Dark Souls Director Solves Pendant Mystery


New member
Apr 11, 2012
poiumty said:
Bit late on the uptake there, Escapist. If I knew this was of interest I'd have sent you the news story yesterday or 2 days ago.

The pendant thing wasn't going anywhere really. It's funny how people have investigated that with the thoroughness of a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. For those interested, scroll down to "speculation": http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/Pendant
It reminds me of the quest in Borderlands, towards the start, where you collect audio logs for Dr. Tannis and you hear go absolutely bat buggeringly insane.

Imagine if there were another update...
"Update 12: I feel I am on to something. I have allied myself with plAYFreaKK46Xx. We ventured deep into blight town for answers. I feel plAY has turned on me. I have not slept in 3 days. He is plotting something, I know it, but I need his help if I am to find the true meaning of the Pendant. I have to kill him soon..."

OT: Called it! Picked the Pendant for one character that I abandoned in the woods in favour of my skeleton key character