didn't, I would.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Yes, I would save my pet from the whirlpool.

Oh, it's a slightly different question. I would save the homeless man if I could.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
Rather odd and incredibly unlikely scenario is it not?

First off this is coming from a guy who has had lot's of human's let him down or outright bully him while living around animals and pet's who have been generally incredibly kind-hearted and understanding

It would depend on ALOT of different factors for me, the idea of pitting an animal vs a human life is a difficult one for me, it generally depends on my relationship with either of them, assuming I have no idea who either of them are and saving either one is equally risky in every way... ehhh I would probably save homeless guy, but yeah... either way I'm going to be feeling guilty for the rest of my life... If it's not that simple (which is very likely) it would depend on my relationship with either party, if one is less risky to save than the other etc.

If I know the kittens and don't know the homeless guy, I gotta be honest i'm saving kittens

If I know the homeless guy is an assholish drunkard with no family... well call me crazy or whatever but screw the human asshole, i'm saving kittens, that said though if I know homeless guy and he's a generally kind and decent human being and I don't know kittens I'd save homeless guy

Overall for you TL;DR it would depend on alot of different thing's but overall if it's a random stranger vs a random animal... I would lean towards animals but only slightly more, the second I know the homeless man is an asshole... yup he gunna die

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
I don't really like cats, they're pretty much vermin where I live.
But I do value life equally, to hold the life of one man, who has nothing but a negative effect of society, compared to ten other lives, I would probably choose the ten lives.
Puppies would be better though, they don't destroy the ecosystem as badly.


New member
Jul 2, 2014
I don't want to admit that any ol' human life is worth more than a cat's. But if I actually found myself in the situation, I'd instinctively go for the smelly bum first.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
I'd call emergency services. Pretty sure that means the kittens (or puppies) are fucked (pretty low priority on rescue list). The homeless mans life depends on his survival instincts and how bad traffic is.

That's me being completely honest with myself. I feel like that would be my reaction to any horrible crisis situation, even if it involved family or a friend. I just don't think I'm the heroic type. I mean, I'd want to be the guy who wraps a wet rag around my head and arms and who braves the flames, but I would most likely panic and do nothing at all.

As for the question of who I would save if I wasn't such a wittle baby? Homeless man. I'll feel fucking terrible for the kittens but I couldn't live with the thoughts of another human burning alive if I had the capacity to do something about it.

Strangely though, and depressingly so, I would be more likely to help a stray kitten or puppy then I would help a homeless man if it wasn't a life or death situation. Yay! I'm a horrible person!