Dark Souls 3 Invokes Sad Affleck Meme to Promote Upcoming Release

Lizzy Finnegan

New member
Mar 11, 2015
Dark Souls 3 Invokes Sad Affleck Meme to Promote Upcoming Release


Hello darkness, my old friend...

You're likely familiar with the "Sad Affleck" meme at this point. The "Sad Affleck" meme stems from an interview with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice stars Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill, after the pair are asked about their reactions to the less-than-stellar reviews. Cavill gives a lengthy answer, but poor sad Ben just sits there, with a somber expression on his face, chiming in only with an "I agree" when prompted. It didn't take the internet too long, and after some creative editing the interview is now available with Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence" playing over Cavill's answer.

But this is old news. The new news is that the official Dark Souls Twitter account showed off some creative editing of its own, with a Dark Souls-themed version of the Sad Affleck meme. In the DS3 version, Cavill and Affleck are asked to reflect on the original. While Cavill answers, Affleck has flashbacks to dying. Dying a lot. "The Sound of Silence" is still there, as is the very sad Affleck face.

Check it out below!

[tweet t=https://twitter.com/DarkSoulsGame/status/718124482561318912]

Dark Souls 3 will be available in North America on April 12 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.



New member
Jun 15, 2013
That's just how 99% of the players feel, right there. Hahahahaaha love it. So much death and missed hits. You were one away from killing that boss. One shot!!


New member
Sep 17, 2014
Holy shit, that was actually sort of funny. Man, leave it to someone running a video game twitter to actually make a good joke, I guess. The Sonic the Hedgehog twitter's been doing pretty well, why not Dark Souls?... I guess!


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Hello Dark Souls my old friend
You've to come kill me yet again
Because a zombie came creeping
And ate my arm while I was healing
And the dark sign that was planted in my brain still remains.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
spartandude said:
Hello Dark Souls my old friend
You've to come kill me yet again
Because a zombie came creeping
And ate my arm while I was healing
And the dark sign that was planted in my brain still remains.

You sir, deserve this:

OT: That was actually pretty funny. I wonder how Ben Affleck feels about these memes, lol.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
This meme is pathetic imo, its gonna get dated faster then Arrow to the Knee.

Now if wanted to take something funny in BvS regarding Affleck they should have used the whole Martha part.



Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Samtemdo8 said:
This meme is pathetic imo, its gonna get dated faster then Arrow to the Knee.

Now if wanted to take something funny in BvS regarding Affleck they should have used the whole Martha part.

I hope in the Civil War gag reel they make fun of this.

"What, your best friend's name is James too? Shit, we should really stop fighting."

OT: This is the first time I have watched Sad Affleck in full, that "I agree" at the end cracks me up.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
...is the gist here that players didn't enjoy Dark Souls?! 'cause the meme is that Ben is sad. Sad. SAAAADDDD. His thoughts are depressing. He's regretting decisions he's made. Equating Souls Players 'feels' for Dark Souls to depressed and regretting the time he spent on something(and showing Souls gameplay gives the impression his dark, depressing, regretful thoughts are about Dark Souls) Sad Ben Affleck would be like using the sad Keanu meme.

He's not sad because he's happy! He's sad because his sister was dying of cancer and his girlfriend/unborn child had both died!

But hey, what do I know about marketing?! Maybe comparing playing Dark Souls to your family dying horribly is genius. It was certainly about as much for me as identifying remains.

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
spartandude said:
Hello Dark Souls my old friend
You've to come kill me yet again
Because a zombie came creeping
And ate my arm while I was healing
And the dark sign that was planted in my brain still remains.
You deserve an internet cookie for this.

OT: Yea, I think that about sums it up for a lot of people remembering their first experience with the game.


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
I knew this image would come in handy!

RIP Ben Affleck's feelings :<

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
spartandude said:
Hello Dark Souls my old friend
You've to come kill me yet again
Because a zombie came creeping
And ate my arm while I was healing
And the dark sign that was planted in my brain still remains.

Okay, that was my belly laugh for the day. I needed that!


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Does somebody know if Ben Affleck is OK with having his image advertising the game?


Disciple of Trevor Philips
Jan 15, 2015
CaitSeith said:
Does somebody know if Ben Affleck is OK with having his image advertising the game?
Is this a serious question? I just can't fathom a reason as to why anyone should care if Ben is OK with it. The video is clearly satire, which falls under the umbrella of fair use. I suppose there's an argument against it if it can be shown that DS3 is profiting from this activity, but that's more something I'd expect to hear from an uptight member of the copyright cartel than a video game enthusiast. I find it hilarious, and it will appeal to any Souls fan because we recognize that the struggle is a big part of the fun.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
StreamerDarkly said:
CaitSeith said:
Does somebody know if Ben Affleck is OK with having his image advertising the game?
Is this a serious question? I just can't fathom a reason as to why anyone should care if Ben is OK with it. The video is clearly satire, which falls under the umbrella of fair use. I suppose there's an argument against it if it can be shown that DS3 is profiting from this activity, but that's more something I'd expect to hear from an uptight member of the copyright cartel than a video game enthusiast. I find it hilarious, and it will appeal to any Souls fan because we recognize that the struggle is a big part of the fun.
The twitter owners would care if he sues them. *shrugs* Celebrities sue all the time for having their images used without their permission (advertisement isn't protected by fair use). I just wanted to know if Ben was playing cool here.

Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
Fappy said:
spartandude said:
Hello Dark Souls my old friend
You've to come kill me yet again
Because a zombie came creeping
And ate my arm while I was healing
And the dark sign that was planted in my brain still remains.

You sir, deserve this:

OT: That was actually pretty funny. I wonder how Ben Affleck feels about these memes, lol.
He probably feels good that it's now overshadowing the meme that came out of his appearance on the Bill Maher show.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
CaitSeith said:
StreamerDarkly said:
CaitSeith said:
Does somebody know if Ben Affleck is OK with having his image advertising the game?
Is this a serious question? I just can't fathom a reason as to why anyone should care if Ben is OK with it. The video is clearly satire, which falls under the umbrella of fair use. I suppose there's an argument against it if it can be shown that DS3 is profiting from this activity, but that's more something I'd expect to hear from an uptight member of the copyright cartel than a video game enthusiast. I find it hilarious, and it will appeal to any Souls fan because we recognize that the struggle is a big part of the fun.
The twitter owners would care if he sues them. *shrugs* Celebrities sue all the time for having their images used without their permission (advertisement isn't protected by fair use). I just wanted to know if Ben was playing cool here.
Last time Ben threatened to sue someone it was PBS for revealing his ancestors were slave owners. That blew up in his face. Since then he's had a divorce likely caused by his cheating, a mid life crisis tattoo and now poor receptions of the movie he's in.

Frankly, Ben needs to chill. And as rich as he is, a lawsuit against a company connected to Namco Bandai or Twitter over a meme would not be the smartest move right now.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:

This is me.​

Not from dying over and over again in any of the Souls games. Oh no, this expression ... is when I tried to get the Knight's Honor [http://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Knight's+Honor+Achievement+Guide] Achievement for the first Dark Souls game. It really tested me as a fan of the series to see if I would eventually complete the task.

Took me forever to do. Afterwards, this was my face after getting it. Not satisfaction, no glory ... just sorrow my friends. This is how I felt after wasting three full days of grinding, entering NG+'s over and over, just to get certain items. All for a virtual achievement to place on mt Steam profile. Was it worth it? ........ As a die hard fan, yes. But in truth, it wasn't at all because it really was tedious as hell.

Every time I see this picture, this isn't a dank meme for me- it's a reminder of how I felt when trying to get 100% achievements cleared for Dark Souls. Was not a fun time let me tell you...

... and if Dark Souls III pulls off a similar achievement to Knight's Honor i'm going to piss blood, no joke.

Pfffft, Scrub.

That one was nothing compared to getting a Pure Bladestone in Demon's Souls to get the Master Slasher's Trophy to get it Platinume'd.

Took me a WHOLE DAMN WEEK of grinding that ONE ENEMY that dropes the freaking thing.

It took me 8 hours per day for a whole week. I wish the most cruel and harrowing things to happen to the one who programmed that droprate.

After that whole ordeal my soul and self is no more.

I long for the sweet sweet sweet release of death.


OT: That is one of the best things ever.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Evilsanta said:
Pfffft, Scrub.

That one was nothing compared to getting a Pure Bladestone in Demon's Souls to get the Master Slasher's Trophy to get it Platinume'd.

Took me a WHOLE DAMN WEEK of grinding that ONE ENEMY that dropes the freaking thing.

It took me 8 hours per day for a whole week. I wish the most cruel and harrowing things to happen to the one who programmed that droprate.

After that whole ordeal my soul and self is no more.

I long for the sweet sweet sweet release of death.


As someone who recently platinumed Demon's Souls, I can sympathize. Even with the LSOS and pure black world tendency, it still took me about 6 hours of poking those stupid katana skeletons with my pointy stick. I'm on my way to get all the achievements in all the Souls games (+ Bloodborne. I just need a few more in SOTFS and that'll be it until DS3 comes), and it's hands down the worst trophy to get because you're at the mercy of the RNG. Four Kings got you down in NG+? You can grind and over level yourself. Getting pure bladestone? Sacrifice a few virgin goats to Miyazaki in hopes the drop rate is kind.

Caramel Frappe said:
... and if Dark Souls III pulls off a similar achievement to Knight's Honor i'm going to piss blood, no joke.
Most of the games have. In fact, in Demon's Souls, if you don't exploit an item multiplier glitch, you need to do most of NG+++ to get enough boss souls to convert into weapons, spells, and miracles. It's maddening.
(forgive me if you already knew)

OT: This is my new favourite thing.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:

This is me.​

Not from dying over and over again in any of the Souls games. Oh no, this expression ... is when I tried to get the Knight's Honor [http://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Knight's+Honor+Achievement+Guide] Achievement for the first Dark Souls game. It really tested me as a fan of the series to see if I would eventually complete the task.

Took me forever to do. Afterwards, this was my face after getting it. Not satisfaction, no glory ... just sorrow my friends. This is how I felt after wasting three full days of grinding, entering NG+'s over and over, just to get certain items. All for a virtual achievement to place on mt Steam profile. Was it worth it? ........ As a die hard fan, yes. But in truth, it wasn't at all because it really was tedious as hell.

Every time I see this picture, this isn't a dank meme for me- it's a reminder of how I felt when trying to get 100% achievements cleared for Dark Souls. Was not a fun time let me tell you...

... and if Dark Souls III pulls off a similar achievement to Knight's Honor i'm going to piss blood, no joke.
I tried for that but lost my save when only need to kill Sif one more time. The scars run deep, man.