Dante Kicks It Old School In Devil May Cry HD Collection


New member
Apr 14, 2009
OH MY! Is this that feeling you mortals call 'joy' that I am suddenly experiencing? I must admit i am rather pleased with this announcement.

Only downside is we're getting Devil May Cry 2...but, oh well, we still get HD updates of 1 and 3!


New member
Oct 8, 2009
vansau said:
Sucal said:
The Gentleman said:
Sucal said:
Pretty Pretty Pretty please capcom, release it on 360
It is. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/112858-Rumor-10th-Anniversary-Devil-May-Cry-Collection-Coming-to-360-and-PS3]
Its only rumoured to be coming to 360, while the image suggests playstation only. So here's hoping to bribes from Microsoft succeeding in obtaining the treasure I seek.
The ESRB has it listed on the 360, too, and other news outlets are claiming it'll come out for the system. Capcom hasn't officially announced it, though.
If the section in the article in the quote box is directly from Capcom, they may have just confirmed it. PS3 doesn't have achievements, just Trophies.

And while achievements could be in-game challenges or something, I'd be willing to bet that it's the 360 version.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Shit. I might get this one two times instead of the Ninja Theory one just to prove my point. Really glad this is being made though. The PS2 versions look horrible on my new TV.

I just hope DMC3 is the version where you getto play as Vergil. Might actually be a dealbreaker for me. Ridculous considering that the series is not about him, I know.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
FlashHero said:
PC release?...DMC 4 got one so this should to I hope.
OutrageousEmu said:
You're not good at noticing patterns, are you?

Capcom's been doing some PC porting [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/10/17/man-vs-man-sf-x-tekken-on-pc/] lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if this gets a Windows release eventually.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Post-post warning: My typings a bit shit due to a cold, and the escapist seems to like lagging out when I type stuff on it, so half the time I'm missing letters or whole words...

OK, I'm no just saying this because it's DMC, in fact I loved the early games, but if I wanted to play some cherished ol game, I'd play them!

I can understand that some late-comers to the franchises might not be so enthusiastic about backtracking to the days of yore(to which I ask, WHY?), when HD didn't really mean much to anybody

But when it seems to be common ground for businesses to rehash old stuff some HD gloss I have wonder where this is going...

I mean, if it was HD remakes (read: not remasters)then yeah, you'd have something worth lookin into, but just making shit shinier with a higher definition isn't something I'm personally looking to spend full retail price on, even if it is a bundle deal.

I know there are people who want this, as is evident by just about every post before mine, but ask yourselves, if you take the hook now, what's to stop companies from pulling this shit all the time?

Can't think of a new IP? Just remaster some old gems, the fans'll fucking hoover it up like pidgeons on bread-crumbs...

Or like Capcom, Fans react badly to a re-do of a favourite ld IP? Remaster the old stuff they did like, that'll distract them!

(Y'know when you're not busy re-releasing Street Fighter every couple of years)

I have no doubt that sometimes theses kinds of things are worth and some people legitimately have reasons for buying into it, but as for me, I'm just wondering when the hell it's likely to end, because if it doesn't soon, this might be the standard in a few years...

Scary shit.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
More bonus content?

While i doubt it means they fixed everything wrong with DMC2 it makes me wonder just what theyre going to put in DMC3.

Archemetis said:
Can't think of a new IP? Just remaster some old gems, the fans'll fucking hoover it up like pidgeons on bread-crumbs...
It looks like you need reminding that Capcom is working on Asura's Wrath and Dragons Dogma, two entirely new IP's, so Capcom are working on Asura's Wrath and Dragons Dogma, two entirely new IP's [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment].

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
If this was on PC, I'd get it just for DMC 3. I have first 3 games on PS2, but I want this in HD on my PC. Too bad these HD releases are never coming to PC.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
I only played DMC2 and it was one of the ugliest games, aesthetic-wise, that I have ever played.
But it was really fun, so I approve of this HD re-release.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Hmm...I've already got these games, hell I've got the original and special editions of DMC3 but this supposed "new content" piques my interest.

Maybe we'll get lucky and the DMC1 control scheme will be the same as the DMC3 controls. I mean, pressing triangle to jump? The fuck DMC1?


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Yes! The ESRB rumor turned out to be true... and that had 360 getting a release of it too! If this stays as the case... I'll be so happy.

I'd buy a regular ol' HD remake pack for the 360. The bonus content is icing on the cake.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Well... sadly, Capcom can't make me forget that DMC2 exists and worse yet, they'll entice me to finish it again *shudder* just to get those delicious trophies/achievements.

Other than that, this is awesome news!.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Al-Bundy-da-G said:
Metal Gear Solid Collection, check
Sly Collection, check
Team Ico Collection, check
Jak Collection, check
Ratchet & Clank Collection, check
Final Fantasy X HD, check
God of War Collection, check
and now Devil May Cry Collection.

Why do I get the feeling that I've paid for these exact games before, it's the strangest feeling and some how I do not care even the slightest.

TO HELL WITH RE-MASTERING, just throw them on the PS store as fast as you can and let me buy them as is.
There's a Jak collection?! Say whaaaat?! Buying!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
sweet. wasn't a huge fan of 4, but thinking I'll be giving the others a chance. but either way, got two friends who are bigger fans than me. bet they'd be happy if I got it :]


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
gigastar said:
More bonus content?

While i doubt it means they fixed everything wrong with DMC2 it makes me wonder just what theyre going to put in DMC3.

Archemetis said:
Can't think of a new IP? Just remaster some old gems, the fans'll fucking hoover it up like pidgeons on bread-crumbs...
It looks like you need reminding that Capcom is working on Asura's Wrath and Dragons Dogma, two entirely new IP's, so Capcom are working on Asura's Wrath and Dragons Dogma, two entirely new IP's [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment].
I was using Capcom as an example since they were in my mind at the time, any games developer can be guilty of this.

And I think I can be forgiven for forgetting about Asura's Wrath and Dragon Dogma since I haven't seen anything on the first for a long time now and I've personally never even heard of the second one...

Edit: Oh, and thanks for quoting me way out of context there. (Yes I know I used Capcom as an example, but the rest of my post was aimed generally at all developers).