Dante's Inferno?

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
Ganthrinor said:

No. Aside from the name "Dante" and them both being hack-and-slash, they share nothing.

and GOD. DAMNIT. PEOPLE. Stop calling them "God of War" ripoffs. If anything, Hack and Slashers are all Gauntlet or Golden Axe ripoffs. GoW was not first. It was not best. Just the most popular.
I'll stop calling it that when animations among other things are not identical.
Mar 26, 2008
squid5580 said:
Jaranja said:
omega 616 said:
involving demonic demons .

Hack'n'Slash games are always the same. You'll notice some similarities but there'll also be differences. We can't compare them yet, however, as Dante's Inferno isn't out.
The demo is. And the entire feel of the game is GOW clone. Right down to the controls. Although it is done really well. And I have already preordered it.
Well the quality is the important thing isn't it. It would appear that Bayonetta > Devil May Cry, so could this be a case with Dante's Inferno being greater than the game it borrows heavily from in GoW? Time will tell.

I'm Australian so I'm expecting this to be banned anyway; as much as I'd like to play the game.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
MurderousToaster said:
Watching all the people say "god of war clone omg >_<". By that same vein, every FPS is a clone of Wolfenstein 3D, but people will come up with a plethora of reasons as to why it is not, so I don't understand why beat-em-ups are instantly God of War clones.
ok, saying that every shooter is a wolfenstein ripoff is like saying that every platformer is a mario ripoff. just because one game really brought the genre forward doesn't mean it's a rip off.

HOWEVER! Dante's Inferno REALLY IS exactly. like. god of war. after playing the demo i can tell you, if it's in god of war it's in DI. from the way that mele/ ranged combat are mixed, to the way magic is incorporated, to the right analog to dash, to the fixed camera on linear level, to the hit count being counted up in the corner while every time you get a bench mark you get a new adjective, to the rage of the titans now called... something i cant remember, but functioning exactly the same, to the way health and magic is regulated and found in chests, to spamming "o" to open doors, to the mid size enemies needing to be finished with an R2 then spamming sequence EXACTLY like the minotaurs in GOW, to the button layout (L1 then face buttons for magic. sound familiar?) to the bosses being finished with epic quicktime sequences, and then stealing their main weapon! and this is after playing it for like twenty minutes!

My point is that few if any games have ever so blatantly copied God of War. Fortunately this game makes no bones about it and just does the best damn copy ya ever did see. But seriously...how is that a bad thing?

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
ninjamasterjudd said:
MurderousToaster said:
Watching all the people say "god of war clone omg >_<". By that same vein, every FPS is a clone of Wolfenstein 3D, but people will come up with a plethora of reasons as to why it is not, so I don't understand why beat-em-ups are instantly God of War clones.
ok, saying that every shooter is a wolfenstein ripoff is like saying that every platformer is a mario ripoff. just because one game really brought the genre forward doesn't mean it's a rip off.

HOWEVER! Dante's Inferno REALLY IS exactly. like. god of war. after playing the demo i can tell you, if it's in god of war it's in DI. from the way that mele/ ranged combat are mixed, to the way magic is incorporated, to the right analog to dash, to the fixed camera on linear level, to the hit count being counted up in the corner while every time you get a bench mark you get a new adjective, to the rage of the titans now called... something i cant remember, but functioning exactly the same, to the way health and magic is regulated and found in chests, to spamming "o" to open doors, to the mid size enemies needing to be finished with an R2 then spamming sequence EXACTLY like the minotaurs in GOW, to the button layout (L1 then face buttons for magic. sound familiar?) to the bosses being finished with epic quicktime sequences, and then stealing their main weapon! and this is after playing it for like twenty minutes!

My point is that few if any games have ever so blatantly copied God of War. Fortunately this game makes no bones about it and just does the best damn copy ya ever did see. But seriously...how is that a bad thing?
Because any praise you give DI should be given to God of War instead. It will be as if DI does not even exist at all.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
shadow skill said:
ninjamasterjudd said:
MurderousToaster said:
Watching all the people say "god of war clone omg >_<". By that same vein, every FPS is a clone of Wolfenstein 3D, but people will come up with a plethora of reasons as to why it is not, so I don't understand why beat-em-ups are instantly God of War clones.
ok, saying that every shooter is a wolfenstein ripoff is like saying that every platformer is a mario ripoff. just because one game really brought the genre forward doesn't mean it's a rip off.

HOWEVER! Dante's Inferno REALLY IS exactly. like. god of war. after playing the demo i can tell you, if it's in god of war it's in DI. from the way that mele/ ranged combat are mixed, to the way magic is incorporated, to the right analog to dash, to the fixed camera on linear level, to the hit count being counted up in the corner while every time you get a bench mark you get a new adjective, to the rage of the titans now called... something i cant remember, but functioning exactly the same, to the way health and magic is regulated and found in chests, to spamming "o" to open doors, to the mid size enemies needing to be finished with an R2 then spamming sequence EXACTLY like the minotaurs in GOW, to the button layout (L1 then face buttons for magic. sound familiar?) to the bosses being finished with epic quicktime sequences, and then stealing their main weapon! and this is after playing it for like twenty minutes!

My point is that few if any games have ever so blatantly copied God of War. Fortunately this game makes no bones about it and just does the best damn copy ya ever did see. But seriously...how is that a bad thing?
Because any praise you give DI should be given to God of War instead. It will be as if DI does not even exist at all.
true, I'm not praising it for doing anything new just for churning out a great product. it's all been done before, but seldom is it done as well. As far as actually measuring up to god of war, i'll keep my mind open until the full game is released.