Damn you LoL!!


BOOM! Headshot.
May 9, 2010
Ok so I downloaded League of Legends the other night and I think im starting to get addicted already. I've even got a couple friends playing and they are on all of the time now too. I was just wondering if anyone else is playing and wants to discuss their fav. champion. Mine right now is Nasus and Twisted Fate.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Oh and here I thought it was a thread about the internet term. I was ready for a good rant :p

Incidentally, I've never played LoL nor have I known anyone IRL who has.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
LoL is a pretty big game..I think there's even an escapist group.

I play in spurts. I'm a bit dissapointed they nerfed all healers recently.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Heroes of Newerth > LoL. HoN even recently went free to play as well. Far superior on a skill level than LoL in my opinion. The game is just better. If they still have that "lol im invisible in tall grass" bullshit in LoL, I will never consider it to be a good game.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
I've been playing for almost two years now, though at this point it's a bit boring. I'm waiting on Dominion (the new map) to breathe life back into the game for me. As it is, I'll log in once a day to get my First Win bonus and maybe play an extra game or two, but rarely more than that.

TsunamiWombat said:
I'm a bit dissapointed they nerfed all healers recently.
I'm mixed about it. On one hand, I get what they are trying to do; they don't want healers to sustain their lane indefinately or support a push forever and they would prefer if supports worked more like Janna (Shields, CC, etc.) instead of plain heals. But the way they did these nerfs was just silly. Soraka got pushed into an AP Mage role, Taric is now kinda poop, Sona IS poop, Nidalee got wrecked in more ways than one. I'm sure they'll get it right in another patch or two, but until then the only support I'm playing is Alistar.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Mr.Pandah said:
Heroes of Newerth > LoL. HoN even recently went free to play as well. Far superior on a skill level than LoL in my opinion. The game is just better. If they still have that "lol im invisible in tall grass" bullshit in LoL, I will never consider it to be a good game.
Ah yes starting a delicious flame war I see, well so far so good. A few more "my game is better than your game you moron" and we can start a full on riot.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Jursa said:
Mr.Pandah said:
Heroes of Newerth > LoL. HoN even recently went free to play as well. Far superior on a skill level than LoL in my opinion. The game is just better. If they still have that "lol im invisible in tall grass" bullshit in LoL, I will never consider it to be a good game.
Ah yes starting a delicious flame war I see, well so far so good. A few more "my game is better than your game you moron" and we can start a full on riot.
I'm not starting a flame war, or even baiting one, unless you wish to start one, go right ahead, I'll have no part in it. That's my opinion and I really don't find anything fantastic about LoL. And if anyone tells me not to post in the topic about LoL then, take your high and mighty selves elsewhere. This is a discussion forum and that's my opinion. Don't like it? Don't accuse me of baiting.

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Me and a few friends recently got into LoL too, 3 of us love it. The other, not so much... although he does love Blitzcrank.

I think my favourite is Cassiopeia or Anivia. I saw them when I first started playing and wanted them immediately. So I caved and bought Anivia within a week and took to her pretty quickly, after a couple days of playing I got to a point where I never lost the midlane and entire teams were needed to take me down. *shameless boasting* Then a week ago I relented and bought Cassi, she's very tough to play, but very rewarding once I learned how to do it. Took me a week to play her right and I love her. Also bought them skins I love them that much. Hex-Tech Anivia and Desperada Cassiopeia.

Just noticed how much crazy I am for this game.


Mar 9, 2009
Jursa said:
Mr.Pandah said:
Heroes of Newerth > LoL. HoN even recently went free to play as well. Far superior on a skill level than LoL in my opinion. The game is just better. If they still have that "lol im invisible in tall grass" bullshit in LoL, I will never consider it to be a good game.
Ah yes starting a delicious flame war I see, well so far so good. A few more "my game is better than your game you moron" and we can start a full on riot.
HA I GET IT, a full on Riot(games)

But on topic, My favorite
Melee: Udyr
Caster: Karthus (statue of liberty skin) or Zilean (Yellow Submarine skin)


New member
Aug 17, 2011
yep i will admit i am addicted to LoL. only thing is i play crap with anything thats not ranged, i love morgana and annie the most. can't wait for dominion.


New member
May 24, 2011
I haven't tried it myself. This may be solely based on the fact that the two people I know IRL that do play it are also 4chan trolls and think they ARE the internet. That aspect of these couple of people annoy me so I tend to avoid any discussion of online media with them, lest I be judged an "oldfag".



New member
Apr 10, 2010
FranBunnyFFXII said:
chrono16 said:
Ok so I downloaded League of Legends the other night and I think im starting to get addicted already. I've even got a couple friends playing and they are on all of the time now too. I was just wondering if anyone else is playing and wants to discuss their fav. champion. Mine right now is Nasus and Twisted Fate.
compuslive play isnt addiction, just means youre getting your game buzz and dont wanna stop playing.

Come back to me and tell me its an addiction after youve played games like that for 7 years and cant freaking stop.
Thats addiction.
Lol Gets boring with only 2 maps.
Its engaging and its pro skills based game but it gets old pretty quick.
Coming from someone who's played >1500 games, just gotta try to keep it fresh for yourself. I rarely play the same champion twice in a row.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
I like LoL, but I only play HoN now cause my friends play that. My friends and I switched to HoN from DotA. LoL is great because it introduces a lot of new stuff to the genre and is easier and more friendly to newbs. If I were to try to get a friend to play HoN, I'd tell him to play LoL first.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Everytime there is a LoL thread on the internet there's always some dork going on about how HoN/DotA is so 'superior.' Meh. LoL is fun. HoN is not. Their "When you're ready to stop laughing" ad couldn't be more ironic.

Anyway. I started a month or two ago. Mostly play with friends. Singed is probably my favorite, along with Annie.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Mxrz said:
Everytime there is a LoL thread on the internet there's always some dork going on about how HoN/DotA is so 'superior.' Meh. LoL is fun. HoN is not. Their "When you're ready to stop laughing" ad couldn't be more ironic.

Anyway. I started a month or two ago. Mostly play with friends. Singed is probably my favorite, along with Annie.
Dork...heh. I think HoN is better. THINK. I didn't say everyone had to agree with me. There are many game mechanics in LoL that cater to the casual player that I absolutely cannot stand. It's a newbs way to get into the genre and I believe that when they feel ready, they can actually play a game thy has much more demands out of the player when they want to. And HoN delivers that extra depth.


New member
Apr 10, 2010
Mr.Pandah said:
Mxrz said:
Everytime there is a LoL thread on the internet there's always some dork going on about how HoN/DotA is so 'superior.' Meh. LoL is fun. HoN is not. Their "When you're ready to stop laughing" ad couldn't be more ironic.

Anyway. I started a month or two ago. Mostly play with friends. Singed is probably my favorite, along with Annie.
Dork...heh. I think HoN is better. THINK. I didn't say everyone had to agree with me. There are many game mechanics in LoL that cater to the casual player that I absolutely cannot stand. It's a newbs way to get into the genre and I believe that when they feel ready, they can actually play a game thy has much more demands out of the player when they want to. And HoN delivers that extra depth.
Ehhhhh. Honestly the biggest differences between the two to me is HoN has more usable items and the fact that most characters don't have to build any offensive items to do good damage. Unless you're a carry... which makes less sense to me.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I got dragged into it by my old housemate who has subsequently stopped playing for a while. I'm just ditching the rust of not having played for a month, but lately I've been playing Lux, Ashe, Ryze, and can do well with TF and Malphite, though Leona was good when she was on free, but generally can't use melee... Tried Jax and bombed completely :(

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
just love playing twitch when he was newish and not many people knew about him.*cough 48/2/24*cough* but now everybody knows him and judging by the way the foucus me down like a......a....dam well they foucus me down harrrrd whenever i show up so i have had to abandon my old friend, eve had a good run but without her stun she is useless.
lastly I have come to just doing randomize and going from there