Dante's Inferno Gets Animated

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
Gah, the most annoying thing about this is that that if they're going to start picking up literary classics that only literary snobs get worked up about there are plenty of uber-violent stories to pick from. The Iliad, Beowulf, or you could try to make some sense out of William Blake and use his crazy mythology.

Sometimes I think they decided to rape Dante's Divine Comedy just for the sake of the added PR of how ridiculous it is.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I may be one of few who have read Dante's Divine Comedy and are kind of looking forward to this game =P


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Baby Tea said:
SharedProphet said:
I just don't get why they even put "Dante's" on there when it has basically nothing to do with the poem.
RebelRising said:
Well, I guess I'm a literary snob, because this game just keeps on getting worse the more I hear about it.
Yes and yes.
Dante's Inferno is such an amazing piece of poetry, and, for me, the best of the Divine Comedy. This game isn't even remotely related! I don't understand how they can get away with shit like this.

Oh wait! Yes I do!

Because the average moron who buys this game will think that 'Divine Comedy' is the name of God's comedy club, or some c-rated porn actress. AUGH! This is just as bad as the Beowulf fiasco! What a waste of fantastic poetry!

I wonder what piece of literature they will butcher next?

Leisure Suit Larry in: Romeo and Juliet?
Dangerous Creatures 2: Watership Down?
To Kill a Mocking Bird, where you actually just shoot birds?
Call of Duty: The Red Badge of Courage?
Captain Deformo VS the Aliens: Johnny Tremain in the future?

When will people get their own freaking ideas?
For the most part, I agree with you. But consider that Red Badge of Courage could potentially be made into a shooter without compromising the book, which is all about guns, shooting and war and stuff. What they're doing with Inferno, however, is awful, because they are just making another beat-em-up with a generic Hell setting.

I'd like for a Dante game to made, but only if they actually tried to push themselves and have gameplay that complemented the book. Having Dante Alighieri be a medieval Sylvester Stallone is the wrong thing to do. Omitting Virgil is the wrong thing to do. Having the gameplay centered around fighting is the wrong thing to do. And so on.

Making it an adventure game with elements of survival-horror (a la the earlier Resident Evils), and with accurate character portrayals and environments would be a massive improvement.

The people, however, are just convinced they're doing a fitting tribute to a great literary work, when they're really just sullying its good name with misdirection. I'm stopping this before it turns into another rant.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Why turn Dante into some medieval space marine when the correct action protagonist IS A FRIGGING ANGEL? It's Hell! Give Danta an angelic bodyguard, I think he actually did have some in a few of the layers. BAM problem solved. Dante slaughtering demons makes no sense. Michael, protecting Dante's wussy italian ass, does.

On that note, I want a damn action game where you play as an angel. And you have to get to fly. And for anyone whose forgotten that angels aren't all little fat babies or lingerie models...



Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
Why turn Dante into some medieval space marine when the correct action protagonist IS A FRIGGING ANGEL? It's Hell! Give Danta an angelic bodyguard, I think he actually did have some in a few of the layers. BAM problem solved. Dante slaughtering demons makes no sense. Michael, protecting Dante's wussy italian ass, does.
Ewww, then it'd be one big escort mission... still a pretty good idea, though.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
ThaBenMan said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Why turn Dante into some medieval space marine when the correct action protagonist IS A FRIGGING ANGEL? It's Hell! Give Danta an angelic bodyguard, I think he actually did have some in a few of the layers. BAM problem solved. Dante slaughtering demons makes no sense. Michael, protecting Dante's wussy italian ass, does.
Ewww, then it'd be one big escort mission... still a pretty good idea, though.
Michael proceeds Dante and Virgil on their journey into hell, beating the Shit out of everything that gets in his way. Each chapter is bookended by an abridged version of that part of the story. Thus, Virgil and Dante's journy is made possible by Michael clearing the road by beating the shit out of everyone in his way. /game design


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Glad to see that Dante's Inferno is appreciated even now. So all they need to do is make a good game out of it.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
keyper159 said:
orannis62 said:
RebelRising said:
Well, I guess I'm a literary snob, because this game just keeps on getting worse the more I hear about it.
Seriously. I haven't even read the Divine Comedy and I can tell what a bastardization this is.
I've read it, and the book is a description of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. I see neither Heaven nor Purgatory in any news about this game.

Plus Dante wasn't a bad ass looking priest who broke into Hell to kill Satan and his minions.
Well, technically, it's Dante's Inferno, emphasis on the word "Inferno". The Divine Comedy consists of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. The game is just centered on the first book.

Doesn't make it any less of a travesty, though.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
RebelRising said:
Well, I guess I'm a literary snob, because this game just keeps on getting worse the more I hear about it.
I am right there with you. There was a way to do the game well, and no, it doesn't sound like they did. They changed it from Inferno to God of War: Onward Christian Soldier.

I think it would have worked better if instead of making uber-buff 'Dante' go after McGuffin Beatrice, they'd instead kept Dante the passing-out wuss he was, and had demons kidnap him while he and Virgil were in Limbo--and then Virgil had to fight his way through Hell to rescue him, and Virgil is given the charge to free him, with the knowledge that if he is successful, he will be freed from Limbo and ascend to Heaven.

Half the problem--OK, all of it--is the sheer ridiculousness of what the game's done to Dante and Beatrice. There was a way to do this within the framework of the poem, and they went for "Super buff soldier rescues kidnapped love interest."